marry a noble wife

Chapter 215 Handling

Chapter 215 Handling (3)
Ruoqin just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, but what her aunt said was the truth, it was her hope of survival in the future, so she had to endure the humiliation.So she bit her lower lip, raised her head suddenly, raised her sharp chin slightly, her red and swollen eyes were bloodshot, and looked directly at Jiuya, "Sister-in-law three, I'm in this kind of situation now, you can laugh at me however you want , but I am not wrong, it is all because I like my third cousin. Is it wrong to like someone? Now that you have seen the joke, I wanted to die immediately, but my aunt kept persuading me, I am still young, everything You have to look forward, do you want to see me dead and feel at ease? Could it be that third cousin married such an intolerant and vicious woman as his wife?"

After doing something like that, she could still speak so confidently, Jiuya almost wanted to clap her hands and applaud her, okay, okay, shameless to the end, this is the essence of a bitch.If this kind of person didn't let her see what shame is, wouldn't it be a waste of such a genius created by God?

Aunt Xiao admired this niece very much, but at the same time she didn't expect Jiuya to be able to laugh, she coughed and said, "Daughter-in-law Yu, Ruoqin has become like this, we all only hope that she can live a good life. So Auntie decided to keep her by her side and stay with Auntie for the rest of her life. When it comes to checking accounts, in fact, Ruoqin followed Auntie to various rooms a few days ago. Aren’t you going to the accountant now? She is right If you are familiar with those over there, let her take you there. After you go, if she says a word, those account managers will definitely show you the accounts. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask her.”

What she meant was that the accountant only recognized this cousin, and as for her third grandmother, if there was no cousin, it would be impossible to see the account.Jiuya got up, and said with a smile, "Okay, since Ruoqin also understands this, and the accountant knows her, please trouble Ruoqin to lead the way."

Aunt Xiao secretly winked at Ruoqin from behind, Ruoqin nodded slightly, and went to the account room with the support of the little girl.

Ruoqin didn't say a word along the way, and Jiuya just took in the scenery, and finally arrived at the accountant's room, where there were five or six gentlemen sitting there, all of whom looked pedantic.There was an abacus in front of each person, some were flipping through the ledger, some were planning the abacus, some were writing and drawing. When they saw Jiuya and Ruoqin go in, they got up and said hello to Jiuya, and then Respectfully said to Ruoqin: "Miss Biao is here today, I don't know which account I want to take to Auntie's side? The little one will be brought to you right away."

Ruoqin smiled, and said crisply: "Auntie didn't let me take the account today, she just said that the third grandma wanted to learn to look at the account, Mr. Wang, which account has been sorted out now, why don't you show the third grandma one first Look."

Mr. Wang is a middle-aged man in his 40s with a square face. He glanced at Jiuya with disdain, and said with a little arrogance: "Third grandma, my aunt usually checks the accounts. All of a sudden, I want to look at the accounts, not to mention that we have too many things to do in time, and it is true that we haven't sorted them out yet, so come back later in the evening."

Jiu Ya hugged the tortoise hair, and slowly touched its back with her hands. She smiled lightly while touching it: "It's already past noon now, I wonder if the account for the early morning purchase has been made?"

Mr. Wang frowned and said displeasedly: "The account of this purchase is very troublesome. How can I get it out now? The third grandma should wait until the evening."

"Oh?" Jiu Ya raised her eyebrows, and walked slowly towards those desktops, "The account of the morning has not been sorted out yet, why are you so slow? Lord Hou asked me to come over early in the morning to take care of the account , if you can't even sort out such a small account, so there is no speed and efficiency, and you are slow to do things, then I will report to Lord Hou now, maybe there are a bunch of rice worms in this mansion who only eat but don't cook , should it be replaced?"

Using chicken feathers as an arrow, I don't believe these little shrimps dare to push back and forth again.And to be so respectful to a cousin, and to be so arrogant to her serious third grandma, isn't it too good at eating inside and outside?Shouldn't the anger in my heart start to burn from this account room?
At this time, she moved very quickly. She suddenly picked up a stack of ledgers from a table and scanned them casually. She saw that they were the ledgers purchased in the kitchen this morning. They had already been sorted out, but they refused to do so. Isn't this making things difficult on purpose? ?

One of the 30-year-old yellow-faced gentlemen was shocked and rushed over to snatch it. Jiuya raised her hand and sneered, "Didn't you say it didn't come out? What is this? How dare you open your eyes and talk nonsense in front of me? Who taught you this?" of?"

She slapped the account book on the table fiercely, "Who gave you the courage to lie to the master? Chunju, go and call the chief manager of the mansion immediately. If he taught these behaviors, report it immediately." Go to the marquis to change!"

Chunju got the order, knowing that the young mistress was starting to kill her, and immediately ran away with her two calves.

The yellow-faced Mr. was startled, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief: "The third grandma wants to see it, but she only said that she would wait for a while, but she didn't say that you won't be allowed to see it. it necessary to ask the chief manager?"

Pianna Mr. Wang had something to rely on, and his mouth was very stiff, "Zhao Da, we didn't say anything, the third grandma would ask for the chief manager every now and then, even if the chief manager came, we would be justified."

Seeing that someone refused to give Jiuya face in person, Ruoqin couldn't help laughing behind her back, her aunt really had a way to make her quit.So what if you call the Chief Manager? It's not the same as my aunt's person?Can you go to heaven?Take it easy, see if she still laughs and sarcasm?
Jiuya naturally understands that the people in this mansion have a lot of roots. Some families have children, you are connected with relatives, and I have a family history, and because of various interests complement each other or restrain them, they are all grasshoppers tied to a tree. Once foreign forces invade, they will form a group to resist themselves.She couldn't help touching the fur of the turtle, should they see the blood to be convinced?Otherwise, I will encounter such troubles every time I want to look at the accounts in the future, but I don't have that much patience.

But it's good to call the Chief Manager to come, let the Chief Manager see today, she is not a third mistress for nothing!
At this time, Jiuya just sneered and didn't argue with them at all, and went to collect the ledgers on other tables. The other gentlemen were shocked and rushed over to grab them. Jiuya fell to the ground.However, before the fat man snatched the account book into his hands, the turtle hair jumped up like lightning, and bit the back of the fat man's hand with one bite.

(End of this chapter)

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