marry a noble wife

Chapter 241 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 241: True and False Nine Elegances (6)
Ruoqin ignored her at all, and just stared at Aunt Xiao fiercely. If this aunt hadn't picked her up and encouraged her to do this and that, she would still be living a leisurely life by her parents' side. Take some time to find a good marriage and spend the rest of your life well.But now, her end like this is certainly related to her own selfishness, but how did this aunt ever be kind?Using herself to achieve her ulterior motives, she really regrets it now, why did she regard her as the most reliable person to do these shameless deeds?

With so many accusations at the moment, she didn't stand up and say a word for herself, clearly treating herself as useless and wanting to abandon her.A sense of pity suddenly rose in her heart, she laughed and said with tears in her eyes: "I'm a bad woman, I really want to climb into third cousin's bed, but how can I invite a disguise master, then Because of……"

"Ah——my stomach hurts so badly, my husband, auntie, I, I, I, I'm in pain..." All of a sudden, Fu Jingwen held her stomach and yelled as if she had some kind of emergency, suppressing Ruoqin's weak voice down.

Aunt Xiao supported her with a panicked face, and at the same time she was secretly relieved, it really was her mother Mo Ruo'er, and this daughter is so well-behaved.Seeing Fu Jingwen screaming so frighteningly suddenly, Tuoba Yue didn't dare to ignore her, and quickly carried her to the inner room next to her, while ordering for the imperial physician.

And at the same time, the two nuns behind Fu Jingwen touched Ruoqin's back. They seemed to come to pull her, but they had already locked Ruoqin's life gate tightly from left to right. He was shocked on the spot.Jiu Ya and Fu Yu didn't expect that they would dare to kill and silence them in public. Before they could finish their secret energy, Fu Yu immediately swung his fist and attacked the two nuns. After all, there is clearly a more powerful follow-up.

"Bold!" The two nuns yelled secretly, and at the same time rolled back to avoid the killing, and then kicked their legs and shouted: "I don't know why the third young master wants to attack us for no reason?"

Fu Yu just wanted to stop them from killing Ruoqin, Jiuya knew it, but Ruoqin had been tricked, even if he hadn't exhausted his energy, he was only one step away from death.She immediately pinched Ruoqin's veins, and at the same time stuffed a life-saving pill into her mouth, hoping to forcibly save her.

This turn of events stunned all the people present. Others didn't know that the two nuns had murdered Ruoqin. They only knew that Youqin suddenly failed. The old lady had already followed Fu Jingwen. Come over, "What's going on? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Ruoqin suddenly opened her eyes, but she didn't look at anyone, only the fingers pinched by Jiuya moved, and a small sachet fell into Jiuya's hands, then she tilted her head, closed her eyes and died forever, Leave this ugly world.

Aunt Mingyao, Wen Caihe and the others yelled, Jiuya retreated immediately, and under Fu Qingyan's obstruction, Fu Yu also stopped fighting with the two nuns.Fu Yu sneered and said, "The two nuns are so powerful, they dared to kill people in public when they came to the Hou's mansion. Who gave you the courage?"

The two nuns were extremely tough, and one of them said: "Third Young Master, please be careful with what you say. Which eye of yours saw us kill someone? Ask these elders, which one of them saw us kill someone just now?"

Fu Yu didn't want to engage in unnecessary verbal quarrels with them. When Fu Qingyan saw Ruoqin, he couldn't tell whether she died from battle injuries or something else, but these two nuns did get close to Ruoqin just now. If the two of them killed Ruoqin, why?What is the purpose?Could it be that Ruoqin is about to reveal the person who ordered her?Ruoqin usually listens to her aunt the most, could it be that her aunt instigated this matter?And in order to protect her mother, the eldest sister simply ordered someone to kill Ruoqin?
This realization immediately made him feel as if a basin of ice water was pouring from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. If this was the case, Auntie's intentions were really not sinister.Let Ruoqin seduce the third younger brother like this, and then frame Jiuya to death, what good will it do her?The closest people in the house died one after another, and now even the cousin died, how would the uncle explain it?

Fu Qingyan had no choice but to call someone in to deal with Aunt Mingyao's surprise.And the third lady stood beside Jiuya, glanced at her, sighed and said: "Even willing to kill the person who claims to love her the most, such a vicious heart is really rare, so let's do it myself in the future."

She left after she finished speaking, but the two nuns over there were not ready to rest. They both put their hands on their hips and yelled loudly; Kill Miss Ruoqin and tell her to report to the Yamen immediately, saying that the two of them killed each other in full view..."

Before Fu Yu beat him to the past, Fu Qingyan was already furious. He lifted his robe and pointed at the two vicious nuns, "Shut up! It's not your turn to talk in this residence! If you don't want to, I'll sue you for murder right away." , go back to your master quickly! If you want to continue messing around here, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Jiu Ya also grabbed Fu Yu, who was eager to fight, and sneered: "This injury is at the gate of life. You only need to find a forensic officer to find out the cause of death. Brother, let's invite Mr. Xue to come over to the house. Only by finding out the real murderer can the dead be returned." A justice."

The two nuns lost their temper a lot at this moment, they said something indiscriminately, then turned around and ran away.

Fu Changting, who had been silent all this time, glanced at Wen Caihe, who was still watching the fun, and then stared unfathomably at the backs of Fu Qingyan and Jiu Ya, and walked away silently after a long while.

So Fu Qingyan should take care of the rest.

Seeing that Fu Jingwen was fine, the old lady returned to Rongfutang, but since this incident happened, she didn't say anything, as if she already understood the reason for some things.When Chen's mother told her that Ruoqin was killed by the two nuns next to her aunt, she confirmed her thoughts even more.That night, she thought about it for a long time, but with her knowledge and experience, she couldn't find a better way out for the entire Houfu. Instead of killing a few people to continue to maintain the strength of the Houfu, she should uphold justice. Put the entire Hou Mansion into a place of eternal doom?Her conscience and reason struggled in reality until dawn, but she did not get the most correct answer.

(End of this chapter)

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