marry a noble wife

Chapter 222 Attack

Chapter 222 Attack (1)
In fact, Tuobaye is closer to the prince's relatives, they are uncles and nephews, but because she is just a concubine, Tuobaye has no reason to take her out to meet guests.What's more, Tuobaye hardly saw her on weekdays, she didn't know that Fu Yu's dumb illness had recovered.Now she purposely tells the public about Jiu Ya's marriage to a mute, just to suppress Jiu Ya's arrogance.

Jiuya knew that she was shut up in the room and was ignorant and ignorant of what had changed outside.Then he smiled slightly, "Master is busy. I met my uncle in the hall just now, and I am chatting and drinking with all my uncles. I will definitely ask him to come over to see all the elders later."

Jin Zhi giggled, "I don't know how my brother-in-law chats with people? Does he make gestures? Can others understand? I didn't understand last time."

Jiuya sighed, this girl is looking for death now, right?

Sure enough, the Crown Princess' face suddenly darkened, and she said in a serious tone: "Yu'er's dumb illness has healed early, is it necessary to gesture when chatting? What's more, he never gestures when he is not well. Where have you seen him fight?"

Jin Zhi froze, did Fu Yu recover from his dumb disease?Why haven't I heard of it myself?And the princess in front of her didn't show her face in front of her, she just showed her face in public. Could it be that her man is worse than that dumb in front of the prince?

Being stared at by everyone, she couldn't help but blush, and then she found a way to laugh and said: "I know that my brother-in-law's dumb disease has recovered, but I just want to make fun of my eighth sister, it's not true .Come here, eat dim sum, eat dim sum, this millefeuille is sweet but not greasy, soft but not glutinous, it tastes good, everyone should try it."

Seeing her deflated, Xiao Shi also tried to smooth things over, "These two sisters liked to argue at home when they were not married. Now that they are married, they still have the nature to never forget. Don't take offense. Eat them all, eat them all."

This Xiao's face will still be given, not to mention that Mrs. Xiao has personally served the cakes in front of the princess, and said witty words, which revived the atmosphere again.

The Madam Huguohou on the side was also tight-lipped. Not only did she speak flattering words, but she also asked Jin Yuan to come forward and talk to the Crown Princess from time to time. Although Xiao Shi didn't like it, Jin Yuan's mother-in-law was in front of her now. She couldn't take down her face too much to reprimand, so she could only suppress the unhappiness in her heart, and dealt with others with a moderate smile.

The old lady aunt said very little, but Jiuya loved her very much. Seeing that there were many people around the princess, she found a chance and sat next to the old lady aunt, and whispered: "Grandmother, this year is over. Are you okay?"

The old aunt had a loving face, touched her little hand and said with a smile: "The concubine is very good, at this age, she can take things lightly, how can it be not good? Now look at how our eighth girl is doing. It seems to be not bad, but the gift that comes during the Chinese New Year is so precious that my concubine doesn't know how to protect it."

Jiu Ya was a little ashamed, wondering what kind of gift Fu Yu gave, it would make the old man unable to sleep?

"The concubine's grandmother has always loved Jiuya. Jiuya is married, and she can't be respectful to her. As long as she can do what she can, she will naturally do it. Otherwise, her heart is not very secure."

The old aunt smiled, "You girl, what does my concubine want those precious things? If you don't bring them with you when you are born, you won't take them with you when you die. I just hope that you two can live a happy life, and my concubine will be satisfied."

Jiuya was moved, and couldn't help but leaned on the shoulder of the old lady, and called out: "Grandmother, you are so kind..."

At this time, Jin Yun, Bai Wan, Li An Huiran and several officials' ladies had already gone to the garden, and Jin Xiu, who had been sitting silently there and was incompatible with these people, suddenly came over and said, "Eighth sister, you should have enough heat with your grandparents now." Well, it's time for us sisters to talk about ourselves for a while."

The old aunt pushed Jiuya and said with a smile: "It's rare for you sisters to see each other, go play and stop surrounding me, an old lady."

Jiuya had a very good feeling for Jinxiu, so she got up, said goodbye to the old lady, and the two sisters walked slowly towards the garden behind.

When Jiuya and Jinxiu left, Xiao stared at her back and became furious, Jin Zhi moved over and said displeasedly: "Mother, look, look at Bamei's outfit, at least it's worth a thousand taels How can she get so much money to buy these things? Could it be that the mute is a rich man?"

Xiao Shi was already gnashing her teeth in anger, and cursed in a low voice: "Who knows how that little bitch got the money? Maybe she took advantage of her good looks and stole it from her concubine outside?"

Jin Zhi was very puzzled when he heard that, "That's right, I'll ask my husband-in-law to check later, and see how many mistresses she found outside to get this outfit."

"I don't think you should check it out. Don't you know that the dumb patriarch is King Xi of Luxi, and he had a daughter under his knees. When Princess Lan married Anping Hou, the dowry was so rich It stretches for more than ten miles. Although Princess Lan has passed away, her son naturally inherited her property. I heard that the entire Anping Hou Mansion is living so well now, and it is all maintained by his mother's property. So , your eighth younger sister's little outfit is nothing to that dumb man, so don't do stupid things, you have to investigate."

At some point, Mrs. Xiao had already moved her head and joined the whispering ranks of the mother and daughter.

"What? Sister-in-law means that the dumb man is rich?" Xiao's eyes widened in surprise.

Mrs. Xiao gave her a blank look, "Don't you have any knowledge of this? That's not ordinary rich. So you are stupid, when you were going to marry, why didn't you make a tune and let Jin Yun marry in place? In vain Good luck giving birth to that foxy girl."

Xiao Shi almost didn't come up in one breath, he covered his chest with his hands and gasped heavily, what's going on, what's going on?Not only can the dumb man speak now, but he is actually the grandson of the vassal king?In the future, maybe he will inherit the throne, how could this be?In the past, why didn't you inquire seriously about him, and just looked at his shortcomings, and pushed away such a good marriage of Jin Yun?

She felt that her intestines were about to turn green, but the panting appearance scared Mrs. Xiao and Jin Zhi, and Jin Zhi hurriedly asked: "Mom, what's the matter with you? What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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