marry a noble wife

Chapter 245 Love Potion

Chapter 245 Love Potion (2)
"Recently, there is a case that is being investigated very tightly. Although Song Tingda promised that he would deal with it alone, my father-in-law is still worried, and wants to solve him before this, so as to avoid future troubles."

Aunt Xiao smiled, "Since this is the case, then I don't have to restrain my hands and feet. During this period of time, I must prepare well. The next time I make a move, I will definitely tell Song Jiuya and their Song family to never stand up."

Fu Jingwen nodded, "I hope that my aunt will be closer this time. This is a major event related to my father-in-law's ascension to the Great Treasure. Although King Qi has suffered a defeat at Luyi, I heard that he is getting braver as he fights. If so Go on, as long as he defeats Wu Yue and returns to the court this time, my father-in-law's position in the East Palace will definitely be unstable. King Qi's achievements are so great that the emperor and all the officials have turned their attention to him. Many ministers have already secretly turned to the Queen's faction. If my father-in-law is caught in the wrong again, I am afraid it will become the trigger for the impeachment of those ministers.

Aunt Xiao said with some trembling: "The relationship is so important? It seems that I must do everything perfectly this time."

Fu Jingwen hummed, then suddenly remembered something and asked, "How is the marriage discussion between elder brother and Yuechan going?"

Aunt Xiao replied: "Last time I went to Prince Rui with your grandma to formally propose marriage, and Prince Rui agreed."

Fu Jingwen's face turned cold, "I can't do it if I agree, I'm afraid something will happen to this matter."

Aunt Xiao was stunned, "What else happened?"

"I met Yuechan two days ago, she seemed very angry, she was fighting with Prince Rui, she seemed to blame Prince Rui for agreeing to marry Qingyan."

"We have waited for such an excellent child like Qingyan for so many years. Where can we find such a person? Doesn't she like it?"

"I asked her the same way that day, and she told me directly that Fu Yu was the one she betrothed back then, and she would never marry Eldest Brother."

Aunt Xiao was so frightened that she almost rolled down from her chair, and she cried out, "How could this be? How can our Qingyan be inferior to that mute? She still despises our Qingyan?"

Fu Jingwen reprimanded: "Don't patronize the bluffing, turn around and let the elder brother get in touch with Yuechan more. Yuechan's recognition of the third younger brother is nothing more than because of the memories when she was young. Women are fickle. As long as Yuechan sees the outstanding side of elder brother , Naturally, I will no longer insist on my marriage contract with my third brother."

Aunt Xiao hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I'll tell your elder brother to run to Prince Rui's side if there's nothing wrong. It seems that it's really not good to just sit and wait for it to happen. We have to fix the date of the wedding right away, and let them get married and they'll be fine."

Fu Jingwen continued to ask: "Why did I see my eldest brother showing great concern for that third younger sister-in-law last night? What's going on?"

Aunt Xiao also saw a little way last night, but she still didn't want to think in that direction, how could such an outstanding son like her like that low-born woman?Let alone a sister-in-law?

"It seems that my aunt is not sure about this." Fu Jingwen smiled coldly, "That Song Jiuya really looks like an eye-catching person, no wonder the third brother is interested in her, and it is also no wonder the elder brother is not taking his eyes off her, this will not work It would be even more terrible if Yuechan found out. Anyway, I will prepare a flower viewing feast later, first to dampen Song Jiuya's spirit, and let everyone see that she can't adapt to the life of our upper-class nobles, and let her understand Understand your identity. At the same time, it can also promote the relationship between elder brother and Yuechan, Auntie, you can arrange it when the time comes."

Aunt Xiao's eyes were cold, and she quickly agreed, she will definitely make arrangements.

Jiu Ya got up early in the morning to pay her respects to the old lady, and then saw someone from the Xiao family drag Ruoqin's body away.Although they were very sad, they didn't make any noise, but Aunt Xiao sent them away crying.The old lady wiped her tears sadly, "Good girl, just leave like this, this is really..."

The third lady persuaded from the side, "Things are all there, who can be blamed? If she hadn't been greedy, she wouldn't have ended up like this. In fact, if the person is dead, it will be over once and for all. The ancestors don't even think about it. She is like this." It might be a relief for her to go."

The old lady shook her head, Aunt Mingyao looked disappointed, and turned her head to stare at Jiuya who was dressed indifferently.Jiu Ya just said nothing, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

After leaving the old lady's side, she then went to Yilanju, when she went, the grandson of the emperor was there, and a doctor was waiting for Anping to see a doctor.

"Mr. Hou's condition is still the same. It doesn't get better, but it doesn't get worse either. However, if the inner qi that blocks the meridians keeps stagnant, it may cause muscle atrophy, and it will really cause hemiplegia." The doctor suddenly stood up. Get up, sighing.

Tuoba Yue frowned, "Many experts have been invited, but none of them can untie this sealed meridian. Who did it?"

An Pinghou looked indifferent, "Everything is arranged by God. If God insists that I spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, no one can change it."

Tuoba Yue respectfully said: "Now we must find a way to reverse it. Now that so many people are unable to treat my father-in-law, I will definitely find another way after I go back. Father-in-law just don't worry, the time will definitely not drag on for a long time."

Anpinghou was noncommittal, looked sideways at Jiuya, saw that she just came in and wanted to leave, so he called out, "Is it Yu's daughter-in-law? Is there something wrong?"

Jiuya, who wanted to go out, had no choice but to walk in, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I just want to see dad."

An Pinghou pointed to the chair next to him, "Since you're here, sit down for a while."

Tuoba Yue next to him was taken aback, why did this father-in-law change his sex?Still ask the daughter-in-law to sit?In the past, every time Fu Jingwen came to see him, he always looked cold, but when he asked later, it turned out that he treated everyone in the mansion like this, so he didn't mind.

As for this sister-in-law...he couldn't help turning his head to look at Jiu Ya a few more times. Although she looks very charming, there is nothing special about it. Just be kind to her.

Jiu Ya greeted Tuoba Yue first, then sat down as promised, looked at An Pinghou's wheelchair and said with a smile: "Is this chair still usable? I don't know if there is anything wrong with the design? If there is anything If it is inconvenient, you can bring it up and see if it can be improved."

(End of this chapter)

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