marry a noble wife

Chapter 243 True and False 9 Ya

Chapter 243: True and False Nine Elegances (8)
How long is this damn girl going to lie to him?How long are you going to keep that bastard in your heart?
He was so angry that he was almost dazzled by jealousy. He didn't care much at the moment, and rushed to the bed in two or three steps, then pulled her quilt away, pressed his body on it, and held her face , It was a kiss without a head and a face.

Jiuya was taken aback by his protruding behavior, opened her eyes and saw his red eye sockets and flushed face, and felt that he had a sudden burning rage that would affect her.She hurriedly struggled and whispered, "Master, what's wrong with you, don't act like this..."

How could Fu Yu hear her words, when he smelled the fragrance of her body, his whole body seemed to be ignited in an instant, jealousy, anger, depression, grievance, all kinds of emotions made him burst into an unprecedented heat.He just felt that at this moment he had to want her, possess her, let her have nowhere to escape, no way to escape, just like this forever branded his mark, no one else could snatch her away from him.

He felt a manic possessiveness in his whole body, which made him hold her struggling uncontrollably. He kissed her fiercely, not letting her escape, her lips, her eyes, the tip of her nose, her The small earlobes are gradually falling down, and her neck and collarbone, which are as delicate as white porcelain, are beating with a seductive and crazy light.

He could hardly see her tears, hear her cries, or feel her refusal. He only had one thought in his mind, to possess her, possess her, and let her belong to her forever...

Fu Yu, who was being torn apart, had almost lost his mind, Jiuya was struggling, calling his name, but he didn't hear it, and how could she match his strength?In desperation, he could only call out the name of Han Ziya with tears in his eyes.Han Ziyao was outside the door when he heard something was wrong with the noise inside. Hearing her screaming so frightened, he kicked the door open.

Seeing him coming in, Jiu Ya hurriedly whispered, "There's something wrong with him, hurry up and knock him out!"

Han Ziya also saw that there was something wrong with Fu Yu's red face, so he immediately tapped his sleeping point like the wind with his fingers.At this time, Fu Yu's reaction was extremely slow, he didn't know how to dodge, he let him hit him straight, and fell on Jiuya all at once.

Jiuya could hardly breathe under his pressure, Han Ziya closed his eyes, hugged Fu Yu and turned over.

Feeling relieved, Jiu Ya hurriedly covered her chest with a quilt. Mama Xiong had already rushed in after hearing the sound. Afraid that this matter would be publicized, she quickly closed the door and ran over to ask, "What's going on?"

Jiuya wiped her tears, "I don't know what's going on, he was very wrong just now..."

At this time, Han Ziya had already held his pulse door, looked at his red face and rapid and heavy breathing, and said in a deep voice: "It's a sign of being hit by a love potion. This kind of love potion is so overbearing. confused his sanity."

Mama Xiong was taken aback, "How did you get the love potion? Isn't the young master always very careful?"

Jiuya also felt that this was the only possibility, she bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, "Han Ziya, turn your head away, and let him take a closer look after I get dressed."

Only then did Han Ziya realize that he was embarrassed, his face blushed, and he turned around in a hurry.

Jiuya quickly put on her dress, put on the homemade cotton slippers and took Fu Yu's pulse. Jack Yaw heard her walking and turned around.

Holding Fu Yu's pulse door, Jiuya frowned, and after a while, said: "Sure enough, it is very domineering. If the properties of this medicine are not understood, it may hurt his body."

Han Ziya raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: "Young Mistress, only you can help him cure this medicine. Now that the matter has come to this point, shouldn't you also fulfill your responsibility?"

"Why are you like this?" Jiuya glared at him, "The love potion in him is extremely weird, even if I relieve him now, what about next time? If I'm not by his side, who will relieve him? Yes Don't you just let him act like a fool, and leave a lot of future troubles so that people can hold the handle?"

Han Ziya was stunned, then touched his chin, "Then what does the young lady think?"

Jiuya got up and said: "I'm trying to make a medicine for him now, and then I'll ask him what he ate and where did this love medicine come from. If someone deliberately does it, we must take precautions, otherwise it may happen if it appears again in the future. It’s not as easy as today.”

Mama Xiong nodded and said, "Young Mistress, just go, Han Ziyaw and I will just watch over here."

Jiuya turned around and went out of the inner room. Seeing Yudie and Xiucai waiting outside, she said with a relaxed expression: "It's okay, I'm playing with my husband, you all go to sleep." The fewer people who know, the better.

Yudie looked suspicious, "Young Mistress screamed so badly just now, is it really all right?"

Jiuya shook her head, "It's really fine."

Finally seeing them go back to their rooms, Jiuya entered the secret room at the back.Han Ziya and Mama Xiong waited anxiously in the house. Seeing Fu Yu's face getting redder and his breathing getting faster and faster, both of them began to fidget. Fortunately, Jiu Ya had already opened the door and came in at this time.

Asking Mama Bear to bring warm water, Han Ziya untied Fu Yu's sleeping hole, Jiuya immediately put the powder to Fu Yu's lips, and coaxed in a low voice, "Master, you have been poisoned by the love potion, take this first." Detoxify."

Fu Yu opened his bloodshot eyes, looked at her, and after a while he came to his senses, and said hoarsely: "My lady..."

Jiuya smiled softly, "Master, be good, come and take the medicine."

Fu Yu closed his eyes, and poured the medicine into his mouth with his last bit of rationality. Jiuya heaved a sigh of relief, and handed him water. Fu Yu drank it all in one go, and then lay down.

Han Ziya worried: "Is there something wrong with him?"

Jiuya frowned slightly, "It will take a while for the medicine to work, and now he can only rely on his own willpower to resist, don't worry, the medicine I just prepared is to cure all kinds of poisons, and it will recover after a while It's normal. You guys go to rest too, and let me do the rest."

Han Ziya still wanted to ask, but Mother Bear had already pulled him off, "Let's go, with the young mistress here, what are you worried about?"

Han Ziya turned his head and saw that Mama Xiong was always winking at him, but he didn't know why, so he followed her out.Mother Xiong closed the door, gave him a white look and said, "Why are you so blind? Even if the master's love potion is not cured, isn't the young mistress the best antidote? You stand there and tell the master how to detoxify?"

(End of this chapter)

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