marry a noble wife

Chapter 216 Handling

Chapter 216 Handling (4)
The fat man was bitten, and he clasped his hands and howled wildly in fright, while the turtle hair bit him and immediately bared his white teeth and glared at everyone, as if anyone dared to get close to him, he would immediately pounce on them.

This scene happened to be seen by Director Hao Da who rushed over. Director Hao Da was shocked. He knew that the dog was extremely poisonous and had bitten people in the mansion before, and the person who was bitten would definitely die.

He quickly supported the fat man and shouted, "Fang Ping, Fang Ping..."

The fat man covered his hands, the back of his hand was black and black, he opened his mouth and cried loudly: "Boss Hao, I was bitten by a dog, I am going to die soon, please help me..."

Mr. Hao is a tall man with bulging eyebrows. He stared at Jiu Ya, "How could the third grandma let the dog bite people for no reason? It will kill people, do you know?"

Chunju rushed over and helped Jiuya up from the ground. Jiuya patted the ashes on her body and said calmly, "Boss Hao also saw it just now. If he hadn't attacked me, why would Turtle Mao bite him? Even dogs know that." Protecting the master, but this dog slave wants to fight against the master, isn't it even worse than a dog? It is best for this kind of person to let the dog teach him."

Fang Ping felt that his breathing was uneven, so he knelt down on the ground and said intermittently: "Third grandma... the little one is wrong... I beg you to show mercy and save me... Your medical skills are superb... I beg you to give the little one the best of luck." Elixir..."

He started to roll his eyes as he spoke, and seeing that he was really about to die, Jiuya took out a pill and handed it to Director Hao, "I don't know if this medicine will work or not, so let's use it first, and we will be left to fate if we die or not. "

Manager Hao immediately stuffed the medicine into Fang Ping's mouth. Fang Ping swallowed it with all his strength, and then lay on the ground without moving.

In fact, several people were so scared that their faces turned pale. They only felt that the third grandma was so poisonous that she would kill someone in the blink of an eye. They immediately touched their wrists. If they hit her like this just now, would they be the one who died now?Everyone couldn't help feeling a little scared. I only heard that the third grandmother had no strength to fight chickens, she looked very weak, and was easy to bully, but who didn't know that the dog raised by the third master was very powerful.In the past, she even killed the girl next to the old lady, but the old lady didn't dare to say anything. Now that she killed Fang Ping, who can she turn to to appeal?
I can't help but rejoice that I didn't have any impulse just now, otherwise I would be the one who died.

Manager Hao frowned, straightened his body and said, "Third Mistress made all the fuss here, why exactly?"

Jiuya asked Chun Ju to put away the ledgers on the table and pile them up one by one, then patted the table, and said coldly, "Boss Hao is so brave, to say that I made the mess here? Don't you I don’t know if Lord Hou asked me to check the accounts today? When I got here, these bastards pushed back and forth and didn’t pay attention to me as the master. How dare I do something to me if I want to see the existing accounts? Raise these What do the dogs do? Could it be that they were sent to beat the master? Such a vicious slave and bully the master, you have to report to Lord Hou immediately and get rid of it!"

Mr. Hao has naturally heard that Master Hou suggested that Jiu Ya look at the accounts, but how can the accounts stand up to others?Now let Jiu Ya look at the books, but he doesn't know what to look at in the future, step by step, won't everything in this mansion fall into the hands of this girl in the end?What's more, the water in the middle is very deep. Once you see something, you will definitely pull out the carrots and bring out the mud, and a lot of people will die miserably.

He immediately bowed and said, "Third Mistress, please calm down. Since you want to look at the accounts, in fact, as long as you give an order, the accountant will naturally send the accounts to your house. How can I bother you to go so far? With such a move, Naturally, it will make them unable to adapt for a while.”

Jiuya looked at that Mr. Wang coldly, "Can't you get used to it? It seems that when I first came in, this Mr. Wang asked Miss Biao which account to show to my aunt. It has already been sorted out, and I want to see it." , but said that it has not been sorted out. Isn’t this obviously evil slaves deceiving the master? Just take out the things that have been sorted out and look at them. Is there anything I can’t adapt to? Am I not the master in their eyes? They are bigger than me ? It’s simply unreasonable!”

Manager Hao turned his head and gave Mr. Wang a hard look, and Mr. Wang lowered his head immediately.Mr. Hao said, "Third grandma, don't worry about villains. Don't worry about them. Now they are sorting out the accounts you collected on the desktop. Let Mr. Wang show you the sorted accounts..."

"Okay, this is the first offense, my lord doesn't care about it, but there will never be another time!" Jiu Ya waved his hand, interrupted him, and said: "I just took a casual look today, and I haven't seen it before. These, is it necessary to show me the previous accounts in such a serious manner? I will stay here for a while and leave after reading it casually. You are all busy with your own work. Just keep your eyes open for me in the future Who dares to do anything to me, not to mention that this dog bit you, I will never hide a word from the third master and the marquis!"

Mr. Hao's face turned black, and he looked back at Mr. Wang, seeing that he was terrified. It seemed that there were still unsettled accounts.However, there is no way to stop it at this time, I can only hope that the third grandma can't understand these things, and just mess around first.

Finally, after such a commotion, these dependable accountants softened their attitudes.They thought Fang Ping was dead at first, but after a while, Fang Ping sat up again, and Director Hao asked someone to take him to see a doctor.

Ruoqin followed Jiuya all the time, and couldn't help admiring that Jiuya was so powerful that he frightened the old fritters.But this account can be seen at a glance, so I don't worry too much.So he calmed down and just followed Jiuya.Whether she was drinking tea, talking, eyes, looking at the account, or expression, she watched carefully without letting go.

Jiuya kept her composure, flipped through the accounts a few times, it was nothing more than some kitchen purchases, daily necessities purchases, and the money paid by each house in the house, only some details could be seen in and out accounts.For a while, I couldn't see any doorway, but I still had a spectrum in my heart about the approximate amount.She made a surprise attack today, and it was all due to other people's unaccounted for accounts. If she compares them with such numbers in the future, she will definitely be able to see the clues.

And if you want to see a big monthly income, you have to find a deeper master.

(End of this chapter)

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