marry a noble wife

Chapter 247 Love Potion

Chapter 247 Love Potion (4)
How can you relieve your anger just like this?As the saying goes, the best punishment for a person is not to make him die, but to keep him alive, watching helplessly as the most important things are destroyed bit by bit before his eyes, and there is nothing he can do about it, the kind of life that is worse than death, leaving only one hopeless The best punishment for Xiao Shi is to keep his body alive!

But on the surface, she couldn't be gloating, otherwise Jin Yun would definitely not like it, so she sighed with her and said, "Who told my mother to do something wrong? Father didn't divorce her, and he already cared about her face. Now if It's not bad that Fifth Yiniang is in charge of the house, she's never talkative, and she's not strict with others, I believe she won't have second thoughts about Jiumei."

Jin Yun nodded, "That's true, it's just..."

She bit her lower lip, lowered her eyes, and whispered: "I don't want to see my mother miserable every day, eighth sister, can I stay with you for a few days?"

Jiuya was taken aback, "How many days will you stay with me?"

Jin Yun raised her eyes and looked disappointed, "Can't you?"

Jiuya shook her head, "It's not impossible, I'm afraid my father won't agree."

"I already told my father when I came out. He said that the house is a little chaotic now. It's good to ask me to come and live with you. He said that our sisters have the best relationship, and we can't be divided just because the eighth sister is married. Let me stay here." Here to chat with you, Eighth Sister may not feel so lonely."

At this time, Yudie came in with a smile, "Jiu Miss's clothes have been brought here, where is Young Mistress going to let Jiu Miss live?"

All the clothes have been brought here. It seems that Jin Yun is determined not to go back, so Jiu Ya can only smile and say, "Just the guest room on the east side. It's good to tidy it up, so Miss Jiu can't live in it uncomfortable."

Yu Die responded, so Jiu Ya talked with Jin Yun again, and the two sisters stopped talking until dinner.Because Jin Yun was her guest, she couldn't take her to the dining hall for dinner, so she asked someone to make some simple meals in the small kitchen.Before, she had set up a small kitchen here on the grounds that Fu Yu was in poor health and wanted to take care of him. Anyway, she didn't want to take money from the public, so the old lady didn't say anything.

But the cook didn't bother to invite them, and just let the two women take care of them casually, so the general meals are relatively simple.

After dinner, it was already dark, and Fu Yu, who had gone out early in the morning, hadn't returned yet, so Jin Yun, who wanted to wait for him to come back and say hello, had no choice but to go to bed first.Only after Jiuya returned to her room and sat down with a book in her arms, Fu Yu walked in at the same time.

So she told about Jin Yun, Fu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's nothing to stay here, but you have to be careful, some people in this mansion use all sorts of strange tricks to trick people, don't let her be fooled by others Plan, don’t walk around in other places.”

Seeing how cautious he was, Jiuya smiled and said, "I'll save it, and let her pay attention."

Fu Yu hummed, and changed the subject: "I asked my eldest brother and second brother today, and none of them had the same situation as me last night. It seems that this matter is really aimed at me, but it's troublesome."

After Mama Bear took his fur and hung it up, he went out, and he poured himself a cup of tea.

Jiu Ya couldn't help laughing and said: "That's good, it seems that there are still people who want to send beautiful women to bed for you. Your husband is very lucky."

Fu Yu rolled his eyes at her, "It's just you, a heartless person who is still here to gloat, your husband is in danger, and you don't think about how to keep it, but do the opposite, and enjoy yourself endlessly, is it plausible?"

Jiuya put down the book, sat beside him and said, "Look at what you said, it's nothing more than some beauties, others can't even think about it, but you have such a sad face, if you are asked to be the emperor, don't you still Could it be because there are too many women that the emperor can no longer be emperor?"

"Hush -- can you say this casually? Be careful that someone will arrest you and put you in a sky prison." Fu Yu pressed his finger on her soft lips, with a mysterious expression on his face, but he was clearly taking advantage of her again.

Jiuya blinked, but he suddenly smiled and took a sip on her cheek, "To be honest, if someone made me the emperor and gave me beautiful women, of course I would be disrespectful."

Jiuya looked at him angrily, "Then I curse you never to be emperor."

Fu Yu laughed out loud, Jiu Ya didn't bother to talk to him, suddenly remembered something and asked: "I asked you something, didn't you say that you own a small part of your mother's property? The property in this mansion was originally owned by the second brother In charge of the business, why do you want to let the second brother take care of your mother's property?"

Asking such a serious question all of a sudden, Fu Yu had no choice but to stop laughing and rubbed his nose and said, "Do you think I'm a fool? Most of my mother's property is now in the public house, and it will be difficult for me to get it back anytime soon. But in my hands, how can I really let the people in the Houfu intervene? There are only two shops and a restaurant for the second brother and the third uncle to take care of, but it is not given to them, only let them take care of it. Of course, there must be something oily, but if I don’t give them a little bit of sweetness, how can I know what method they used to embezzle my property?”

Jiuya was stunned, it turned out that this guy had already taken precautions, and she was afraid that he would suffer, but she was worrying in vain.

"That's why, now the property lady in my hand is worried about being blackmailed by someone, and I'm watching carefully. Since Dad asked you to check the accounts of the house, you should do it carefully. If necessary As far as my patronage is concerned, I believe that since the second elder brother has intervened in it, there are many loopholes in it. But no matter what, if the lady can get back part of my mother's property, I will be satisfied."

His tone was a little dull, Jiu Ya held his hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, now not only you have such an idea, but even Dad has such a thought..."

Fu Yu's face darkened, "Don't mention him. When my mother married him, he swore so many vows in front of his grandfather that he would protect her well. What happened? My mother died not long after he left the house. Mother died, he didn't look for a reason, but came to hate me. He beat or scolded me when I was a child. I will never forgive him. He flirts with other women every day, and puts my mother in Where? He knew clearly that his mother's property was taken away, and he never let it go. Now that he has such a meaning, will he still find out with his conscience? Lady, don't be fooled by his sanctimonious appearance. What he did to me and my mother back then, everything was caused by him, now his legs are disabled is retribution. In this life, he will never stand up and walk again, this is the curse of God on him!"

(End of this chapter)

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