marry a noble wife

Chapter 242 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 242: True and False Nine Elegances (7)
Someone died again, and Aunt Mingyao didn't gloat so much anymore. Before she could see the result, she went back unexpectedly.

It was supposed to be a good welcoming party, but it turned out that four people were killed.The atmosphere in the Hou Mansion suddenly fell again, and the servants secretly panicked. After all, they knew that they were just slaves who obeyed orders. Maybe one day, this kind of fate would fall on them.There have been too many people who have died in the Hou Mansion recently, and now even Miss Biao is dead, so when it's their turn, how can there be any luck?

Back in the Chunhua Courtyard, Mother Pei, Chun Ju, Yu Die Xiong and her mother were all there in the hall. They all had smiles on their faces. Chun Ju asked first, "Young Mistress, was that fake caught in public?"

Fu Yu still had a dark face, and went straight into the inner room, causing Chun Ju to stick out her tongue.

Han Ziya smiled and pointed to his head: "With someone as smart as me, how can we prevent that fake from revealing its true colors?" So he told the four of them what happened in the Nuan Pavilion one by one.

Mama Xiong sighed: "Unexpectedly, my aunt would come up with such a trick. If the young mistress hadn't greeted us first and left us a special hand gesture, we would have been hard to believe that it was fake. It was exactly the same. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise it would be real." If you ask Aunt Xiao to do the trick, I guess the old prince will be in trouble."

Yudie nodded, and asked curiously; "But how did the young mistress lure the second mistress out, and then transferred the porridge to Miss Biao?"

Jiuya smiled slightly, "It's really Han Ziya's credit, he found out about Aunt Xiao's congee stewing medicine, so he deliberately found two people to say that Chunmei was at the Tengyun Pavilion with the second master Hu Tianhu. , just let her girl Xiaonan hear, so Xiaonan went to report to the second sister-in-law, and the second sister-in-law went to Tengyun Pavilion. Then I went to the kitchen, and Han Ziya found a girl to be with him at Tengyun Pavilion I went around and around until I came out with the medicine and said I was in a hurry. Let her take the medicine for me first, or send it to the Nuan Pavilion first. Maybe she was not in a hurry and wanted to send it to the Nuan Pavilion first, and it happened to be Mrs. Lead the fake one to the Lihua Pavilion, and the second sister-in-law will see that she is fine, so she will stuff things into her hand and send her to the Nuan Pavilion."

Yudie interjected: "Aren't you afraid that the fake ones won't be given away?"

Jiuya laughed and said: "How is it possible? Don't you know how coaxing your uncle is? Under his coaxing, you can't pretend not to send it off."

Mother Pei said happily: "This is the best. Although it is hard to bear the death, it also eliminates future troubles and avoids future troubles. It is also a good thing."

Everyone agreed with her point of view, and after chatting and laughing with each other for a while, Jiu Ya suddenly raised her eyebrows and asked, "By the way, Han Ziyao, where did you seduce a little girl to follow you around?"

"Young Mistress, don't speak so harshly, okay? What is seduction? That girl did it voluntarily." Han Ziya called out, and then smiled grimly, "I just hooked my fingers, and that girl came happily. What else can I do?"

Yudie gave him a sip, "How shameless, do you think you are a beautiful woman, and the little girl will let you be seduced by such a thing?"

Han Ziyao was furious, "Just you damn girl who talks about me every day, I'm doing very well outside, and I wouldn't even look down on someone as handsome as you."

The two of them were about to fight again, so Mama Pei hurried over to smooth things over, pulled Yudie and said, "Okay, okay, everyone is tired all day, hurry up and help young mistress to wash up."

After being pulled away, the two died down.After washing, Jiuya went back to the inner room, took the sachet that Ruoqin was holding in her hand before she died, sniffed it again and again, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Fu Yu didn't know where he found a leaf and sat on the porch, whining, with a mournful tone and a long charm.It was late at night, and the girls couldn't sleep anymore, so they had to sit up and listen to him.

Jiuya was also disturbed by hearing that, she put away the sachet, and pulled him in, closed the door casually, and said angrily, "Can you make people calm down? It's like ghosts crying and wolves howling in the middle of the night, don't others need to sleep? ?”

Fu Yu snorted, and lay down on the soft couch, "I'm happy, can you control it?"

"Of course I don't care about it." Jiuya was angry, "But you are not a child, why do you keep getting angry with me? I don't know what provoked you, and you are still so obstinate to this day, even if it is my fault Now, you have to point out a mistake to me. If you are wrong and still behave like this every day, let me coax you, don't even think about it, don't even think about it later, I will talk to you again. "

She was so angry that she turned around and exhaled, this guy is simply unreasonable.

Fu Yu sat up all of a sudden, stared at the shadow behind her and said viciously: "Well, you are reasonable now. Let me ask you, do you think about others every day now?"

She is locked in this square inch every day, who else can she think about?Really like a child losing his temper, Jiu Ya didn't bother to talk to him.

She didn't make a sound, and Fu Yu thought she was acquiescing, and was even more annoyed, his face flushed, his fingers were dug into the embroidery mat, and he asked again: "Then I'll ask you again, do you have anything to hide from me?" ? You answer me truthfully!"

Hiding things from him?Jiuya was silent for a moment, and couldn't remember asking a question that was wrong, "Men can do business outside, but do you think women can do it?"

The veins on Fu Yu's forehead were throbbing, and he said decisively, "No way!"

Jiuya put the last hairpin on the dressing table and said calmly, "Then we have nothing to say."

Fu Yu was so angry that he punched the soft couch, and growled: "You arrogant woman, do you think I'm useless, so you deliberately anger me?"

Jiuya ignored him at all, and fell asleep after laying the quilt. She was exhausted after a day of exhaustion, so she didn't have the energy to argue with him, let him go alone, and see what kind of trouble can come out .

Like punching cotton with no force, Fu Yu gritted his teeth and stared at her with grievance and loss in his heart.Sometimes she is clearly like a warm stove, releasing her own heat and slowly heating up the cold him.Sometimes she is like a big beetle wrapped in a hard shell, even if he stabs left and right, she can't pierce her heart defense.For example, now, when he asks her like this, she still looks indifferent, no matter how furious he is, she still remains motionless, as flat as a bowl of water.

(End of this chapter)

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