marry a noble wife

Chapter 232 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick

Chapter 232 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick (1)
The old lady shot her a look, "Look, isn't this all childish? They are all old accountants, and the entire waiting mansion has a big account. How can they just change people? They really did something wrong. , but is it because you are not familiar with your young mistress? According to grandma, they are too protective of the Lord, so they are afraid that others will see what is on the books. You have already shown your power yesterday, and they also recognized you , Changing them again at this moment, wouldn’t it be a waste of all previous efforts? Don’t bother him to recuperate. Grandma is in charge of this matter. If they dare to disrespect you as a young mistress in the future, grandma will definitely punish you severely. .”

Jiuya sighed secretly, knowing that those people were protected by these powerful masters, that's why they were so arrogant, even if Lord Hou was allowed to come forward, Lord Hou couldn't control so much about the common affairs of the mansion.Forget it, you still have to take your time.

The third lady coughed and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, daughter-in-law Yu, now that you have grandma backing you up, and there is an order from the waiting master, if there are those who don't have eyesight and dare to bump into you in the future, let the turtle hair One bite at a time, I don’t believe that they don’t spare their own lives and still bully their masters. Even if they lose their lives, no one will care about these evil slaves who bully their masters, and watch them go to the underworld to be arrogant after they die.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Wen Caihe covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I said Third Aunt, aren't you teaching bad people? How could a kind and beautiful person like my sister-in-law do such a disastrous thing? Now three My younger brother is still sick, even if she is accumulating blessings for the third younger brother, she can't do such a thing, grandma said, right?"

The old lady nodded and said: "Daughter-in-law Changting's words are reasonable, now there are two patients in the house, everyone must not do things that harm the harmony of nature, everything must be good first, not to mention those slaves are also life-threatening Well, they are all seniors, seniors and juniors, and if one person has an accident, the whole family needs to be careful, so as not to chill people's hearts."

Speaking of this, the meaning is to warn Jiuya not to bite people with dogs, otherwise the servants in the mansion will have great opinions on her.Jiu Ya just smiled, but didn't make a sound.

Wen Caihe glanced at her at this time, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "I don't know how the third sister-in-law usually teaches servants, you see, once your girl goes to my side, she doesn't want to get down to business, and on the day she goes Shut up Changting in the study for a whole day, told him not to do anything, and everyone didn’t eat? What do you think is this? How did she learn all the things of a vixen? "

Obviously, she was scolding Jiuya for being a foxy girl, so she taught a foxy girl.

Jiuya was not angry, and said lightly: "She is a girl, no matter how capable she is, she can't hold back a big man. It's clear that the second brother likes her, so he locked her up in the room for a day. Isn't this very good? The second brother is married I have no children in these few years, maybe this Chunmei will be right with the second brother's eyes when she goes, and she can add children to the mansion this year? If the second sister-in-law wants to suppress it, she is afraid that the second brother will be afraid, what kind of psychology is suffering from it? Lifelong infertility due to hidden diseases would be bad, I have seen many such cases in medical books.”

Wen Caihe's face turned pale with anger, and Aunt Xiao really listened to her heart, "Psychological hidden diseases can cause lifelong infertility? Does it really say so in medical books?"

Jiu Ya said seriously: "It's definitely said so. You can go and observe, there are such examples around you on weekdays. If you don't think about it, the mother of Jananfeng in the previous court was a famous shrew, and Prime Minister Jia was extremely afraid of internal affairs. Finally, he gave birth to a daughter and a son tremblingly, but the son was thrown to death by his wife. Prime Minister Jia was frightened by this and never had another child. Even if he was given more flowers and beauties, he would not be able to give birth to him. A male and a half female. This is a well-known example."

Aunt Xiao's complexion immediately stretched, and she glanced at Wen Caihe angrily, "I said Changting's daughter-in-law, you have heard about this too, how can it be possible to control Changting too tightly on weekdays? What man doesn't want to be fresh?" , this Chunmei used to carry on the family line for him. I heard that you beat Chunmei severely before. Do you know that you may kill the child in her belly. Be careful in the future. Changting has been holding back for so many years, and he has treated you very well, if you still restrict him like this, what will you do when he ends?"

Wen Caihe was stunned there, seeing everyone looking at her reproachfully, she didn't know what expression to use to deal with it.After a while, she felt hot and humid in her eye sockets. It turned out that there were tears coming out, and she quickly lowered her head. She would not let anyone see the tears of grievance.

Jiu Ya had a panoramic view of her expression, and she seemed to realize something in her heart.At this time, the old lady changed the topic, and said to Jiu Ya: "I heard that Yu's daughter-in-law didn't manage the accounts in her natal family before, did she?"

Jiu Ya regained her senses and smiled noncommittally.

The old lady continued: "Since I'm not very familiar with it, it happens that Ruoqin is familiar with these things, and she has free time, grandma asked her to teach you how to read accounts every day during this time, what do you think? "

Ruoqin has been sitting quietly at the side all this time, her face is calm, and her haggard look has lightened a lot.Jiuya looked at her with a smile, and agreed immediately, "Okay, grandma is so caring, how can grandson-in-law excuse her?"

The old lady nodded in satisfaction, "You are a sensible girl, it is not in vain for Yu'er to marry you."

So from that day on, as soon as Jiuya went to the accounting room, Ruoqin would follow her inseparably. Sure enough, there was news over there, and it was not far from what Jiuya thought.

"Xiao has secretly invited a person into the mansion. According to my observation, that person stays in Ruoqin's room very late every night, and often brings out some dirty things. And I have seen that person before, if I didn't guess If it's wrong, it should be the master of disguise who gave Keshi a face before."

After hearing this, Jiuya frowned and thought about it for a long time. Aunt Xiao invited a master of disguise?Have you ever made things easy for Ke Shi before?What are you doing for Koshi's disguise?Is it to seduce Lord Hou?And now she is resorting to the same old tricks, trying to capture Fu Yu in one fell swoop?
The third lady left immediately after saying this, and Jiu Ya told Fu Yu, who had been so busy for the past few days, to come back, and told him about it.After hearing this, Fu Yu's eyes rolled, he had already got an idea, and said with a smile: "My lady, will I have two identical ladies all of a sudden? Wow, enjoy the blessings of equal people, happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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