Chapter 227
Xiao Shi was so frightened that she couldn't speak at this time, she whispered in a trembling voice: "Back... back to the prince, these things... these things..."

Xiao Changbing couldn't bear it anymore, raised his eyebrows angrily, and scolded: "If you hesitate to tell the truth, do you want the entire Song Mansion to be imprisoned with you? Do you want to turn your daughter into a thief? "

He was hinting to her that if she didn't tell the truth, it would be a small matter for the Song family to suffer. I'm afraid that everyone around him, the prince, would be implicated, and the entire Xiao family would be plunged into a doomed situation!
How did Xiao Shi not expect the seriousness of the matter?But if that matter is said, she might become a cursed woman in this life, and she will never be able to hold her head up.

Everyone stared at her, and the two high-ranking people also stared at her coldly. Finally, Jin Xia couldn't bear it anymore, shook her arm and cried loudly: "Mother, since you didn't steal this thing, then you can tell me where it came from." Ah. Don't you just have the heart to see us all locked up? Mother... Mother..."

Hearing her cry, Xiao finally burst into tears and said in a mournful voice: "Returning to His Royal Highness, my wife did not steal this thing, a man named Li Dashen gave it to me, and my wife never did anything to steal it." ..."

Xiao Changbing asked loudly: "Li Dashen? Who is Li Dashen? Where is he now?"

When Song Tingda heard the name Li Dashen, he immediately felt something bad. Isn't Li Dashen the man surnamed Li from Tianxuanzong?When did he get in touch with Xiao Shi again, and gave her the stolen goods?

Mrs. Xiao couldn't care less, and said truthfully: "Li Dashen is a rich man who lives in the East Street. If His Highness sends someone there now, he can be arrested and confronted. These things are all given to me by him. If the minister knows It's stolen goods, and my wife will not accept it even if she dies."

"Okay, come, bring Li Dashen from East Street immediately!" the prince ordered.

Five or six guards came out to answer, turned around and left.Song Tingda knew that Li Dashen was from Tianxuanzong, so he didn't intend that these guards could arrest Li Dashen.However, after a while, two guards escorted a man in a white robe, about 35 years old, with a clear face, and came in.Song Tingda was taken aback, this Li Dashen didn't escape?
Li Dashen was escorted to kneel down in front of the prince, and when he saw Xiao Shi kneeling there, he was actually a bit nervous, and even smiled slightly at Xiao Shi.Xiao's eyes fluttered, and then he blushed and lowered his head.

Xiao Changbing was secretly angry, he could see the flirtatious eyes between Li Dashen and Xiao Shi, and shouted in a deep voice: "Dare to ask, but you are Li Dashen?"

Li Dashen said loudly: "The Caomin is Li Dashen, I don't know why His Royal Highness suddenly summoned the Caomin today?"

The crown prince stared at this Li Dashen carefully, he was very gentle, he didn't look like a person who would steal, so he was not in a hurry, pointing to Jin Xia and Jin Yun's good voice and asked: "These things, Xiao Shi just confessed to you Gift, isn't that so?"

Li Dashen glanced at Jin Xia over there, and then said calmly: "That's right, these things are gifts from Caomin to the Xiao family, what's wrong?"

Xiao Changbing was about to ask, but the crown prince stopped him with a wave of his hand. He always felt that this Li Dashen was a man. Although he called himself a grassroots man, his grace and composure were not possessed by ordinary people. He shouldn't offend him too much. Might be able to draw more characters.So he said slowly: "Then dare to ask, where did you get these things?"

Li Dashen chuckled, "These things were bought by Cao Min at a high price a few years ago from a man named Huang Xinmang. He said they belonged to his ancestors, and he wanted to sell them because he was eager to spend money. So Cao Min spent The 6 taels of silver were purchased from him, and here is the receipt of the purchase, Your Highness, please have a look."

As he spoke, he took out a receipt from his purse, Xiao Changbing took it and handed it to the prince, the prince looked at it, nodded and said: "Well, it is indeed a purchase receipt, but do you know who that Huang Xinmang is? "

Li Dashen shook his head, "Cao Min just saw him by chance in the market, so I don't know who he is, this... I don't know why Your Highness is asking such questions?"

Xiao Changbing was finally able to speak, "Huang Xinmang is a Jiangyang thief who has been arrested by the court for four years, and he specializes in stealing valuables from the government. Li Dashen, I never thought you would be so bold as to help the Jiangyang thief sell stolen goods. What should you do?" ?”

Li Dashen raised his eyebrows, "My lord, the grass people don't know that Huang Da Python is a thief, let alone that these are stolen things. They always think that they are inherited from their ancestors. As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. The laws of Daxia seem to have such a rule Not to mention that the government has never arrested the Jiangyang thief and let him go unpunished, and caused the grass people to lose 6 taels of silver in vain, and now they want to ask the grass people about their crimes, how wronged are the grass people?"

Since he came in, he has always been talking and laughing in a calm manner. Xiao Shi on the side glanced sideways at him. He was already handsome, but his composure at the moment made her feel that he was so personable. She felt sad and at the same time It is joy.

The crown prince and princess concubine looked at each other, they felt that Li Dashen could not be used as an indictment, now that the lost property has been found, all they need to do is to order to catch that Huang Xin python.The crown prince was just about to give orders, but the crown princess suddenly said: "Dare to ask Li Dashen, what is your relationship with the Xiao family, and you will give her such a precious thing?"

Li Dashen smiled, "Cao Min and Xiao Shi are just friends."

"Friends? Friends give such precious things? What kind of friends are they?" The princess couldn't help asking.

Li Dashen explained: "Acquainted with Mrs. Xiao a few days ago, she was always worried that her sixth girl would not have any dowry, and would be looked down upon by her husband's family when she came to her in-law's house. Something was given to her."

In fact, the Crown Princess has long seen that there is an ambiguous air between him and the Xiao family. Not only did she see it, even Song Tingda felt it.He couldn't help but turn green. This bitch actually cheated on him?Is it because her life is so good that she starts to think about sex when she is full and warm?

The Crown Princess said meaningfully: "Li Dashen, you are so generous. His daughter doesn't have a dowry, but your friend donated it. I don't know about it. Does Mr. Song know?"

(End of this chapter)

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