Chapter 221
Fu Yu stepped forward with a smile and said loudly: "I never expected to see my uncle here today, Yu'er is very surprised." He said and pulled Jiu Ya to salute.

"You kid, what's so unexpected about this? It's a birthday, and it's okay for uncle to come to congratulate you and join in the fun?" That one blamed with a smile.

Xiao Changbing echoed from the side: "The prince is very right. The prince has always been approachable and close to his subordinates. We all know it. Those who are used to it will not be surprised."

Immediately there were more echoing voices from the surroundings, which made Jiuya feel sick.

At this moment, the prince turned his gaze to Jiuya, "Yu'er, is this your new wife?"

Jiuya blessed again, and smiled moderately.Fu Yu smiled, "Of course it is. I wanted to visit my uncle's house during the Chinese New Year, but it was delayed because of something in the house. It's the same if I meet here now. May I ask if your aunt will come?"

The one he asked was naturally the Crown Princess, and the Crown Prince nodded and said: "It's been a long time inside, let someone take your daughter-in-law there to recognize your relatives."

Jiuya thanked him, and then the people from An's family came to visit again. This birthday banquet seemed to be specially prepared for the prince. The guests who entered the door did not salute the birthday, but met this rare big man first.

Fu Yu dragged Jiuya to the side hall, and when he reached the door, he said with a low smile: "Lady, concentrate, there will be a good show to watch later, but keep your eyes open, don't miss it."

Jiuya couldn't understand what she heard, and just as she was about to ask, Jin Yun, who had been looking forward to it for a long time, rushed forward, laughed and shouted: "Eighth Sister is finally back, everyone is here today."

Maybe it's because of nutrition, now Jiu Ya is already an inch taller than Jin Yun, she held her little hand and said with a smile: "It's all said and done, who else is here?"

"Of course there is also Eldest Sister. It is rare for Eldest Sister to come back." She whispered in her ear as she said, "A lot of distinguished guests came today. I heard that the Crown Prince thinks highly of him. Father will be promoted soon."

Jiu Ya frowned slightly, father wants to be promoted?Why do you want to be promoted all of a sudden?Looking at the situation today, it was all because of the prince's sudden favor for his father that it became so lively.What good thing did father do to make the crown prince wink all of a sudden?
Thinking of this, he immediately raised his eyes and looked in, and saw a lady in her 30s sitting in the middle, wearing a gold hundred butterflies, a red satin narrow jacket with flowers, and a multicolored silk-cut stone green mouse coat. Usually around.

The surrounding Jiuya knew Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. An, Huiran, Jin Xiu, Jin Zhi, Jin Yuan, and even the in-laws of Mrs. Huguohou. She brought her daughter Bai Wanli, the old lady and Xiao With Shi's company, everyone is talking lively.

As soon as Jiu Ya appeared, they immediately attracted their attention, the lady above looked at Jiu Ya, and said with a smile: "Look at this iconic person, but is Yu'er's new wife?"

Jiuya pursed her lips and smiled, and slowly stepped forward to salute, "I've met my aunt." Here, she did not greet her as a princess, but as a junior meeting an elder, and she wanted to draw the relationship closer. I also hope that the atmosphere in the hall will not become too stiff, and at the same time, it will make Xiao Shi, who makes his face stretched when he sees her, stretch his face longer.

The Crown Princess smiled so much that her eyes were crescent-shaped, she stretched out her hand and said, "Come here, let Auntie take a closer look."

Jiu Ya didn't hold back, and sat down beside the Crown Princess generously. The Crown Princess held her hand and praised repeatedly: "Oh, this is a person like a water onion. With this face, I'm really worried that it will drip if I touch it. , my Yu'er is so lucky that he was able to find such a little beauty."

Jiuya shyly said: "How can aunt say such an exaggeration, but it just has eyes, nose and mouth, are they roughly the same? If you really say it looks good, it's because aunt's aura comes naturally, which is more attractive than this kind of appearance. Much more, this is the beauty of both inside and outside.”

Who doesn't want to listen to flattery, the princess's eyes are even more beaming when she hears it, "Look, not only is this man good-looking, but even his little mouth is as sweet as honey. How can I give my aunt this time?" Coaxed to the point of dizziness, I don't know where the world is going. What should I do?"

As she spoke, she took off a bracelet inlaid with red gold and emerald patterns and put it on Jiuya's wrist, "Auntie came out in a hurry, and there is no gift to meet, let's just take this first, turn around, you and Yu'er have to come in person Go up to the aunt's house, and the aunt will give you a better reward."

The gift from the elders is irresistible, and Jiu Ya didn't refuse, she got up immediately and thanked her.After the two of them recognized their relatives, the Crown Princess personally gave Jiuya a very expensive meeting gift, which made many people's eyes red.

Mrs. An has always wanted to get acquainted with the prince through the Xiao family, and now that Mrs. Xiao is sitting next to the princess, she can't say a few words, which makes her a little depressed.But as soon as Song Jiuya came, she made love to the Crown Princess, and was so affectionate that her eyes turned red.If he had known that Song Jiuya could marry to the Anping Hou Mansion and have a relationship with the prince, he might as well have established a good relationship with Song Jiuya earlier.

But the way he disliked her before was because he said she was lame and a concubine, so he didn't pay attention to her early in the morning, and he offended her from beginning to end.But now it seems that her feet don't look like they're limping at all. What's going on?

But fortunately, the crown prince is very fond of Song Tingda now, and now he can only hope that Song Tingda will be the matchmaker, so that both the master and An Zicheng can enter the crown prince's eyes, and the promotion in the future is just around the corner.

Xiao's face was blue and red, red and purple, purple and green, and the color of his face changed again and again. Not to mention being mean to Jiuya in the past, he even wanted to kill her. Last time Even the mute was offended, but the couple seemed to have a relationship with the Prince's House, so they wouldn't make trouble out of it and spoil the master's good deeds, would they?

But she turned around and thought, after all, this Song residence is also Song Jiuya's natal family. If her natal family is not powerful, she must not be able to hold her head high in her husband's house. She would not be so stupid to go to the Crown Princess and speak ill of her mother.

Thinking of this, she was slightly relieved.

However, those who don't know how to be interesting, seeing Jiuya attracting attention, can't hold back anymore, Jin Zhi, who has become a little plump, suddenly covered his mouth and smiled: "Bamei came back today to celebrate my father's birthday. Didn't you bring your dumb husband? There are many elders here, shouldn't you let him come to pay a visit?"

(End of this chapter)

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