Chapter 205
Speaking of this, she suddenly showed a very disproportionate expression, and smiled strangely, "To be honest, I am a person who prefers to follow the rules, and I disapprove of a man having two wives the most. Fortunately, Da Xia The law governs this very strictly, and will not let those concubines who were originally concubines want to turn into the main wife in a whimsical way. Naturally, many unnecessary fights will be reduced. So letting me quit is the best way, no Trouble others, and don't violate Da Xia's laws."

Jiuya mentioned the prince's order again, and Aunt Xiao suddenly remembered that the matter was still going on. She wanted to agree to divorce her immediately, but she had to stop.However, the words that Jiuya said later were more uncomfortable than slapping her face twice. This was a sarcasm, and it was clearly saying that she was whimsical.The air in her stomach had nine bends and eighteen bends, and it got stuck there immediately, and she couldn't make a sound for a long time.

Hearing Jiuya's words, Ruoqin was secretly delighted, she never thought that this woman would be so sensible, she was also extremely stupid, to ask for a divorce letter automatically, her aunt was very eager, she should agree immediately.But when she looked towards Aunt Xiao, she saw that her face turned green and she didn't say a word, she just felt strange and anxious, why didn't she agree?
And An Pinghou, who had been staring at Jiu Ya, suddenly said, "My daughter-in-law Yu's proposal is not bad. The emperor has everything he needs to do, how can he care about such trivial matters as making people marry a common wife? Besides, this is also inconsistent with the law. If she asks for divorce on her own initiative, I believe that Song Tingda will not have any objections, and the prince will not have anything to say. It can be said that Yuer's daughter-in-law is quite reasonable. For the sake of Yuer, she would rather destroy herself. This kind of morality is really rare. I It is admirable."

Seeing that Lord Hou agreed, Xiao Ruoqin was so happy that she even forgot to cry, and looked at Jiuya with a hint of complacency in her eyes.For a moment, I just felt that this pretty little girl was so pitiful. If she was divorced, her fate would often be miserable. She should be ready to go to the temple for the rest of her life.

Aunt Xiao hesitated. The crown prince ordered to marry the daughter of the Song family, as if he was afraid that the king of Qi would marry her. Now that Song Jiuya has married, will the king of Qi marry her?Probably not. If that's the case, it might be possible to follow her proposal.It's just that Mrs. Song's mouth is vicious, and she still has to scold herself in the end, and she still can't find out what she said to scold her back. She is really depressed.

Jiuya was not annoyed when Master Hou said this, and said modestly: "Thank you for your compliment, my wife is such a solid-hearted person who only thinks of others, so she is liked by honest-minded people wherever she goes. At this time, if this matter can be fulfilled, the daughter-in-law will not hesitate to be smashed to pieces."

I don't know how other people feel about this expression of heart, but she is about to spit it out anyway.

An Pinghou looked at her with an unpredictable expression, cold and deep, it seemed that it was difficult for anyone to guess any thoughts from his eyes.

Just when Jiuya finished speaking, the old lady brought Chunmei over.As soon as Chunmei saw Aunt Xiao and Jiuya were there, she immediately fell to the ground with a thump in fright.Although the pain in his body was extremely painful, he didn't dare to show it, fearing that it would make people more angry.

"Daughter-in-law Yu, look at the good girl you taught, what good things have you done today?" The old lady said in a deep voice as she entered the door.

Jiuya was throwing up by herself, when Chunmei and the old lady suddenly appeared and brought her back to her senses, she said inexplicably, "Grandma, what good did Chunmei do today?"

"Let this lowly servant girl speak for herself!" the old lady shouted.

Chunmei shrank her body and said in a trembling voice: "Young Mistress originally asked the servant to help the young master go back, but the young master said that he would accompany the son and the second master for a while and told the servant to go first. So the servant was going back to Chunhua Courtyard. Unexpectedly, just halfway to the road, a drunken man rushed out and forced the servant to the Meixiang Courtyard, and as a result, the servant someone..."

In order to express her innocence and grievance, she looked like she was holding back crying but didn't dare to cry, so pitiful.

Aunt Xiao raised her eyebrows, "Where is such a drunken person in this mansion, who dares to force the girl to do such a mess? Tell me, who is this person?"

Chunmei was so aggrieved that she gritted her teeth, she didn't even want to mention that person's name. That villain was the one who ruined her dreams. If she could do it all over again, she would rather not have been to that room, then she She is still innocent, and there will be no gap between her and my son-in-law that can never be crossed.

She didn't say anything, but Jiuya wanted to ask, and said softly: "Chunmei, who is this person, tell me, you are usually the most effective by my side, if something like this happens, I will naturally seek justice for you , won’t let you be insulted in vain.”

Hearing her persuasion, Chunmei burst into tears, not because of remorse, but because of her own infatuation, which has now turned to nothing.

At this time, the old lady looked at Aunt Xiao with some weird eyes, coughed and said, "This man, I'm afraid you won't believe me when I tell you."

Aunt Xiao's heart tightened, "Who is it?"

"It's Changting." The old lady said lightly.

Aunt Xiao was stunned, "How could it be him? Isn't he not a womanizer except his wife?"

This kind of words poured into Chunmei's ears, she just felt it was a big irony, not feminine?Then what she said in my ear at that time still rings in my ears, isn't that something unfeminine?He was so energetic that he just had to eat himself in. How could there be such an unfeminine person in the world?

Jiuya was really surprised now, and said in a broken voice, "Second Brother? How could Second Brother be this kind of person? It's not like that."

An Pinghou was also moved, "Changting? He also did this?"

The old lady sighed and said: "Although I don't believe it, it's also true. Forget it, he hasn't had a girl in the house for so many years. If he can see this girl, Yu's daughter-in-law, grandma begs If you don’t love her, let this girl be rewarded in Changting’s house. In the past few years, Changting’s daughter-in-law has had nothing to do, maybe this girl is very lucky, and she will be able to add another person to Changting’s house as soon as she comes?”

Chunmei's face was pale, but Jiuya was helpless, she knelt down and persuaded her softly, "Since the incident has happened, Chunmei, just accept your fate. Anyway, women will inevitably get married, so we should go to the second master's house now." In Li, the second master is a long-term lover, and he doesn't talk much. The second grandma is also very kind, and she won't treat you badly. When you turn back, you will pack up your things and ask someone to take you there. "

(End of this chapter)

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