Chapter 229
Xiao Changbing's face darkened, "My lord, what are you talking about? Did the crown prince treat you badly? Now the Song family can be accused of stealing, but the crown prince has not pursued it. What are you still complaining about here? ?”

Song Tingda yelled, "What do you know? If it wasn't for your greedy and lewd sister, how could I, Song Tingda, have become what I am now? The Xiao family is so shameless, and I, Song Tingda, must divorce my wife! This is from your Xiao family. Good daughters, take them back and raise them!"

The faces of Xiao Changbing and Mrs. Xiao who came after him were blushing, and they really didn't know what to say.

Jiu Ya felt really uncomfortable hearing that, Xiao Shi, it's the day you will be dismissed at last?Is it the retribution you deserve for making such a fool of yourself today?

Jin Yuan wanted to laugh when she heard it from behind. She never imagined that the Xiao family would be here today, and they have been bullying these concubines all the time. The past incidents happened one after another, and which one didn't make her feel like a painful memory?
So she turned around and walked out of the study, and came to the hall again. Li Dashen was no longer there. In the huge hall, except for Jin Zhi, only Xiao Shi was left lying on the ground as if collapsed.

"Mother, I didn't expect you to do such a shameless thing. Didn't you lose my face? Did you think about my face when you did this? How will I gain a foothold in my in-law's house?" Jin Zhi didn't go. Comforting Mrs. Xiao, instead squatting on the ground with a disgusted face and blaming loudly.

Xiao slowly raised her head from the ground, then slowly sat up again, looking at her most beloved daughter with a dull expression, there were no tears in her eyes, only the pain of ignorance, "Isn't it all because of the mother who did this?" You? From childhood to adulthood, my mother feared that you would suffer from heat and cold, and only cared about you three sisters if you had food and clothing. I can say without shame that I have given all my efforts for you. , up to now, is this how you repay me? Could it be that the daughter I raised with all my heart only cares about my own face in the end, and doesn't know how to comfort you, a mother who is about to be kicked out of the house? "

Jin Zhi shouted: "I don't want to listen to this. As a woman, you don't abide by women's morals, and you don't care about our father and our face. It's a heinous crime. How can you have the face to say that you paid everything for us..."

As she spoke, she stood up, and Xiao grabbed the corner of her skirt and cried, "Jin Zhi, have you forgotten that when you were young, you had a fever, and my mother didn't close her eyes for three days and three nights, just to take care of you, and I was afraid that something might happen to you?" , don’t you remember? Remember that time when you had chickenpox, everyone was afraid of contagion, but your mother was desperate to keep you locked in the room under the heat, do you still remember? And you and Jin Yuan robbed Something, stabbed her with a knife, and was almost beaten by your father. Didn't the mother help you to save her from the beating? Mother has always only paid for you, can't mother be allowed to make a small mistake? I can tolerate every mistake you make every time, and help you hide it, so is it possible that my mother will be abandoned by you just once?"

Jin Zhi also burst into tears for a while, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried non-stop.Jin Yuan walked over step by step, and said with a smile: "Oh, what's the matter, the two mother and daughter are crying so sadly, I don't know, I thought it was a funeral. Our Song family is not dead, who are we crying for?"

The two mother and daughter ignored her at all, Jin Yuan had hatred in her heart, how could she just let it go?He still smiled and said: "I heard that my father is going to divorce his wife, now I don't know whether to hand over the affairs of the house to my aunt or the fifth aunt, anyway, in the future, no one can care about it, everyone can finally live a relaxed life. I don’t know if we should share some of the dowries that have been saved?”

Xiao was furious, and cursed angrily: "Get out! Get out! Little bitch, did you come to grind me because I let you have today?"

"Get out? Who should get out? You should be the one to get out, right? You've been rubbing me, haven't you been rubbing me for so many years? I'm like a beggar. Every day I expect you to show mercy and give me more Eat and drink, and the result? Send me away like a beggar. Well, it is said that the wicked will have their own evil, and now is the time for your retribution. Hong Xing cheated? Stealing a man? That’s great, you have the guts Try stealing a few more?" Jin Yuan laughed loudly, clapping her hands while laughing, it can be said that the hatred is so deep, and now she laughs so terribly.

Xiao Shi was so angry that he trembled all over, pointed at her a few times, rolled his eyes, and passed out.Jin Zhi usually has sharp teeth, but now he didn't dare to refute Jin Yuan, he just called Hong Xiu and a few little girls over there, and carried Xiao Shi back to Fuguixuan first.

Jin Yuan was puzzled, but Jin Xiu came over and shook her head and said, "Although she is hateful, how is it any different from her when you argue with her like this? Sixth sister, forget it, she will be free in the days to come." It won't be easy, there is no need to sprinkle salt on her wounds, it will make your husband look down on you, you know?"

With tears in her eyes, Jin Yuan suddenly choked up and said, "I know, but I just can't help it. I can't even count the hardships I have suffered in the mansion these years. I don't know how many nights I spent every day. Curse her to die, and now I finally see her retribution with my own eyes, I am so happy. If you don’t vent it, how can you be happy?"

Jin Xiu patted her on the shoulder, "I know, everything will be fine in the future, don't you already have a husband? Let's live a good life in the future, don't think about these things, it's just hurtful."

When mentioning her husband's house, Jin Yuan couldn't help but sigh secretly, life there is not easy, her mother-in-law is a snobbish person, and her husband is a douchebag who can't support her, when will this dilapidated life be worth it?
In the whole drama, Tuobaye watched the show from beginning to end, Fu Yu laughed like a villain, Bai Xihou didn't care, Wang Xizhi, the big son-in-law, looked down on Xiao Shi the most, and he stayed out of it.The Xiao family was in trouble, except for her three daughters, no one in the entire Song Mansion said a word, and now she has truly seen the unpopular end.

In the end, Song Tingda finally gave up the idea of ​​divorcing his wife under the persuasion of Xiao Changbing and Mrs. Xiao because of the need to take into account the face of the Xiao and Song families.However, Mrs. Xiao, in this life, can only spend the rest of her life in a Buddhist hall in a new and secluded place in the Song Mansion, and cannot take a single step for the rest of her life.

Jin Xia and Jin Yun felt that their pillars had collapsed suddenly, and they were crying so hard, but no one could change this.When Jiuya was about to go back, the old lady aunt finally sighed and said in a relaxed way: "Eight girls, your aunt, finally got over it, next time you come back, you will definitely see another scene in the Song Mansion." scene."

(End of this chapter)

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