Chapter 208
Zhao San, who had been tearing up the fight over there, had his scalp pulled for a long time, and his head became clearer a lot.Hearing the words of Aunt Mingyao and the third lady, Fang knew that it wasn't the third grandmother who was talking to him just now, and immediately shouted: "Just now there was a woman sitting in the tub waiting for me, and as soon as I undressed, she Hugging me for a kiss is obviously a matter of mutual consent, why do you say that I raped her? Even if you report to the official, you can only count us as an adulterer, if you want to die together, I am not afraid!"

Aunt Xiao winked, and quickly asked the women to shut Zhao San's mouth. Ruoqin had been rescued at this time, and she was holding her throat and coughing non-stop.

When Aunt Mingyao heard such shocking news, how could she not take it out and say it carefully, "Ah, Zhao San said that the woman was waiting for him in the bathtub, and she took the initiative to hug him and kiss him, ouch, what's the matter? , it turns out that Miss Ruoqin was not forced to come in, but waited here first. Let me say, Mrs. Xiao, what does your niece want to do sitting in someone else's bathtub?"

She asked such obvious words on Aunt Xiao's face like an unreasonable one, Aunt Xiao's face twitched, wishing she could sew her mouth shut.

But even though Aunt Mingyao lived under the fence, she was not afraid of people retaliating against her. She clapped her hands suddenly and said, "Oh, I understand. Didn't you say that Yu'er-in-law and Yu'er are going to consummate their marriage tonight? But Yu'er-in-law was arrested Xueqing took her to Yuyan's side, but Yu'er didn't know it, so she would naturally come back here and wait. Because after drinking, she touched a woman in the tub and thought it was her own. Daughter-in-law, then a good deed will be achieved. But who knows that people are not as good as heaven, Yu'er passed out drunk in the prince's room, and did not come, but asked Zhao San to take advantage of the loopholes. This girl who pretends to be Yu's wife and is waiting It's just like this. Ouch, how wronged and pitiful, why is this Zhao San so ignorant of good and bad, and got in at this time?"

"Yeah, why did Zhao San suddenly come to my yard?" Jiuya, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened her mouth. She smiled like a fox catching food and walked slowly to be held by four women. In front of Zhao San who kept his mouth shut, he said with a smile: "Zhao San, can you tell everyone, what is wrong with you, dare to enter my yard? Are you being instigated by others, or are you daring to commit crimes?"

In order to disperse the strange smell on Zhao San, the window has been opened at this time.A gust of night wind blows, gently blowing Jiuya's soft forehead hair up, reflecting the night background, making her complexion more lively and beautiful, her existence has clearly shaken the noise of this clean room full of people's voices. Embellished into a magnificent beauty, Zhao San, whose mouth was covered at this time, was fascinated by it.

Jiuya was not annoyed when she looked at Zhao San who was so excited, she just looked at the women and said, "I have something to ask him now, should I also shut his mouth?"

The women didn't dare to make their own claims, so they looked at Aunt Xiao, and Jiu Ya didn't wait for Aunt Xiao to react, she looked sideways at Mama Chen, and said with a smile: "If he is not allowed to speak, he may have to bear the burden of injustice. It's a small time to be sent to an official position, and I'm afraid there is still life in danger, Mama Chen doesn't want to see Zhao San die, does she?"

Which mother is willing to watch her son die, Chen Ma immediately went to ask the old lady, who had been thinking about the key point, and was very curious about how Zhao San would have the courage to break into the clean room of Chunhua Courtyard, and at the same time , His purpose is obvious, which is to target Yu'er's wife, how did he know that Yu'er is not there?

Immediately, he said to Aunt Xiao in a deep voice: "There are many doubts about this matter, you must let him explain it clearly, maybe there is really someone playing tricks behind this, and now that Ruoqin is in such a difficult situation, you must find out who made the bad idea. people."

Aunt Xiao also felt that this matter was very strange, she actually wanted to know why Zhao San was in the clean room more than anyone else, as long as Zhao San stopped talking nonsense that Ruoqin was waiting in the clean room, she would naturally let Zhao San speak up.Quickly said: "Zhao San, young mistress asks you a question, you just answer it, if you talk nonsense, you will never forgive me, do you understand?"

When Zhao San saw Jiu Ya come to ask, how could he not agree to the beauty who was so close at hand?If he utters obscenities again, won't it pollute the ears of the beauty?He nodded immediately, and the women let him go.

Jiu Ya smiled and asked: "Zhao San, let me ask you, did you come to this clean room yourself, or did someone instigate you to come?"

Zhao San stared straight at Jiu Ya, swallowed, "I, Zhao San, don't know how to wink anymore, and I don't have the guts to come to the third master's yard. Naturally, someone told me that the third master was originally I made an appointment with the young mistress to clean up the house, but the third master went to another place, and the third mistress didn't know, and said... that the servants of Chunhua Courtyard have gone to sleep now, so keep it loose, if I pretend to be the third If you look like a master, you can be with the young mistress in the clean room..."

At this point, he didn't continue. Aunt Mingyao covered her mouth and laughed, "Zhao San, Zhao San, you are really obsessed with ghosts, and you dare to fight such a dirty idea? It's all right now, and you actually fell asleep like that." Miss Qin, just wait to be skinned."

Zhao San also really regretted it. If he had known it was not the young mistress, he would not have come, because other women died, and they felt wronged when they died.Thinking of this, she couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Ruoqin, but Ruoqin was sitting on the ground with her body hugged in a daze, motionless.

Jiu Ya would not let Aunt Mingyao divert the conversation, and asked again: "Okay, since someone told you that the third master did not return to the clean room, then tell me, who is the person who instigated you to come? So the brave dare to come here?"

Zhao San took a peek at her, "That man gave me a bag of money, saying that he could receive the beauty's favor and get the money, why didn't he go? I took the money and drank too much wine, naturally there is nothing I dare not .”

As he spoke, he crawled to the side and picked up the robe he had thrown on the ground, took out a heavy purse from his pocket, and handed it to Jiu Ya in a whisper, "This is the money that man gave me." .”

Jiu Ya weighed the silver, it seemed quite a lot, it was estimated to be four to fifty taels of silver, Zhao San was so well-behaved at the moment, it was a little unexpected to her.He smiled, and asked again: "Then who is the person who instigated you to come? You haven't said yet."

Zhao San raised his eyes and glanced around, but didn't see the person he wanted to identify, shivering and said: "Who else can it be, naturally it's from the mansion..."

(End of this chapter)

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