marry a noble wife

Chapter 224 Attack

Chapter 224 Attack (3)
Jin Yun was inexplicably changed into a different outfit, and was scolded, so she left angrily.

Mrs. Xiao said thoughtfully: "I said, grandma, where did you get these things? Why haven't I seen you use them before?"

For a moment, Xiao's brows were full of spring, and then he took her hand and said as he walked; "I have been preparing for it all the time, but I just wanted to give some dowry to my daughters, so I didn't take it out. Today's life is different, how can I do it?" We can't let our daughter be looked down upon by others. Sister-in-law, how about it, you see Jin Yun's ladylike and expensive appearance just now, can she still attract people's eyes?"

Mrs. Xiao looked suspicious, she still doesn't know what the Song family is?Before, because of Jinxia's troubles, he couldn't even collect 2000 taels of silver at once, but now the Xiao family suddenly has these good things coming out, isn't it unreasonable?But looking back, Xiao Shi has always been greedy, maybe he saved these things before, and was reluctant to sell them at that time, or maybe they just kept them at the bottom of the box and didn't take them out.

After a while, the two returned to the front yard, and saw Jin Yun surrounded by some girls, touching her peacock feathers with envious expressions on their faces, Jin Yun and them laughed together.Sure enough, Buddha depends on gold clothes, and people depend on clothes. In addition, she is also beautiful and pleasant, and her clothes make her stand out among a group of girls, which is the most eye-catching.

Mrs. Xiao smiled triumphantly. Seeing this, Mrs. Xiao couldn't say anything more.

In the garden, Jiuya and Jinxiu talked for a while and got to know each other a little bit. Only then did she know that her eldest brother-in-law was surnamed Wang. The show is excellent.Now there are seven children under her knees, among which there are three from her ex-wife, Jin Xiu gave birth to two, and two were born to a concubine's room.

When Jin Xiu mentioned that the elder brother-in-law was running the business of the bill, Jiuya suddenly had an idea, and interrupted Jin Xiu and asked, "It's already the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, where is the elder brother-in-law going to go this year, and what kind of business will he do?"

Jin Xiu looked at her in surprise, "I don't know about that either. In fact, he also said yesterday that if it wasn't for his father's birthday today, he would have planned to leave today. It seems to be going to Litang in the south. Bamei asked some questions. What's the matter?"

Jiuya knocked her head, and said with concentration: "Run away from Tang? How long does it usually take to go back and forth?"

Jin Xiu recalled: "In the past, it seemed that if the side affairs were not serious, he would go back and forth for about a month. If something happened, it would happen every three or four months."

Jiuya was a little stunned, and suddenly remembered that there were no cars or trains in this world. Even though the distance between Daxia was only a thousand miles, a round trip with a carriage loaded with goods was considered fast.It's only three or four months, isn't that too long?
But no matter what, you should check with your eldest brother-in-law first.She immediately begged: "Sister, I have something to ask my brother-in-law, can you introduce me?"

Jin Xiu gave her a white look, "He is your brother-in-law, do you still need to introduce him? Haven't you guys never seen him before? Your eldest brother-in-law remembers your fiery temper and the little girl who would stare at every turn, but it's been so long, He probably won't recognize you anymore."

So Jiuya pushed her, and the two went to the hall to find someone.

In the hall, everyone was drinking to their heart's content as they exchanged cups.

After getting rid of some entangled young masters, Tuobaye had already pulled Fu Yu into a corner, and said mysteriously: "I said San Shao, I told you about the cooperation last time, what do you think?"

Holding the jade cup in his hand, Fu Yu drank slowly. When Tuobaye scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks anxiously like a monkey, he finally said slowly: "I can't agree to that matter after thinking about it. I really have limited energy. But look For the sake of helping my wife last time, I must accept your favor, so let's see the situation first."

Tuobaye's eyes flashed, he was overjoyed, he patted him on the shoulder and said: "You boy, why are you so cautious? If you agree, you agree, and if you don't agree, you don't agree. How can there be any reason to wait and see the situation?"

Fu Yu sneered, "Who wants to waste money in business? Naturally, it depends on what kind of business it is. If it's a loss-making business, would you do it?"

Tuobaye let out a "cut", "Do you think I'm the kind of person who would do business at a loss? If it weren't for the fact that this business is too big and I can't afford that much money, I would have done it by myself long ago. I will humbly look for you, the God of Wealth."

Fu Yu pursed his lips, with a look of disdain, "Although I know what you said is reasonable, but you can't be careless. How about it, I've been very tight lately..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuobaye stopped him, raised his eyebrows and said: "No, don't say you are busy and don't have time, just want to delay this matter. This matter can no longer be delayed, so, You said that the time is very tight, it is nothing more than to accompany that little beauty in your family, and the affairs of the little beauty will last forever, no matter what, you have to find time to do the business first. You can't delay for a moment. "

Fu Yu sighed and said: "You are really impatient. I mean, several of my businesses are handled by my second brother. Although he is dull, he knows the business best. So, I Let him talk to you, if he thinks it makes money, I'll take the money, and let him take care of everything in the future, and I'll just listen to his opinions. Isn't that okay?"

Tuobaye laughed loudly, quickly filled him with wine, held his hand and clinked the glass and said, "Okay! I am narrow-minded, and I treated the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. I will go to Fu Changting later. Come on. , wish us a prosperous business, cheers!"

Fu Yu smiled lightly and said nothing, Tuobaye vs Fu Changting, evil vs insidious, which one is stronger?Then he turned his gaze, and saw Jiu Ya and a graceful woman standing in front of a big man with a darker face and talking.He spun the wine glass and smiled leisurely, what was she doing?
At this time, Tuobaye looked over with his eyes, and also admired the radiant figure vaguely, and couldn't help laughing: "Hey, I said San Shao, you have never been close to women before. , How did you open your mind recently, these eyes are always around a girl all day long, is it interesting?"

Fu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and was about to get up to go over, but saw that An Zicheng had already walked over with Jin Yuan and Bai Xihou.

(End of this chapter)

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