marry a noble wife

Chapter 237 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 237: True and False Nine Elegances (2)
The people present didn't take it seriously, but Aunt Xiao had an imperceptible smile on her lips, Song Jiuya, even if the crown prince wants to protect you, he will definitely send you to heaven this time!
The nanny was testing the poison, Ruoqin just wanted to leave quickly, before the nanny finished testing the poison, she leaned over and said: "Because I was worried that my husband would drink too much, my sister-in-law left first, elder sister, please slow down."

She was about to turn around, but before Fu Jingwen could speak, the poison-testing nanny's expression changed, and she said coldly, "Wait!"

Ruoqin was taken aback, "What else?"

The nanny put the bowl in front of her and said sharply, "What did you put in this porridge?"

Ruoqin's heart skipped a beat, "The porridge was given to me by my second sister-in-law just now, I didn't put anything in."

Aunt Xiao's face was condensed, she looked at the drug test nanny, "What's the matter with the porridge?"

Momo's face was stern, "There is a miscarriage medicine in this porridge, it's obvious that someone has ulterior motives and wants to make the empress dowager concubine conceive a miscarriage!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Nuan Pavilion was shocked. Fu Jingwen turned pale when she heard this, and the old lady suddenly stood up and shouted, "Daughter-in-law Yu, how dare you use such poison to harm the empress dowager?" Concubine Sun has a fetus in her womb, come here, first beat this vicious woman twenty slaps hard before interrogating her!"

Ruoqin felt wronged, and shouted: "It's not me, I didn't poison..."

But whoever came to listen to her cry now, the two nuns beside Fu Jingwen immediately stepped forward and dragged her out, held her down under the eaves and beat her, and as soon as she fell down, the delicate Ruoqin burst into tears in pain.The two nuns must have done this kind of business in the Prince's Mansion on weekdays. They are familiar with beating people and know where it hurts the most. They beat Ruoqin to the point of screaming.

By the time the [-]th board was hit, her butt was already blooming, and her speech was so painful that she couldn't speak neatly.Then the two nuns dragged her into the warm pavilion again. Fu Jingwen stared at her with eyes that could kill her, and said in a cold tone, "Tell me, who ordered you to want me to conceive? It's Wu." Side concubine? Or that flat bitch?!"

The sneer at the corner of Aunt Xiao's mouth got worse.

Ruoqin raised her head from the cold ground, speechless; "I said... this porridge was given to me by my second sister-in-law, I didn't even know..."

"Second sister-in-law? Wen's?" Fu Jingwen looked sideways at Aunt Xiao who had a gloomy face, "What kind of person is second sister-in-law? What reason does she have to harm me?"

Aunt Xiao glanced at her, "Why did you take her words seriously? Didn't you hear that I asked daughter-in-law Yu to serve the porridge just now? Now she blames daughter-in-law Changting, obviously looking for excuses word."

Hearing what she said, Ruoqin became anxious, not caring about concealing her identity, and cried, "'s not me..."

Aunt Xiao suddenly jumped up in fright when she heard this cry, isn't this the voice of Ruoqin?Angrily, she pointed at Ruoqin on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "What did you call me just now?"

At this time, the third lady who had been silent on the side had already seen the way, she pretended to be surprised and said: "Isn't this the voice of Ruoqin? But this face is obviously Yu's daughter-in-law..."

Everyone saw that something was wrong, Aunt Mingyao suddenly remembered an incident many years ago, and said excitedly: "Could it be that Yu's daughter-in-law is fake? What are you waiting for?"

Now the entire warm pavilion exploded, and the empress dowager concubine had such a big incident, someone immediately went to the front to report to the empress dowager who was drinking, so soon, several drinking uncles hurried away come over.

When Fu Qingyan saw Ruoqin who was beaten to pieces on the ground, she felt pity in her heart. She thought it was Jiuya, and without losing her composure, she immediately went to help her up, and said angrily, "Who tortured her? What did she do?" What did you do wrong?"

Aunt Xiao's face turned blue and red, and her whole body trembled, how could this be?How could this be?Ruoqin was allowed to enter the Chunhua Courtyard obviously because people were staring at Song Jiuya when he came to the Nuan Pavilion, why did Ruoqin run here in the blink of an eye?And got beaten?
Ruoqin leaned on Fu Qingyan and wept bitterly, "Cousin, I didn't do anything, it's just that the second sister-in-law asked me to bring the porridge, and the eldest cousin said that there was abortion medicine in it, and it's none of my business..."

Fu Qingyan, who was furious, heard Ruoqin's voice, and immediately pushed her away like a ghost, stared at her, and was shocked, "Who are you?"

Ruoqin was suddenly pushed, but she couldn't stand still, and immediately fell to the ground again, with another painful scream.

Fu Qingyan pointed at her, not daring to say anything: "Are you Ruoqin?"

Ruoqin burst into tears and screamed: "I am Ruoqin, cousin, save me..."

Fu Qingyan didn't seem to hear what she said behind, "Since you are Ruoqin, why do you have the same face as the third sister-in-law? Why do you want to pretend to be her?"

Ruoqin felt unspeakable pain and burst into tears.

Tuoba Yue, who had already asked about the situation over there, raised his thick eyebrows and slapped the table, "What a bold poisonous woman, dare to harm my wife and children, drag me out and beat me!"

At this moment, Aunt Xiao was frightened and panicked by the sudden incident, she had no idea in her heart, and she didn't know how to defend Ruoqin.She originally wanted Song Jiuya to serve the porridge. The porridge was simmered by her people, and the medicine for abortion was naturally put in it, but she knew that there was a poison test nanny, so Fu Jingwen would definitely not be able to eat it, but Song Jiuya could take it. The crime of poisoning royal heirs.She had made it clear before that she was a druggist, and she couldn't evade it even if she wanted to.

Then, when the prince is angry, he will question her heavily, and Ruoqin has already done something that must happen with Fu Yu, because Ruoqin has an aphrodisiac that is difficult for everyone to detect.When the incident happened, Ruoqin would restore her original appearance by herself, and before Fu Yu woke up, she would cry out that Fu Yu had raped her. The fact was there, and Fu Yu had no way to refute it. Responsibility, a double blow, will definitely cause chaos.He has a deep affection for Song Jiuya, and if Song Jiuya dies, he will be in pain. At the same time, Ruoqin said that she was pregnant, and immediately told Lu Xi's King Xi, why didn't King Xi rush over and worship Ruoqin as a god?
(End of this chapter)

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