Chapter 228
Song Tingda's face was green, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Hearing this, Jiu Ya's heart was finally relieved. It seemed that Fu Yu was not a person without measure. After turning over and over again, it just brought out the fact that Xiao Shi had an affair with this Li Dashen.So, this means that Xiao's disobedience to women's morals, what will be the end of Xiao's?

The old man and his aunt and old lady next to him also seemed to see the key. The old man was so angry that he almost trembled, pointed at Xiao with trembling fingers and said, "Didn't our family let our daughter get married well? Are you worried that your own daughter is not married?" Dowry, but people need face, trees need bark, even if it is porridge, is there any reason to accept gifts from others? Besides, we don't know Li Dashen and Li Xiaoshen at all. What is your relationship with him? Why should he meddle in your business? what?"

Xiao's face was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it. If he knew this Li Dashen, he had to start from years ago. At that time, Jiu Ya and Jin Yuan had not been married for a long time. One day, Song Tingda was not in the mansion, and this Li Dashen came to the door. visit.After he introduced himself, it turned out that he was the one who joined Tianxuanzong and Song Tingda.He came to tell Xiao Shi that before the leader died, he not only forgave the Song family's 15 taels of debt, but also gave some real estate to his little bride Chongxi.And the purpose of his coming is to invite people from the Song family to look at the real estate, and after confirmation, they can go to the real estate donated by old Mr. Zixu.

Xiao Shi heard that there was such a sudden fortune, how could she let Song Tingda know, she first thought of Jin Xia and Jin Yun's dowry, and immediately made an appointment with Li Dashen to see the real estate the next day.However, Li Dashen was not in a hurry to lead her to see those things the next day, but led her to admire plum blossoms in the snow, cook wine and play the piano, and sing about the romantic romance.Li Dashen was originally handsome, personable, and talented, every move, every word and every smile, I don't know how many times better than Song Tingda.

After all, Xiao is only 35, so how can she resist such a temptation? After swimming for one day, the next day, she arrives as promised, saying that she is going to see the real estate, but Li Dashen takes her to another place. After reciting poems and making fuss, she was gentle and kind to Xiao Shi, so she was fooled for another day.So one after another, Xiao said that he would not come out to see him again, but when he thought of Li Dashen waiting alone in the wind, he couldn't control his legs and went to the appointment.

After going back and forth, although the two of them didn't talk about their love, but the kind of hazy affection naturally grew. Xiao recognized Li Dashen as her confidant, so she spoke out her sorrows, and Li Dashen became a black knight to help her. To solve the problem, I brought these things here in a few days.Seeing such a precious thing, Xiao was overjoyed. In her mind, money is the best measure of the depth of a relationship. The more expensive it is, the more he cares about her.So when he received the gift, he fell in love with Li Dashen even more.

She was absent-minded all day long in the Song Mansion, Song Tingda was aware of it, but he thought that Xiao Shi was only worried about his children, so he didn't think much about it, if he knew that she had had an affair, he would have divorced her a long time ago up.

Xiao also knows that her behavior is unconventional, and if she continues to develop, she will be reviled by thousands of people. She has also restrained herself, but she only feels that she has not seen Li Dashen for a day, and she knows that she can't do it. For this reason, it's like being addicted to drugs, and you can't quit it.This was a feeling she had never felt before after being married to Song Tingda for so many years. She only felt exciting and excited, and occasionally had the urge to be desperate.Up to now, she finally understood why Jin Zhen, the fourth girl, eloped with a stranger. It turned out that the woman was so crazy when she fell in love.

Now that the old man was so ruthless and forced to question, under the watchful eyes of everyone, and in front of his children and son-in-law, Xiao was so ashamed that he just wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.Li Dashen sighed, and said with great melancholy: "Old Master Song, please don't press her so hard. Although we are in love with each other, we are only affectionate and reasonable, and we have not done anything that is not tolerated by the world. I Giving her precious things is only my heart, and it is also her love for her children and the entire Song family, so what should she think when you reprimand her like this?"

It's fine if he doesn't say anything, this statement is clearly adding fuel to the fire, and admits that there is something between him and the Xiao family.Song Tingda couldn't hold back any longer and kicked Mrs. Xiao to the ground with one kick, "Bitch, didn't I give you food and clothing for humiliating me like this? You are not satisfied with food and clothing. I still want to cuckold me, I...I'll beat you to death today, you bitch!" Of course, he didn't dare to kick Li Dashen, because he is a member of Tianxuanzong, if he kicked him, he would kill his whole family , he's not that stupid.

Mrs. Xiao curled up on the ground and did not dare to move. Seeing that Song Tingda was about to strike cruelly, Xiao Changbing, who was livid with anger, stopped him and said, "How can you be so presumptuous in front of the prince? Master Song, the case is not yet over. , the real thief has not been caught yet, shouldn't Jin Xia and Jin Yun take off the stolen goods and return them to the Crown Princess?"

Song Tingda suppressed his anger, and ordered people to take Jin Xia and Jin Yun down to replace the jewelry and clothes. The crown prince ignored Li Dashen and just brought Song Tingda into the study. The two talked for a long time in the study, and the crown prince took the crown prince. The concubine drove away.When Jiu Ya and Jin Yuan entered the study, Song Tingda was already limp on the ground with ashen face.

Xiao Changbing came over after seeing the prince off, hurriedly asked someone to help him up, and asked in a low voice: "What did the prince say to you to be so frightened?"

Song Tingda's eyes were dull and empty, and after a long while, he moved his eyeballs and murmured in a hissing voice; "It's that bitch, our Song family is about to end, it's a knife to the left, and a knife to the right, call me what to do?"

Jiuya also felt strange, wondering what kind of blow he had suffered, and comforted him: "Father, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Although what mother did made father lose face, fortunately, not many people know about it, only our own People, the prince and princess will naturally not talk nonsense, so don't be sad."

Hearing her voice, Song Tingda's eyes suddenly showed guilt and sadness. He held her hand, choked up and said, "Jiuya, father is sorry for you. The most sorry thing in this life is your mother and you. If you were firm at that time One point, you are not like this now, and our Song family will not suffer such a catastrophe..."

(End of this chapter)

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