marry a noble wife

Chapter 246 Love Potion

Chapter 246 Love Potion (3)
An Pinghou patted the back of the chair, "Everything is okay, I can move a lot more freely now, this thing is very good. I heard that the craftsman who made this wheelchair made many more according to the pattern, and sold them on the street Yes, a lot of people like it."

Hearing that they were all sold, Jiuya was very sorry, and said with a light smile: "If I had known that those craftsmen would sell them as they were, I should have signed a contract with them in advance, and they should give us [-]% for every car sold." Technology fees. Now they really took advantage of it.”

Anpinghou didn't expect her to talk about the business, but Tuoba Yue laughed when he heard it, "So this wheelchair was designed by my sister-in-law. I kept praising it when I came here last time. But according to what you said , really should sign a contract, but those who want to follow suit, as long as they take the finished product home and have a look, they can make it, so even if they sign the contract, they will definitely not get any money."

Jiu Ya thought about it, and said with a casual smile: "It's a pity that there is no place to apply for technology patents. If there is such a functional department restriction, whoever does it without permission can be fined and ruined. Patent protection increases the enthusiasm of innovators.”

Tuoba Yue laughed it off, "Although this proposal is good, we still agree that everyone can enjoy it. If good things cost money to promote, then there must be few opportunities to be applied in life, which will affect production and development."

Jiuya pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't speak out. She was looking at it from the perspective of a high-ranking person, so she naturally had a different view from her, a private owner.He wanted to gain everyone's wisdom without working hard, but as a small person like her, she only thought about how to make money, how to live a prosperous life, who would think about productivity and development.

Looking at Jiuya's expression, Tuoba Yue knew that she did not agree with his statement, but thinking that a little girl like her could design such an exquisite thing, he had a different opinion in his heart.After chatting for a few more words, he stood up and said, "Father-in-law, don't worry. I heard that a new genius doctor came to the capital recently. The medicine he made is very miraculous. Now he is very famous in the capital. If you have time, I will see if I can take it He invited him to show his father-in-law."

Jiu Ya didn't take it seriously, An Pinghou nodded indifferently, and asked Liu Bainian to see off the guests.

After Tuoba Yue left, Anping Hou set up chess pieces in the yard, "After that day, I heard that the person who gave you the poison needle attacked you again. Later, I asked Liu Bainian to investigate, and Liu Bainian could only investigate That person's qinggong is very good, he comes and goes without a trace, such a master has his eyes on you, do you need father to send you two people to protect you?"

Jiu Ya was slightly touched, but Fu Yu said that he had already made arrangements for this, and he didn't need to send any more people.She sat down opposite his chessboard, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your concern, father. I believe that with my husband, he will not let anyone kill me again."

Anpinghou didn't make a sound, and after a while, he said, "Can you play chess? Let's play the next game?"

Jiuya was startled, then smiled, "I only know a little bit, so I'm definitely not dad's match."

An Pinghou lowered his eyes, signaling to her that Bai Zi should move first.It was not easy for Jiuya to refuse, so she had to accompany him slowly.

Anping waited for Zi to be extremely fierce, attacking fiercely at the first, Jiuya was retreating steadily, but she was not in a hurry, and she did not forget the layout during the retreat.In An Pinghou's mind, with a chess skill like hers, she should have been defeated by him with three moves, five divisions and two divisions. However, Jiuya's chess pieces seemed to have continuous stamina. No matter how hard he attacked, she could still defend the last The bottom line stands firm.

She looked like she was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, slowly tightening the situation, Anping Hou finally felt more and more difficult, and had to slow down the offensive, and finally changed from offensive to defensive, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.But at this time Jiuya's formation has become a climate, no matter how An Pinghou defends, she will not attack, nor will she fall into the trap set by him, step by step, she will erode Anpinghou's power with a very small force.

In the end, the two were almost in a stalemate, and Jiu Ya wanted to eat up An Ping Hou, and the time would be delayed for an unknown amount of time, An Ping Hou finally raised his head and said: "Forget it, I admit defeat, like you This is the first time in my life that I have met someone who plays chess so softly."

Jiu Ya smiled slightly, "Actually, Dad didn't lose at all. If you must say you lost, it's because of your patience."

An Pinghou shook his head, "If it's a matter of life and death, if you are as gentle as you are, something big will happen."

"If all I want is a win, that's my goal, isn't it?"

An Pinghou was silent, and after a while, he said: "Since your disposition is like this, you should pay more attention to the accounts."

Jiuya stared at him, then dropped the white ball she was holding on to, "Father told me so clearly, then my daughter-in-law must let go and do it. If I can't deal with the aftermath, I hope father can come forward to help me."

An Pinghou raised his eyes, looked at her seriously for the first time, and said indifferently: "Just take the benefits, don't touch the root, can't it be done?"

Jiuya chuckled, "How can you have both?"

Anping Hou hangs his eyes and slowly puts the chess pieces into the box without saying a word.Jiuya didn't wait for him to answer, she got up and left.

Back at Chunhua Courtyard, it was already past noon, before entering the house, Chun Ju came out with a smile and said, "Young Mistress, do you know who's here?"

Before Jiuya could ask, a pink figure rushed towards her, "Eighth Sister."

Jiuya supported her, and took a closer look, but it was Jin Yun, and immediately became happy, "Jiumei? Why did you come to see Eighth Sister today?"

Jin Yun's eyes flickered, she raised her face, "Could it be that Eighth Sister is not happy about my coming?"

Jiuya has no reason not to welcome her, it's too late to be happy.Immediately asked someone to set up cakes and tea, pulled her smile and said: "Tell Eighth Sister honestly, what is the purpose of you coming to my place?"

Jin Yun withdrew her smiling face, frowned and sighed: "Now that my mother has entered the Buddhist hall, father has left all the affairs of the house to my concubine, but it is the fifth aunt who is helping, my mother knows, and she is there every day Crying in the Buddhist hall. Seventh sister and I went to accompany her every day, and she cried even more when she saw us."

But Jiu Ya felt very happy when she heard that, Xiao Shi used to want to put herself to death again and again, ruthless and merciless.And it was hard to see her being plotted against by Tuobaye before, but he let her go because of Jin Yun's pleading.This time Fu Yu did things quietly, he didn't have to take responsibility at all, and he didn't have to worry about Jin Yun coming to beg, but he could really see the tragedy of Xiao's almost being suspended and locked up in the Buddhist hall.

(End of this chapter)

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