marry a noble wife

Chapter 223 Attack

Chapter 223 Attack (2)
Mrs. Xiao stood up with Mrs. Xiao's hand, and first she apologized to the people in the hall, then hurried to the back with Mrs. Xiao, and at the same time said to the red sleeve beside her: "Go, call Ninth Miss over here immediately Said that I was in Fuguixuan to find her urgently."

Hongxiu hurried away.

Mrs. Xiao saw that her expression was not right, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you suddenly called Jin Yun? What's the matter?"

Xiao Shi sighed, and said with an ugly face while walking: "Sister-in-law, I have done something bad now."

Mrs. Xiao frowned, "What's wrong?"

So Mrs. Xiao had no choice but to tell the story of letting Jiuya marry Jin Yun on behalf of Jin Yun. Mrs. Xiao was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and then she came back to her senses after a long while. Seeing no one around, she scolded her head and face: "I see You just have a pig's brain, and your short-sightedness is as short-sighted as a mouse. Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me first? You made an opinion by yourself, and now everyone cooks raw rice. You want to go back on your word It won't work. Why are you so stupid? Pushing out the good marriage and making it easier for that girl, don't you feel comfortable?"

Xiao was on the verge of crying, "Sister-in-law, how do I know this? If I knew that the mute's dumb disease can be cured, and there is such a prominent niece, I wouldn't do such a thing if I was killed. But the matter has come to an end , don’t we just try our best to make up for it? What’s the use of scolding me?”

Mrs. Xiao stomped her feet, hating iron and steel, and said: "My son is about to be born, how can you make up for it? Kill him and put Jin Yun in there?"

At this time, she had already arrived at Jin Xia's courtyard. Xiao looked around and said in a low voice, "Although you can't kill people, you can still let Jin Yun go. That little bitch has always been friends with Jin Yun, as long as Jin Yun Yun suggested that she has no reason not to agree. What's more, she is a substitute marriage, if she does not agree, we will find someone to stab the matter to the Houfu, she is a substitute, why not be kicked out immediately?"

Mrs. Xiao said with a sullen face, "Can this also be done? It is said that it is a substitute marriage, and your family will not be able to get rid of the responsibility at that time. If it is serious, I am afraid that you will be held accountable. You can think of such a thankless thing. "

"That's not the case. If things get serious at that time, we will say that we heard it wrong. We thought it was Jiu Ya when they said Nine Girls, but when we asked Li Dazui later, we realized that she was talking about Jin Yun." If you say that, who can blame us? At most, we will marry a serious girl, what else do they have to say?"

Mrs. Xiao thought about it for a while, and finally nodded, "That's not bad. Then, how can that girl show off her power in front of us? It's so good to be dismissed from the court, and she will live forever as an ancient Buddha. That's it. Then let's do this first... Hey, why did you bring me to Jinxia's yard?"

With her promise, Xiao had a smile on his face this time, and said mysteriously: "Jinxia is still not out of the cabinet. Although she has made a date with An's family, sister-in-law also saw it just now. An's family is now counting on King Jin's end. I'm waiting for the eldest brother's family. So, if Jinxia shows her face today, and can climb up to other good people, wouldn't it be better?"

Mrs. Xiao was really speechless to her, and couldn't help but scolded again: "Why are you such a pighead, you only want to climb to high places, have you ever thought about it, not to mention that Jinxia's legs have finally spent a lot of money to get them After finding a famous doctor and recovering from her injuries, she is still recovering from her injuries, so once she got out with Young Master An, no one would dare to take her. If she is expected to be a good man, it would be easier to call a pig."

Xiao's face turned blue and red after being scolded by her, but he was still unwilling.The two said they had arrived at Jinxia's room.Jinxia was listening to Mama He talking about the banquet ahead, and her heart was itching, thinking of going to meet her Mr. An, when she saw Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao go in, she immediately said coquettishly: "Mother, aunt, It's so lively in front, why leave me alone here, it's so boring, mother, can you let me go to the front to have a look?"

Xiao sympathetically helped her up from the couch, and smiled like Maitreya Buddha, "Mother just sees that you are deserted here, isn't this just to ask you to go over and join in the fun?"

Jinxia was overjoyed, "Mother, is it true?"

Xiao said angrily: "When has Mom ever lied to you? But it's not okay to go out like this. If you don't, you will lose your father's face. Mother He, wash her up quickly, and go back to my room to get her a set." Wear it with a high-quality headgear.”

Mother He immediately asked the little girl to fetch water, and then followed Xiao to get the face.Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao came to Fuguixuan, where Jin Yun was already waiting.Xiao carefully dug out a vermilion lacquered wooden box inlaid with rubies from the box, handed it to Mama He cautiously, and confessed: "This thing is very precious, but wearing it will also make people look better. I have to give it to you. Jin Xia is good at dressing up and wearing it, she must be radiant, and she will attract everyone's attention at once, you know?"

Mother He took it respectfully, answered, and hurried out.

Then Xiao took out a light green beige from the box, double breasted, flat sleeves, waist, ice plum pattern dark flowers, rose flower and butterfly pattern woven gold border on the edge, three white jade buttons nailed on the chest.She hastily asked Jin Yun to take off her coat and put it on her, and at the same time put a big fur on her. The big fur was worn on Jin Yun's body, and it was golden and emerald, and the green color shone. It is woven with peacock feathers and silk. From the fine workmanship and texture, Mrs. Xiao can tell that it is an extremely precious item and is of great value.

Jin Yun frowned and shouted: "Mother, why are you wearing this for me? I'm not used to it."

Xiao coaxed: "What's not used to? Didn't you see that all the distinguished guests came today? Wait a minute, if you have nothing to do, just stay with your eighth sister, or get closer to your eighth brother-in-law, after all, they are relatives." , how can you not even say anything?"

Jin Yun pulled the dress on her body and looked in the mirror. Although she knew that this dress looked good, she still didn't agree, "Mother, it's okay to get close to the eighth brother-in-law, but you don't have to dress so grandly. I don't know, but I don't know." I thought I was going on a blind date today..."

Xiao pressed her head and scolded, "What's wrong with a blind date? You're a deadhead, you're always full of mud in your head, so be smart. Didn't you see that your eighth sister is wearing the most eye-catching outfit today? Isn't that all made of gold and silver? Mom will dress you up like this, so I won't hurt you. Okay, let's go play."

(End of this chapter)

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