marry a noble wife

Chapter 211 Instigate

Chapter 211 Instigate (4)
At this time, Jiu Ya saw the third wife coming from a distance, so she took two steps back and shouted loudly: "It's so early, third aunt, you came just when my niece and daughter-in-law were about to enter."

The third wife was very satisfied with what happened last night, so she smiled all the way and said: "Yu's daughter-in-law is also early, did you sleep well last night?"

Jiuya smiled and nodded, "There is a dead person behind the house, how can you sleep peacefully?"

The third lady approached, "Poor thing, this really happened out of place."

The two walked towards Rongfu Hall while talking, Jiuya suddenly asked with a smile: "I wonder if Xueqing told her?"

The third lady was startled, and suddenly remembered that Xueqing might have been lured by Xiao Shi to participate in what happened last night, so she said embarrassingly: "That girl is ignorant, so don't blame her. You took it seriously when you talked about a good marriage, but now you don’t treat me like a mother,’s really a big girl who doesn’t want to stay."

Jiuya smiled nonchalantly: "Could it be that Xueqing has someone in her heart? If she doesn't have a goal, she won't be tempted no matter what others say, right?"

The third lady smiled awkwardly, as if she remembered something, she lowered her voice as she walked, "I heard that your fifth sister is married to Prince Jin's son?"

Jiuya's eyebrows twitched, "There is such a thing."

The third lady opened her eyebrows with a smile, "Why don't you invite their young couple to come over to play in the mansion someday?"

At this time, Jiu Ya already had an idea in her heart. It turned out that Xueqing had taken a fancy to the effeminate and handsome son of Prince Jin, no wonder she obeyed Aunt Xiao's order, and it was not because of Aunt Xiao and the Crown Prince's family. To build a relationship, and the son of Prince Jin has close contacts with the Prince's Mansion?

This Xueqing is really powerful, she actually likes that pervert Tuobaye?
She smiled slightly and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time. It's because the mansion has not been peaceful and it's not easy to call some relatives over."

The third wife was overjoyed, "It's the New Year's Eve, and there will be nothing more to do. My niece and daughter-in-law can call all the relatives over to play."

Before they reached the door, they saw the old lady and Aunt Xiao had come out, the old lady said: "Qingyan was poisoned last night, let's go and have a look now."

The third lady hurried over to help the old lady, "Of course it should be, I wonder if the poison last night has been cured?"

Aunt Xiao glanced at Jiu Ya, "Yesterday, Yu's daughter-in-law gave medicine to alleviate the poison, and asked the prince to invite Hong Yu doctor from the palace overnight, saying that the poison has been completely cured, but it is always worrying. Still have to go and see."

Seeing them leaving first, Jiu Ya frowned, didn't she tell her to take care of the accounts after the fifteenth?Why did you leave without mentioning it?Do you think that if this is the case, she will compromise and not mention it?How is it possible? If you don't mention it, how will you get back your husband's property in the future?
At the moment, he followed them leisurely, just in time to see how Fu Yu was sleeping there.

When they arrived at Nantianju, some girls and women welcomed the old lady in. Fu Qingyan sat on a soft couch with gauze wrapped around his arms.Presumably, just to be on the safe side, all the flesh near the injured area was cleaned up yesterday, and his face was still pale.

The old lady came in and asked him if he was still feeling unwell, Fu Qingyan got up and offered to sit down, "It's all right, actually, there's no need to bother grandma to come and see it early in the morning."

"How can I do that? You are the eldest grandson of our Houfu, if something happens, how can I explain it to my ancestors?" The old lady sat down.

Sitting next to her, Aunt Xiao said neither serious nor serious: "Qingyan, don't belittle your life so much in the future. Your life is not yours alone. It is related to the rise and fall of the entire Houfu. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Houfu. Humans, even for the sake of brotherhood, this one time is enough, don't do it again next time."

Fu Qingyan took a look at Jiu Ya, feeling very embarrassed, and whispered: "Auntie, what are you talking about?"

Aunt Xiao snorted, and wanted to say more, but Jiuya didn't want to listen to strange words that were hard to hear, so she asked, "Brother, where does my husband sleep?"

Fu Qingyan pointed to the wing room next door, "I'm still awake."

"Then I'll go in and have a look."

After she quit, she went straight into the wing room. As expected, Fu Yu was still lying on the bed comfortably under the quilt, with his eyes closed, and his facial features were as bright as jade.Sitting on the edge of his bed, she couldn't help touching his cold cheeks, and sighed infinitely in her heart, such a pitiful person, who would have the heart to poison him and want him to fall into a deep sleep?
"I heard that the Chunhua courtyard was very lively last night, but unfortunately I couldn't witness it." The idle Jackdaw came out from nowhere and sat by the table and said.

Jiuya gave him a blank look, "What's so good about those dirty things? Your urgent task is to look after Mr. Xiang."

Han Ziya curled his lips, and said in a low voice: "The young master was very safe last night, but he put you in danger. If I hadn't called the son over temporarily, something serious would have happened. So don't be complacent today, young master later When you wake up, you will have good fruit to eat."

Jiu Ya couldn't help touching her butt secretly, she was beaten by him last time, this time he won't do the same trick again.Indeed, when arranging the big drama last night, Fu Yu repeatedly wanted to find two safe people to escort her secretly, but she repeatedly objected.If some vigilant people find that she is on guard, how can they act according to her script?How could they make their debut one after another?

When it came out last night, it can be said that the big fish, the small fish, and the small shrimps were caught in a net. Aunt Xiao, Ruoqin, and Chunmei were considered small fishes, and at the same time, the old lady's cooperation with them was also considered small fishes.Xiao Xiami is Xueqing and Zhao San.And the big fish, of course, was Fu Changting, whom she couldn't believe no matter what, this was a big fish that made people want to break their heads and would never think of him.

As for the person who instigated Zhao San, although Zhao San died, the dead man also left quite obvious evidence.First, at that time, his gaze was obviously looking for the person who should appear on that occasion in the crowd, but he couldn't find that person, so the absent person was easy to guess.Second, the purse, Mama Xiong said that the lotus embroidered on it looks familiar to her, and she went out quietly today to check it out. If there is no accident, the result will be available in a while, and she will know exactly who the instigator is.

At the same time, it is also confirmed that if Big Yu is Fu Changting, if he asked Aunt Ke to frame him, and made Fu Yu and Fu Qingyan turn against each other, and if he was the one who ordered Yang to kill Brother Xuan, then it is obvious that his purpose is that. The position of the son of the world.Also, then he is not the one who injected the poisonous needle, because last night, he was always concerned about getting a good sleep.It is impossible for a person who has slept a lot to get up and kill with such dexterity.

(End of this chapter)

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