marry a noble wife

Chapter 233 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick

Chapter 233 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick (2)
Jiuya pinched his ears immediately, and said in a vicious voice, "Do you dare to try a wrong idea?"

Fu Yu covered his ears and yelled, "Lady, take it easy, it hurts..."

Seeing how pitifully he was screaming, Jiuya let go of him, raised his chin with his left hand, leaned over his face and said, "Don't even think about such a ghostly idea like yours, or I'll make you look good."

Fu Yu blinked and said flatteringly, "My lady, I'm just teasing you. Seeing you care about me so much, my heart is sweeter than drinking honey. How can I really think about other people?"

Jiuya took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek, her eyes were like autumn water, "Don't worry, my husband. My Guishui has also come these few days, which means that I have really grown up. In a few days, we will really grow up." I can..."

She didn't go on, but the tenderness had already fully explained everything.Fu Yu was overjoyed, he pulled her on his lap and sat down, and couldn't help giving her a wild deep kiss.After a long while, Jiuya pushed him away panting, Fu Yu was still reluctant to let go, his eyes were bright and he said: "My lady, you really didn't lie to me, did you?"

Jiuya shot him a look, "You idiot, can you lie to me? When we two have children, see how those people with ulterior motives will have an excuse to push women around you."

"That's right, my lady should have been enlightened a long time ago, but she wasted so much time and spent a lot of energy on talking about dating."

He said he was going to come again, but Jiuya covered his mouth and scolded with a smile: "Pervert, be serious, I have something to tell you."

Fu Yuhao felt helpless, the fire in his heart was hard to extinguish at once, so he could only hug her tightly to quench his thirst, "Say it, what's the matter?"

Jiu Ya said seriously: "Well, don't you think it's strange that my father is suddenly favored by the crown prince, and he heard that he will be promoted. Why does the crown prince attach so much importance to my father?"

"So?" Fu Yu thought for a while, and decided to tell her, "It may have something to do with your father being a Cangbe doctor."

"What does this matter?"

"I heard that the people headed by the King of Qi have been investigating the matter of exchanging brown moldy rice for military rations before the prince. At that time, King Qi was leading a war in the northwest border. Some of the soldiers were poisoned by eating moldy rice, which made him very angry. Back to After Beijing, a thorough investigation was started, and the evidence was searched. The prince has been covering up, or the chief officials were transferred, or someone was promoted. Since your father is directly in charge of the granary, he should be involved or know about these things to some extent. King Qi had contact with your father as soon as he returned to Beijing, and the crown prince will have time to adjust him in the future, so he can only rely on the members of the Xiao family to try his best to shut up your father."

When he said this, Jiu Ya suddenly remembered that when King Qi came to the Song Mansion for the first time last year, he was talking to his father in the study, and his father knelt on the ground and wiped his sweat, maybe he was asking about this matter.Looking at his father's intentions later, he also had the intention of following King Qi from now on.But now why the prince changed his attitude, so did his father?Why didn't King Qi continue to step up efforts to investigate on his father's side, instead of giving the prince the opportunity to promote his father again?

So she raised this question, "Could it be that King Qi hasn't investigated this matter now? Otherwise, why did he give the prince a chance to promote his father?"

Fu Yu stared at her for a moment, and slowly said: "Because King Qi suddenly received an order to fight against Wu Yue, he had no time to take care of it, so he put it on hold for a while. Recently, someone brought up this case again, and the prince panicked. Just worry about your father getting up."

Jiu Ya was startled, and repeated: "King Qi suddenly received an order to fight against Wu Yue?"

Fu Yu stared into her eyes, and said lightly: "That's right. King Qi has not been in Beijing since September last year. Now, I heard that he and Wu Yue have started two wars in succession. One wins and the other loses. They are fighting hard in the front." Very difficult."

Jiu Ya felt her heart suddenly calmed down.The resentment in my heart for many days finally deflated like a balloon pierced by a needle.That person was not in the capital, so it turned out that he was not in the capital, but he had received an urgent order to go to the front line, now almost half a year has passed, the battle is intense, and he was defeated, is he all right?

She shook her head, good and bad have nothing to do with her, she is now a wife, his sweet words are a thing of the past, and can only be blown away with the wind.

Fu Yu took a panoramic view of her eyes from bright to dark, and felt mixed feelings in his heart, and there was an indescribable feeling lingering in his heart, which was sour, bitter and astringent.He pushed Jiuya to stand up, and then went to open the door with a dark face.

Jiu Ya hurriedly asked: "It's so late, what are you doing out there?"

Fu Yu didn't look back, "Go drink the northwest wind."

He seemed to be angry again, Jiuya was baffled.Looking at the wooden door swaying in the wind, she sighed, this guy is young, but his temper is surprisingly big, this time she is not going to coax him, and he should learn to suppress those inexplicable anger by himself.

A few days later, the Empress Dowager and Concubine suddenly said that she wanted to go back to the Hou Mansion for a short stay for two days. After receiving the news, the whole Hou Mansion became busy just like the New Year.Cleaning, arranging, and setting up the scene, the old lady and Aunt Xiao were extremely nervous. They carefully selected the girls and women, and invited the cooks from the north and the south. ,eat more.

Every day, Jiuya went to the accounting room for a while, let Ruoqin follow her for a while, and then dealt with some trivial matters in the yard.In fact, with Ruoqin following her, she didn't care to read the accounts at all, she just went through the motions, and those bullies would never show her the accounts she wanted to see.Fortunately, she already has a plan in mind, and she will start to implement it after Ruoqin and Bichong are resolved.

Because she called Mother Pei again and bought a girl, Chunhua Courtyard became much more lively than before.Of the original four maids, two clever ones have been promoted as second-class maids. One is Xiaoluo, who seems to be as honest and quiet as Chunju.One is Xiaoshi, who has the characteristics of Chunmei, chirping and quacking, speaks very quickly, and is very popular everywhere, that is, the kind who is very good at communication.If you cultivate it well, you will be a useful person in the future.

As Xiucai has more and more things going on now, Chunju will take care of some things. Jiuya plans to formally put Xiucai there to manage things after the outside rented pharmaceutical place stabilizes. Follow up to serve, so as not to go in and out to punch eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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