marry a noble wife

Chapter 238 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 238: True and False Nine Elegances (3)
However, how come things are so different from what I imagined now?What went wrong?

The emperor's grandson over there was still shouting and beating, Ruoqin was in pain and anxious, lying on the ground crying loudly: " me...Aunt..."

Aunt Mingyao had a look of regret, "You child, why do you want to pretend to be Yu's daughter-in-law? After doing such a thing, you asked your aunt to save you. How can your aunt save you?"

Fu Jingwen and the old lady were also stunned at this time, the old lady couldn't believe what she heard and saw, the one in front of her could be Ruoqin?As far as she knew, no one except Xiao Shi could do such a ridiculous thing.

And Fu Jingwen knew Ruoqin's intention to be taken by her mother to live in the mansion, and there might be some unavoidable reason for the sudden change, so she persuaded Tuoba Yue, "This is a bit strange, we'd better ask the matter clearly before we talk about it."

Tuoba Yue's face was cold, and he gave her face, "You are the person involved, so you can ask."

Now the third lady in the Nuan Pavilion has a meaningful expression on her face, Aunt Mingyao's eyes are twinkling, and the old lady is thinking about the past in silence, with an unclear expression on her face.Fu Changting, who just came in, had focused eyes, and his narrow eyes only stared at Ruoqin carefully, thoughtfully.Aunt Xiao's face was extremely ugly.

Fu Jingwen glanced at her mother, and then started to ask Ruoqin, but her words were a bit evasive, "You said just now that you took the porridge from the second sister-in-law, and you didn't do anything, did you?"

Seeing that she finally had room to speak, Ruoqin said repeatedly: "I really took it from the second sister-in-law. If you don't believe me, you can call the second sister-in-law over to ask."

Aunt Xiao had regained her composure, and told Mother Sun, "Go and call Second Mistress."

Mother Sun went out in response, and after a while, Wen Caihe, who looked unhappy, followed her in. Seeing the situation in the room, and seeing Jiuya lying on the ground covered in bruises, she was stunned for a while. .

"Second sister-in-law, just now she said that you gave her the porridge, but is there such a thing?" Fu Jingwen asked.

Wen Caihe is someone who has been there, so when he asked, he knew that there was something wrong with the porridge, so he almost jumped up, pointed at Ruoqin and said loudly: "Hey, I said third sister-in-law, the porridge is obviously your fault." I feel sick to my stomach, and I don’t feel at ease handing it over to the servants to bring it to Nuan Pavilion. You handed it to me at the gate of Tengyun Pavilion, so why did I give you the porridge again? I saw you were fine at the Lihua Pavilion just now. Fang handed the porridge back to you, and I just dropped my hand, do you still want to blame me for something?"

Aunt Xiao's face was extremely ugly. If Wen Caihe was telling the truth, then this person must have been changed when Wen Caihe delivered the porridge.But why did Ruoqin go to the Lihua Pavilion?Why did she still come to the warm pavilion so stupidly?Didn't you intentionally add to the confusion?

What a Song Jiuya, she seemed to know her own plan, and she made a plan for her, it was really pissing off!

Ruoqin was puzzled, and retorted angrily: "Second sister-in-law, when did I go to Tengyun Pavilion to give you the porridge? You must not recklessly wrong me."

When Wen Caihe heard that the voice was wrong, she backed away in fright, kicking, kicking, three steps in a row, her eyes staring like copper bells, "You, you... who the hell are you? How could it be Ruoqin's voice? ?”

As soon as this question was asked, Ruoqin wished she could find a hole in the ground and get into it.She turned her eyebrows and cried to Aunt Xiao: "Auntie, tell them why I am like this, I...I..."

Aunt Xiao winked at her again and again, meaning to tell her not to talk nonsense, and confessed her aunt.But Ruoqin has already regarded her as a life-saving straw, she is not willing to let it go, and shouted again; "Auntie, you told me that everything is safe, now I..."

Seeing that she talked more and more, it would be difficult for her to step down immediately, Aunt Xiao secretly poked Fu Jingwen, Fu Jingwen faintly understood the reason, immediately stopped Ruoqin's words and changed the question: "Second sister-in-law, are you sure this porridge is Did you take it over from the third sister-in-law at Tengyun Pavilion?"

Wen Caihe hadn't digested the fact that the third sister-in-law changed into Ruoqin, she stared at Ruoqin for a moment and said, "Of course I took it over from the third sister-in-law at Tengyun Pavilion. Many people have seen it, and they can all be called to testify.”

Tuoba Yue next to him didn't feel that this matter was so confusing at this time, but was only furious at the source of the abortion medicine, and said in a deep voice: "Since the second sister-in-law said that she didn't take the medicine, and the one on the ground said no, then why don't you give me the medicine?" Has anyone touched porridge? Why don't you call the people in the kitchen to check?"

The third lady voted in favor of this statement, "That's right, let's put aside these weird things for now, we must also find out the person who gave the drug. Today there is a poison test nanny, if there is no test poison in the future Mammy, aren't we people going to suffer as well?"

Fu Qingyan immediately followed up and said: "Yi Zhi, go to the kitchen and call everyone who cooked porridge for the aunt just now!"

His little servant, Yi Zhi, hurried over, and after a while, three neat young ladies followed.As soon as they entered the door, they knelt in front of Fu Jingwen, and one of the ladies with a slightly pale face said: "Back to the eldest aunt, we can guarantee with our heads that we absolutely did not add medicine to the porridge. And my aunt is afraid that someone will tamper with it, so she carefully The confession is that the three of us stared at the porridge at the same time, and we were relieved until the third grandma came over to serve it after it was simmering. If you don’t believe me, we have already brought all the pots for simmering the porridge, and you can ask the mother to check it. "

One of the ladies handed a purple sand pot to the poison experimenter, who sniffed it and tasted it again, "It's really clean inside."

The old lady suddenly said: "Yu's daughter-in-law has always been proficient in medicine. If there is something wrong with this porridge, she would have questioned the people in the kitchen. So, this medicine must have nothing to do with the people in the kitchen."

There are so many twists and turns here that outsiders can't figure out the key points at once. Fu Qingyan sneered: "Since it has nothing to do with the people in the kitchen, it has something to do with the person who pretended to be his daughter-in-law. There is also a second sister-in-law who took over, and no one can prove that they are innocent. After all, these two people are the most suspected, and the others are irrelevant. "

(End of this chapter)

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