marry a noble wife

Chapter 239 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 239: True and False Nine Elegances (4)
After hearing this, Ruoqin turned the question around to her again, and cried loudly: "It's really not me, I really didn't go to the kitchen to serve porridge..."

The third lady smiled, and asked the women in charge, "You three carefully identify the person who came to serve you porridge earlier, but this one?" She pointed to Ruoqin.

The lady in charge of the kitchen didn't know that there was something strange in it. Aunt Xiao had repeatedly told them to identify Song Jiuya before, so she said in unison: "It's indeed the third grandma, that's right, the third grandma's aqua blue dress is very beautiful, we all remember it very clearly .”

The third lady glanced at Aunt Xiao, "Did everyone hear clearly? All three of them saw that she brought the porridge, so she was the most suspected. Besides, the ancestor also said just now that Yu's daughter-in-law is really good at medicine. , if she finds something wrong with the porridge, she will definitely not show it up, but this girl Ruoqin brings it without knowing it. Think about it, if she deliberately drugged it to honor the appearance of her daughter-in-law, then she will bring it up It is really a foolproof strategy to plant the blame on Yu's daughter-in-law. In this way, Yu's daughter-in-law will definitely die. It's a pity that people are not as good as God, no one expected that the poison-testing mother would try it out of the porridge so quickly Before Ruoqin had time to retreat, she was caught face to face."

Her analysis was reasonable, and Ruoqin was about to start a quarrel, and Aunt Xiao suddenly said, "There is still a doubt about this matter. The person who talked to us here before is clearly Yu's daughter-in-law, so in Changting, daughter-in-law goes to Tengyun At the pavilion, the one who handed her the porridge must have been Yu’s daughter-in-law, and Changting’s daughter-in-law went around and saw Ruoqin here, and thought she was Yu’s daughter-in-law, so she gave her the porridge. So , the suspicion of honoring your daughter-in-law is still the biggest!"

She has figured things out now, so she can only try her best to push the blame on Jiu Ya.

Fu Yuyan interjected: "How is it possible? People from Chunhua Academy came before, saying that Yu's daughter-in-law was not feeling well and called the third brother back. Why did she come to the Nuan Pavilion to talk to you?"

Aunt Xiao didn't expect that he would always be against her, she secretly said angrily: "Qingyan, if we didn't see what we saw before, could it be that we have seen a ghost?"

The third lady interjected: "I don't know if I've seen a ghost or not, but isn't there an identical ghost in front of me? Why do you want to look far away and think of people who are not feeling well? Are you trying to change the subject?"

Aunt Xiao's face was livid with anger.

Fu Jingwen vaguely knew what kind of role her mother played in this, so her expression changed, and she suddenly said: "Ruoqin, tell me, who told you to dress up like this? And who ordered the medicine to be added to the porridge?" ? What is the intention?"

At this moment, she didn't know how to smooth things over, she could only hope that Ruoqin would be smarter and push all these things to Song Jiuya, and she must not let others know about her mother's intentions and what Ruoqin did.In that case, not only would he lose face in front of the emperor's grandson, but the entire Houfu would also lose face.

Seeing her stern tone, Ruoqin opened her mouth, and finally thought about it, and thought about going with her. At the same time, she recalled what she had said before, so she cried, "It's really not me, it's the third cousin, she Said that she seemed to be entrusted by some concubine Wu of the Prince's Mansion, and she was bound to bleed the piece of meat in the big cousin's stomach when the big cousin came back. That's why I came to prescribe the medicine."

Everyone gasped, but the third lady shook her head. These women are crazy. They can make up anything at this time, but now they are still berating Yu's daughter-in-law. It is really shameless and despicable. .

Tuoba Yue's face suddenly turned blue, and Fu Jingwen immediately washed her face with tears, clutching her chest as if she was about to faint, "Sir, did you hear that too? It's Concubine Wu..."

Tuoba Yue didn't look at her at all, and slapped the table and shouted: "Why did you go so far, you poisonous woman? Well, since you said that the third sister-in-law ordered you to do this, why did you let you dress up like her?" ? Is she crazy?"

Ruoqin had already thought up a set of explanations at this moment, and said confidently: "Isn't it because third cousin had a fight with third cousin sister-in-law recently?"

Fu Qingyan couldn't help asking: "What does this have to do with their quarrel?"

Ruoqin endured the pain and stood up a little bit and said: "The third cousin quarreled with the third cousin sister-in-law because the third cousin sister-in-law always refused to consummate the house with him. The third cousin sister-in-law said that she came to Guishui today, which was extremely inconvenient. The conflict with the third cousin, she entrusted me, as long as I promise to help her put medicine in the porridge of the eldest cousin, and use her appearance to replace her and consummate the house with the third cousin, I will be accepted in the future Concubine, I was already in love with my third cousin, so tempting, how could I refuse, so I complied with her..."

Such a far-fetched reason was actually given by her, not to mention that Fu Qingyan didn't believe it, even Aunt Mingyao and Wen Caihe over there didn't believe it.Fu Qingyan smiled angrily, "Cousin Ruoqin, I didn't expect you to be such a capable person. My cousin has always misjudged you before. Then according to what you said, with your appearance, and the medicine in the porridge , it's Yu's daughter-in-law's idea, isn't it?"

Ruoqin refused to let go, "Yes."

Tuoba Yue didn't know how to describe his feelings. Is there such a woman in the world?Let other women pretend to be themselves to consummate their marriage with their husbands?That woman was either a lunatic or had a very bad relationship with Fu Yu.He immediately waved his hand and said, "Ask someone to call the third brother and his wife over for questioning."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were two more people at the door of Nuan Pavilion, they were Fu Yu and Jiu Ya.

At this time, Fu Yu laughed at Yan Yan, his eyes lit up, and he walked in with Jiu Ya, who was wearing an apricot-colored dress with a pair of dimples and smiling eyes.

At that time, the candles were brightly lit, and the pearls were warm and moist. The pearls shone on the faces of the two, and they felt that the man was luxurious and beautiful, and the woman was like snow under the moon, and the clouds in the sky, crystal clear and beautiful.Although the facial features are the same as those of Ruoqin on the ground, but the aura is so flexible that people can't help but realize that the difference between clouds and mud is not the color, but the texture from the inside to the outside. It is an imitation, similar in shape, but completely different in spirit.

Fu Yu didn't even look at Ruoqin who was on the ground, stood in the middle and bowed his head, and said with a smile, "I don't know why my brother-in-law asked us to come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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