marry a noble wife

Chapter 214 Handling

Chapter 214 Handling (2)
Ruoqin raised her eyes, but still couldn't believe it, "Really?"

Aunt Xiao nodded solemnly, "Believe in me, I will definitely make you Yu'er's person, as long as you do what I say, you will definitely succeed."

Ruoqin finally regained her energy, sat up and asked, "What does my aunt want me to do?"

"Auntie is going to invite an expert to come outside, as long as you..." Aunt Xiao was about to continue, when someone reported outside: "Auntie, the third grandma is here."

Aunt Xiao paused, "Okay, I'll come right away."

Then she turned her head and said to Ruoqin: "I'll tell you later, no matter what, get up first and go see this third grandma right away."

Ruoqin flinched in fright, "Auntie, how can I have the face to see her?"

Aunt Xiao gave her an angry look, "Could it be that my aunt will harm you? Just get up and go to see her, and show yourself a little more pathetic and pitiful, what else can she do to you? At most, you can take advantage of your mouth, and you just don't care about it." From today onwards, I have to watch her carefully, her words and demeanor are perfect, I guarantee it will be good for you. My aunt also used this method before, no matter how infatuated she is, she will not be able to stand it. "

She got up as she spoke, and Ruoqin stayed for a while, then got up to wash up as she was told, and then came to the small hall.

In the small hall, Jiuya is playing with Turtle Mao. Turtle Mao seems to know that its teeth and claws are poisonous, but it keeps rubbing against the back of Jiuya's hand with the fluff on its neck. Whenever Jiuya's hand is removed, it whines With a whimper, he stretched himself up to touch his neck, scratching Jiuya's tickle, and couldn't help pushing it and laughing.

Aunt Xiao entered the door to see her having so much fun with a dog, curled her lips secretly, and said softly, "What's the matter with daughter-in-law Yu?"

Only then did Jiuya put the tortoise on the ground, stood up and said neither humble nor overbearing: "What else could be the matter? Just now Liu Bainian came over to urge me and asked me if I followed my father's order to manage the accounts today. Auntie, look, I wanted to evade A few days, a few days of relaxation, but my father rushed to the face, I had to come here quickly, look at this..."

Aunt Xiao gritted her teeth secretly, but there was a hint of a smile on her face, "Look at my memory, I forget about it after a while. In fact, this account is managed by Manager Zhao. Today he will go back to his hometown to deal with Zhao San The funeral is not in the mansion, it seems that this matter will have to be postponed for a few days."

Jiuya looked very understanding, "Oh, that's right, there's nothing to do about it. But in this mansion, there shouldn't be an accountant in charge who doesn't spend or keep accounts, right? Let me see first. It’s also okay to look at the daily accounts, anyway, I’ve never been in touch with it before, so it would be good if I could read it slowly from the shallower to the deeper.”

When Aunt Xiao heard her say that she had never met before, she felt a little relieved.What's more, I have already sent people to the Song family to find out that the head mother of the Song family did not train a few daughters to take charge of common affairs, and she is usually very delicate. She probably won't be able to understand this account for a while.

So he pretended to be generous and said: "Since Yu'er-in-law is so willing to make progress with humility, then after a while, Auntie will have someone take you to the account."

Finally let her relax her vigilance and no longer push back, Jiuya agreed with a smile.Then he changed the subject and said: "Actually, if Miss Ruoqin was really ruined by my husband-in-law, I should go to the temple today, but I didn't expect things to change in an instant. Unfortunately, Miss Ruoqin is now ruined." After clearing his innocence, Zhao San was killed again, how will he live in the future, won't he also go to the temple to accompany the ancient Buddha's green lamp like me?"

Aunt Xiao suppressed her anger and pretended to be calm, and said lightly: "Luckily, Xueqing called you away yesterday, otherwise, this would have ruined your innocence, but you. So, you have to forgive others, Now that Ruoqin is in such a difficult situation, daughter-in-law Yu should be sympathetic to her, and shouldn't continue to add insult to injury here, right?"

Jiuya really admires her. After doing such a thing, she forced herself like that last night, and now she can be so calm and calm to ask her to forgive others. It is really killing others, yes I am tolerant myself, do I treat everyone as a fool?
She pretended to be surprised and said: "Ah, doesn't the aunt mean to let her go to the temple, or marry someone? Even if her innocence is ruined, who would dare to ask for it?"

Aunt Xiao was furious, her eyes widened, she was about to do something, she suddenly thought of her plan, swallowed her anger forcefully, twitched the corner of her mouth and said: "Innocence is ruined, it's for someone to replace the assembly. So , please keep this matter from daughter-in-law Yu, keep your mouth tight, and don't say it so casually in front of outsiders."

The corner of Jiuya's mouth curled up, she lowered her head and drank tea slowly, she put down the cup after thinking for a while, and muttered softly, "I wonder if this tea is clean?"

Aunt Xiao leaned on the back of the chair and panted, cursing inwardly, why didn't God come and kill this woman with thunder?

Jiuya looked outside, "Huh? The sun is out today, maybe there won't be thunder, right? Chunju?"

Chun Ju whispered: "Young Mistress, I have never seen thunder on a sunny day, unless there are evildoers in the world."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, there was a bang from the door, so frightened that the fur ran right on Jiuya, Jiuya hurriedly covered her mouth, "Is there really a monster in this world?"

Aunt Xiao froze, and finally vented her anger towards the door, "Which blind person knocked down the stool, don't you want to live?"

A little girl ran out in a hurry, "Go back... Go back to Auntie, Miss Biao accidentally knocked it down..." Miss Biao was standing at the door just now. fall down.

Aunt Xiao raised her eyebrows; "Where's Miss Biao?"

"" The little girl pulled behind the door, and the haggard and pale Ruoqin was pulled out.

Unexpectedly, after seeing each other overnight, she changed from a refreshing girl to a resentful woman, Jiuya shook her head, why should she miss someone else's husband, otherwise she wouldn't have ended up like this.

Ruoqin walked in front of Jiuya with her body shaking and her head lowered, and whispered, "Sister-in-law Third Cousin."

Jiuya nodded, "You look pretty good. After something like this happened, you need to rest well. Why did you come out again?"

(End of this chapter)

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