marry a noble wife

Chapter 226 Attack

Chapter 226 Attack (5)
The prince pointed at Jinxia's body and face, "Look, does this look familiar?"

The princess turned around with his fingers, and when she saw Jinxia's outfit, she immediately turned pale with shock, "Your Highness, these are the decorations that the concubine threw away a few days ago, look at this hairpin, pearls, cat's eye earrings, and Rings, bracelets, everything..."

The prince slapped the table and said angrily: "Come here, arrest this thief, and immediately track down the rest of the stolen items!"

When this happened suddenly, Jin Xia, who was complacent, sat down on the ground immediately, and Song Tingda knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said anxiously: "His Royal Highness, this is wronged, the little girl does not leave the door, and the second door does not step, how can she become a thief?" , it is absolutely impossible. Please investigate thoroughly..."

At this time, two guards came to grab Jinxia, ​​Jinxia shouted: "Let go of me, I didn't steal these things, my mother gave them to me, if you want to ask where they come from, just ask my mother..."

The crown prince sat down beside the prince, and ordered: "Don't rush to bring people, since everyone is here, let's try this matter today. Someone, bring Xiao Shi here!"

The two nuns took the order to go, but before they entered the side hall, Mrs. Xiao had already heard the movement and ran out. Seeing that someone was going to take Jin Xia away, she rushed over and knelt down in a hurry, "His Royal Highness, I don't know What did the little girl do to make such a big fuss?"

The concubine's previous amiable look had long since disappeared. With a gloomy expression on her face, she asked sharply, "Mr. Xiao, just now your daughter said that you gave her the expensive decoration on her body. Is there such a thing?"

Xiao's body froze, he kowtowed unnaturally, and said with his head: "Mrs. Hui, these are indeed given by my wife, I don't know what's wrong?"

"Really? Then I ask you, where did these things come from?"

Xiao didn't look up, but still fell to the ground, and said plausibly: "Mrs. Hui, these decorations were prepared by my wife for this daughter a long time ago. They are her dowry."

The princess sneered, "Then do you have evidence? When was it prepared and how much money was used? Which craftsmen were used and what materials were used? Can you tell?"

At this moment, no matter whether it is the main hall or the side hall, all the people squeezed out.No one would have expected that the banquet, which had been full of festivities just now, suddenly turned into a question, and it was also a question about Mr. Song's family whose crown prince was about to be promoted.

Mrs. Xiao over there was very anxious seeing this. She thought those things were too expensive and a little abnormal. Could it be that this aunt was so courageous as to steal the princess's things, and then showed them off in front of everyone? ?Isn't that suicide?
So whether these things were stolen by my aunt, or whether she had prepared them earlier, she really couldn't tell at once.

Here, Fu Yu has squeezed to Jiuya's side, held her hand, and said in her hand: "Lady, is this kind of play enjoyable?"

Jiuya was stunned, and looked back at him with a smile that was not a smile, and suddenly realized that he wanted her to watch the show with her eyes wide open, did he mean this one?God, is it his fault?Can't help but stare at him fiercely, how could he be so reckless, if it caused the entire Song Mansion to be affected, not to mention anything else, there is an old lady on the top, Jin Yun on the bottom, and a person who has never met but is said to have a good relationship with her Brother, what should we do then?
Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, he didn't care about her stare, on the contrary he seemed to enjoy it, showing an expression of thanking me for staring at me.

Jiu Ya was completely speechless, this guy, sometimes he was too arbitrary in doing things, and he really had a childishness that matched his age.

In front of the Crown Princess, Xiao was silent for a long time, Song Tingda was furious, pushed her down, and shouted: "Since you prepared it, your Highness should be able to answer when you ask your origin? What's the point of being silent?"

Xiao who fell on the ground quickly got up, finally showing a trace of panic on his face, and reluctantly replied: "These things have been bought by my wife for many years. How do I know which craftsmen and materials were used?"

The princess's face was as cold as ice, and she stared at her closely, "If I call the craftsmen who made these jewelry and ask them to identify them, if these things are made by them, Xiao, what should you say?"

The Crown Princess said so firmly, Xiao who was lying on the ground began to tremble, because she was not sure whether this thing really belonged to the Crown Princess, what would she do if that person stole it and gave it to her?
Thinking of this, no matter how tough she is, she doesn't dare to raise her head and proudly say that she prepared these things all by herself.

Seeing that she couldn't answer, Xiao Changbing turned pale with fright. Could it be that his sister was so confused that she stole the princess's things?I have indeed heard about the theft of the Prince's Mansion in the middle of the night before.The Prince's Mansion was originally heavily guarded, but the warehouse was stolen a few years ago. The Crown Princess's set of jewelry and a peacock fur fur were stolen, but they couldn't find out how they were stolen. All the guards on duty at night were punished.However, how could this thing be in the hands of the girl?He never believed that Xiao Shi was so bold, and she didn't have the ability to enter the Prince's Mansion, there must be something inside.

So he immediately listened to the crown prince, whispered a few words, the crown prince frowned, thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Master Song, this matter is not good today, and we must find out the reason. So now Forget about the banquet in advance, you are the master, now send the guests away first, and we will take a closer look at the rest."

Song Tingda was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, thanked him, and got up to gather the steward to see off the guests.After the crown prince said this, those guests who still wanted to watch the excitement could no longer watch the excitement, and all left with curiosity.

The hall became quiet in a blink of an eye, and the only ones who could stay were the daughters and sons-in-law of the Song family. Except for Tuobaye, who was sitting alone in the side hall watching a good show, looking at this side with his legs crossed, everyone else was standing in the hall. Hall.Fu Yu stood in the corner with his chest folded, looking like he was watching the excitement.

At this time, Jin Yun was also pulled out, and the peacock fur on her body made the crown princess sure that these were all her lost things.The prince immediately slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Xiao who was kneeling below, and said angrily: "The evidence is all there, so why do you have to argue? Quickly call, how did you steal these valuables from the Prince's mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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