Chapter 220
Fu Yu took off his outer robe and said calmly, "Don't worry, he always thought that I didn't remember anything after drinking too much, otherwise he wouldn't have left so peacefully."

Jiu Ya nodded, it would be fine if this is the case.I wanted to have a conversation with him, but Fu Yu had already fallen asleep first, and fell asleep after a while.

She couldn't help but sighed, he was so abnormal today, what happened?
At this time, she couldn't care less about that, so she just found a pen and paper, and started drawing pictures overnight, and she painted the top-quality packaging beautifully, with carved dragons and phoenixes, with gold rims on the sides, and the tone was that dark. Dumb, more noble.

The medium packaging is much inferior. The paper box, silk and satin, and then inlaid with gold, are simple and elegant, and look very expensive.

Anyway, people like to classify into three, six, and nine grades. I believe that no matter how expensive the medicine is, as long as this package is put on, those who are willing to raise their own value will be happy to pay for it. Hehe, a lot of Mimi will be a lot of it ran in.

Early the next morning, she handed over the drawings to Xiucai, who immediately went to the pharmacy.At the same time, Jiuya went to greet the old lady, and said that she was going back to her mother's house today, but the old lady didn't say anything, she only asked if the gift was ready, if not, she would go to the storeroom to get it.Jiuya told the truth, and the old lady let her out.

When it was close to midnight, Fu Yu finally woke up, and after he washed and ate, the group got on the horse.This time going back with Jiuya, there are Yudie Pei's mother and Chunju, they are all very happy, especially Yudie, who will see her mother soon, laughing all the way.

Today, Jiuya is wearing the outfit that Fu Yu made for her before the New Year. She is wearing a purple velvet cotton poncho with a white fox fur hood and a light green palace silk lapel embroidered with gold trim inside, and a pleated long skirt underneath. , the body accessories are neither gorgeous nor dull, just right, the whole person only feels slim and graceful, with a graceful figure, and the complexion is as crystal as jade, which is simply unstoppable for viewers.

Fu Yu, on the other hand, was dressed in a sable cloak, with a slender figure, bright eyes, and a smile.

When the two got off the carriage together, they didn't expect that there was a lot of traffic in front of the Song residence, and there were so many beautiful maidservants and servants like running water.But the people who were welcoming the guests suddenly felt something, and they fell silent for a moment. Everyone stared at the golden couple in unison, with surprise in their eyes, and they all secretly praised them. Have such a look?

At the same time, I feel that these two people have taken all the glory in this world, and everything else has become an inconspicuous foil.

And Song Tingda, who was standing at the door and was about to welcome the guests in, knew them, so he laughed out loud, "It's my daughter and son-in-law who came back."

Fu Yu first walked up to Song Tingda, who was wearing a red gold tunic gown and shroud, and said: "I wish my father-in-law good fortune like the East Sea, and a long life like the South Mountain."

Hearing his words, Song Tingda was taken aback, stopped his voice and immediately helped him up and said: "Can the son-in-law really be able to talk? Did I hear correctly?"

Fu Yu smiled slightly, "Thanks to you, father-in-law must have heard correctly."

Song Tingda was overjoyed, patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Well, well, finally, my daughter is blessed, to be able to match such a good husband like you, not bad."

He turned around and said to An Da, who was also very surprised: "I remember that when Brother An brought the third young master here for the first time, he was still an inconspicuous young man who couldn't speak. Unexpectedly, only half a year had passed, and he became a young master in a blink of an eye. With such an eye-catching and eloquent person, this change is quite big."

Mr. An also laughed and said: "Although I have heard about it for a long time, but some things really need to be seen to be believed. Unexpectedly, the third son of Anpinghou can return to normal, and I have to go to Anpinghou to congratulate him later."

Some people nearby also came to congratulate Song Tingda and Fu Yu.

A few of them were chatting, while Jiu Ya looked behind quietly, and saw Mrs. An with an indignant face, An Huiran with a sweet smile behind her, and An Zicheng.He still had a face like a crown of jade, handsome and handsome, but he just stared at Jiuya's eyes, full of doubts.Although I haven't seen her for several months, why did that childish little girl change so much?

He has grown a lot taller, and his figure has become more exquisite. His face is a healthy pink, his skin is as white as snow, and his eyes are like a pool of clear water. The looming pear nest is even more like a spell, which can't help but draw people's eyes to it, which makes people fascinated.

An Huiran seemed to see An Zicheng's fluctuating expression, and said with a low smile, "Brother, you regret it, if you treated her well back then, and didn't want to have it both ways, now she is already the person next to your brother, how could it be?" Is it the third young master's turn?"

Her voice was originally extremely low, and it was amidst the noise of human voices, but Fu Yu, who was talking to Song Tingda, suddenly stared over, as if a sharp knife had been stabbed out. An Huiran was startled. Tasting the taste of the knife, she quickly hid behind An Zicheng.

Because there were still guests inside, Xiao did not come out to greet them, Jiuya swept the people at the door lightly, bowed politely, and followed them into the hall.

There were quite a few people in the hall, and the one sitting at the top was a middle-aged man around 37 or [-] years old that she didn't know.His face is white and majestic, thick eyebrows are raised, and he is dressed luxuriously. Many people around him are looking at his face and speaking submissively, most of them are respectful and flattering.

Unexpectedly, several people from Xiao's natal family also came. Xiao Changbing stood behind that person very respectfully, whispering a few words in his ear from time to time.

Not far away, there were also Bai Xihou and Tuobaye sitting impressively. They were sitting together talking and laughing, accompanied by Song Yaoshu.

And some female relatives were arranged in the side hall, Jiuya was about to go there with others, Fu Yu, who followed, had already squeezed her hand, and led her towards the person sitting at the head with a smile.

Jiuya said nervously, "Sir, who is that man?"

Fu Yu said with a low smile, "What are you afraid of, I'm here, just follow along."

The sudden appearance of the two of them immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. The person above saw Fu Yu, and immediately laughed and said, "Isn't this Yu'er? You also went back to Yue's house today?"

(End of this chapter)

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