marry a noble wife

Chapter 212 Instigate

Chapter 212 Instigate (5)
But if it wasn't for him, the person who gave the poisonous injection could still be counted as the person who instigated Aunt Ke to harm her, and his purpose is really confusing.

She sat with Han Ziyao and waited for a while, Fu Yu finally woke up, and when Han Ziyaw told the whole truth about last night, his face really got very long.

When he came out, the old lady had already left, and several people walked back to Chunhua Courtyard silently. Fu Yu was the first to enter the room and said: "From tomorrow, you will move to another courtyard for me."

Jiu Ya looked at Yu Die and Han Zi Ya embarrassedly, Yu Die knew her eyes, and immediately said that she wanted to serve dinner, and then retreated.Han Ziya didn't know what was going on, and just stood there gleefully smiling, "I agree with all my hands, every move of the young mistress is too dangerous, I'm afraid something will happen if I don't pay attention one day, I can't bear it for Xiaomin. "

Jiuya gave him a bitter look, and while smiling at Fu Yu, she poured tea for him: "Master, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and the plan should continue. Now we just wait for our serial plan to come out, maybe everything will happen." Will the truth come to light?"

Fu Yu glanced at her, "What about your safety?"

Jiuya swears to the sky and swears, "This is naturally left to the arrangement of my husband, even if my husband wants to put a row of people behind me this time, I have absolutely no objection."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Han Ziya chuckled muffledly, the young master really had the foresight to snatch such a treasure.If she has a sister who is like this, she can coax her to try.

This time he didn't play tricks again, leaving space for the young couple, and went straight out the door.

When I arrived at the door, I saw Yudie coming with food, and said with a serious face, "Why are you going?"

When Yudie saw him, she lost her eyes. She remembered that when she woke up on the night of the New Year's Eve, she was stripped of her obscene clothes. When she asked the young lady, she realized that this man helped her into the house, and it was clearly occupied by him. Cheap.But she was a girl, so she didn't dare to speak out, so she could only eat coptis in a dumb way, and swallowed it in her stomach when she felt bitter.So every time she saw him, she had an urge to scold him, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that I was carrying food to send to my uncle?"

Han Ziyao rolled his eyes and stretched out his arms to stop him, "Do you have eyes? The young master is in a bad mood today, and now he might be spanking young mistress again. Once you go in, will you also be spanked by the young master?"

Yudie choked for a moment, but unwilling to let him gain the upper hand, she suddenly stepped on the instep of his foot, "You are wicked, you want the young lady to be beaten by the uncle all day long, curse you for giving birth to a son without piss."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and took the food and ran away. Han Ziya hugged his feet and jumped up, cursing inwardly, thinking that the handsome and suave Mr. Han who had never been shriveled in front of women was actually stepped on by a little girl. In the ears of his colleagues, does he still have face?Immediately vowed to get this little pepper, and then watched her beg him to like her like other women who were coaxed around by him.

In the wing room, Jiuya's repeated flattery finally paid off, but Fu Yu still had a dark face, "Since what you wished, Chunmei showed signs and asked you to clean it up, but why did you send him to the second brother?" there?"

Jiuya smiled, "Since I caught a big fish like your second brother, why can't I check him out? Up to now, I believe that Chunmei didn't think it was set by me, but that she set me up, so There is always a little guilt in my heart, so if I usually call her over for tea or something, it is always okay. In this way, from her words, I can always see what kind of person Fu Changting is Are you coming?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "I don't quite agree with you using her. If the second brother really has a problem, I'm afraid he will use Chunmei to restrain you in turn. What's more, the words and deeds of the second brother last night have completely changed my view of him."

Only then did Jiuya remember to ask, "What did he say and do last night? How did you let him enter Meixiangyuan and give Chunmei to him?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "I don't quite agree with you using her. If the second brother really has a problem, I'm afraid he will use Chunmei to restrain you in turn. What's more, the words and deeds of the second brother last night have completely changed my view of him."

Fu Yu took a sip of tea and said, "Last night, my eldest brother and my second brother drank a lot of wine. After chatting in the garden for a while, Chunmei came to tell me that you had changed the location from the clean room to the Meixiang Courtyard. I pretended not to care, but I knew that Chunmei thought she spoke in a low voice, but with the hearing of the eldest brother and the second brother, she definitely heard it clearly. At that time, the eldest brother was almost drunk. Did I go or not, I don’t know. However, the second brother immediately asked someone to bring the wine, and then poured me and the eldest brother. After a while, seeing that we finally fell down, he pretended that he was cold, so he took off my cloak He staggered away and ordered Jackdaw to send me and my elder brother back. It is estimated that during this time, he deliberately pretended to be my walking posture, so that Chunmei mistook me for me, so he fell into the trap."

He stroked Jiuya's hair and sighed, "I never thought that my second brother would have such thoughts. He kept quiet and wanted to do that nasty thing to you. I guess his plan is to destroy you first." , and then carried my elder brother there, which completely turned my elder brother and I against each other. In the end, there was an accident when he went to Chunmei's side. First, he had been there for too long. Second, he I didn't expect that someone would catch the rape. And the person who caught the rape, I thought about it just now, was someone who knew Chunmei's plan, and at the same time thought it was me who went there. So, that Zhao San, maybe it was He instigated him to clean the room, this person's thoughts are really open to question."

Jiuya nodded and said: "If you analyze your second brother's mind thoroughly, then I will be more sure that he is the one who made Qiaowei pregnant, and he also asked Aunt Ke to harm me, but Aunt Ke And dare not testify against him. There is also Yang's matter, although he did not show up, he must be involved."

She raised her head and said: "Master, if he did all these things, is it possible that your poison was also poisoned by him?"

Fu Yu frowned, "If it is confirmed that he did these things, my poison will naturally have something to do with him."

"Has Mr. Xiang thought about how to force him to give the antidote?"

(End of this chapter)

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