marry a noble wife

Chapter 209 Instigate

Chapter 209 Instigate (1)
And just as he was about to finish speaking, before Jiuya could react, someone suddenly yelled "Be careful" and hit her hard on the ground. The back of her head hit the ground hard, and she felt her eyes darken , Venus shoots straight.

But there were bursts of screams in the room, footsteps and people's voices were extremely chaotic, and Mama Chen's crying was the most worrying, "Zhao San...Zhao San...don't die...don't die..."

When she heard that Zhao San was dead, Jiuya shook her head and tried to get up, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a person covering her, it was Fu Qingyan.He propped his arms on the ground, covering Jiuya tightly with his body, but he didn't touch her any more, he just propped it up straight.His eyes were warm, like the warm sun in spring, he fixedly looked at her, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any injury?"

Jiuya really didn't understand what happened, she just shook her head and pushed him away.However, Fu Qingyan loosened his arms, sat up and hugged his left arm immediately with a look of pain on his face.Jiuya felt that something was wrong, and took his hand away, and saw a blue needle firmly inserted into his arm through the robe.She immediately took out a veil swiftly and pulled the poison off his arm.Fu Qingyan was not idle either, he tapped his fingers to seal the acupuncture points all over his body to prevent the poisonous gas from spreading too quickly.

At this time, the old lady and Aunt Xiao who had already withdrawn also found that Fu Qingyan was injured, and they exclaimed and cried. They had seen it before. Those who are poisoned must die. Is Fu Qingyan also going to die?There was a panic.

But Jiuya couldn't be messed up. She had already taken out a small porcelain bottle, which contained the antidote specially developed by her for the blue needle. up.She asked Fu Qingyan to take a pill, and then went to see Zhao San. Zhao San got two needles in the throat, almost dead at the moment of getting the needles, and there was no way to save him.

She sighed, another life was lost, and the person who gave the needle, judging from Fu Qingyan's injury, had already plotted to kill her.The injection just now was clearly to seal her throat. If Fu Qingyan hadn't bumped into her and received the injection on her behalf, she would be a dead person now.

She felt that she was getting closer and closer to the truth, so close that it was impossible to hide, so she had to kill her, and she no longer cared about her use value, she had to die to be reconciled.

Fu Qingyan was injured, but she wouldn't die. This happened to be a good opportunity for Aunt Xiao to step down. She was so aggressive with Jiuya before and insisted on forcing her to leave herself, so that her niece could enter the Chunhua Courtyard in a fair manner.As a result, the development of the matter exposed her selfishness to the full, and her niece was ruined instead. Now even if she wanted to trouble Zhao San, it was no longer possible, because even Zhao San, the source of trouble, was dead, what would her niece do in the future?How would she explain to her brother?
Just because she couldn't face Jiuya's mocking eyes for a while, she left Chunhua Courtyard in embarrassment under the pretext of sending Fu Qingyan away to find an imperial doctor, while Ruoqin was helped away by two women.Zhao San's body was taken away by Mrs. Chen, and even the old lady took the opportunity to slip away. In the end, under the sigh of the third lady and the cynicism of Aunt Mingyao, they all dispersed, leaving Chunhua Courtyard alone to clean up clean room.

Jiuya asked a few maids to help Chunmei back to the front. Everyone in the room knew what happened to Chunmei, but no one expressed sympathy, and they all congratulated her there.Xiucai said sincerely: "Chunmei, I really didn't expect that the second master who is the most affectionate would want you. The young lady said that you can go to the second master's house tomorrow. This is great. There is no one in the second master's house. If you If you are able to conceive, you can raise an aunt, mother is more expensive than a child, good days are still waiting for you."

Chunmei gave her a gloomy look, her smile was uglier than crying, "But Sister Xiucai, I don't want to leave you."

Xiucai smiled and said, "Will you let me go if you don't leave Second Master? If Second Master is not interested in you, he won't pull you away. Don't think too much. It's a good rest tonight. We will send you off tomorrow morning." You go."

Mother Pei also smiled and said, "This is a good thing. Why is Chunmei so sad? It's all right, go to bed, you have to get up early tomorrow."

So the people here also dispersed.

After Jiu Ya washed up in the room, the room without Fu Yu felt empty, and she didn't feel sleepy at all, not to mention that someone really tried to kill her, so she was a little nervous, so she took Gui Mao from the dog room In the closed room, Mama Bear followed and seemed to know what she meant, so she moved a quilt and laid it on the couch to keep her company.

"Young Mistress, I didn't expect that you ordered no one to guard the garden today, and there would be such a big trouble. Did the Young Mistress and the Young Master arrange it in advance?" Although Mama Xiong didn't say anything, she still had a pair of worldly eyes. She also saw the key point.

Jiuya smiled, "Sister-in-law and I just let the wind go, and then all kinds of strange things came out. We didn't arrange these things, but some people with ulterior motives deliberately came here, and I couldn't help it."

Mama Xiong said again: "But about Chunmei..."

Jiu Ya yawned and stopped her, "It's her luck, it's not bad to meet the second master."

If Mother Bear realizes something, she will stop talking and sleep with her eyes closed.

In the Ruanxiang courtyard, Wen Caihe, who had been unconscious for most of the night, woke up early the next morning.What happened last night was still vivid in her mind, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.It's not because Fu Changting slept with another woman, but because Fu Changting actually exposed his image that he had maintained for so many years to everyone because of that Chunmei. Could it be that Chunmei really made him want to stop?
When she came out of the flower hall last night, she had already seen that Chunmei was looking at Fu Yu with wrong eyes, so she asked people to follow Chunmei, only to find that Chunmei shyly whispered a word into Fu Yu's ear, and then entered Meixiang's house. Courtyard, undressed and waited there.How could she not see Chunmei's tricks?Naturally, Chunmei changed the place where Fu Yu and Song Jiuya consummated the house, taking advantage of Fu Yu's drunkenness and confusion, while Chunmei jumped on the bed by herself and waited, what a bold girl.

Seeing her plan, she would not say anything, so she asked people to wait near the Meixiang Courtyard. When she saw Fu Yu in the cape entering the Meixiang Courtyard, she called Zhao San, who was so drunk that he could hardly walk steadily. Come here and give him money to enter the clean room of Chunhua Courtyard, so that he, the pervert who has been coveting Song Jiuya, can have a taste of his long-cherished wish.Now she doesn't know how Zhao San played last night, but she really doesn't understand how that Fu Yu in the cloak became his husband?What the hell?

(End of this chapter)

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