marry a noble wife

Chapter 248 Love Potion

Chapter 248 Love Potion (5)
The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and the more excited he was, his hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turned white, and he was almost gnashing his teeth.

Jiuya didn't expect him to hate his father so much, and was about to speak, but saw his expression suddenly changed, sniffed his nose and said, "Lady, what kind of incense did you put in the house?"

Jiuya sighed and looked at him, "Don't talk about him, how can there be any fragrance in the room?"

Fu Yu's face became ugly, "It really has a scent, I remembered, yesterday, after smelling this scent, my body started to feel unwell, I...I also..."

As he said that his face had turned from white to red, Jiuya was startled seeing that something was really wrong with him, she quickly got up and took the medicine left over from yesterday's preparation for him.

"Is it better?" She looked at him nervously.

Fu Yu let out a long sigh of relief, "What kind of medicine is this, I actually have a reaction just by smelling it?"

Jiuya turned around and looked around, "Scent, what kind of scent, why didn't I smell it? That kind of scent makes people react when you smell it? Didn't you have nothing to do before?"

However, the two of them rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the house for most of the night, but they couldn't find the source of the scent, which was really strange.

In the end, the two didn't sleep together until they found that Fu Yu couldn't hold on anymore.

But early the next morning, a thought flashed through Jiuya's mind. She quickly found the sachet that Ruoqin dropped before she died, and sniffed it. Could it be that this is the one who attracted Fu Yu's love potion? thing?
But this fragrance is very ordinary, it is just a kind of herb called "residual fragrance", which has the effect of refreshing the mind, and it is not comparable to the love potion.

However, if Ruoqin dared to seduce Fu Yu so boldly that day, it should not only be based on the similar appearance, because Fu Yu is not a fool. Fu Yu must be able to see that a woman with a real bump is so big that she hasn't fully grown herself yet.

If he sees it, what will Ruoqin do?
With a love potion?Let Fu Yu lose control and do what she wanted on the spot?
If this is the case, then there is most likely something wrong with the sachet.

Thinking of this, she immediately walked out of the house, just in time to see Jackdaw washing his face in front of the house, she pulled him and walked into his room.

Han Ziyao was puzzled, and shouted: "Oh, young mistress, what is so urgent? Can I go by myself?"

Jiuya let go of him, turned her head and said seriously: "Hurry up, follow me into the house."

Han Ziya took two steps back in fright, shielded his chest and said vigilantly, "What is Young Madam going to do?"

Jiuya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily, "You just come in."

She then entered the room and took out the sachet. Jacky Crow walked in warily, Jiu Ya stuffed the sachet into his hand, "Take this to your nose and smell it for half an hour, and then tell me what's there Feel."

Without waiting for him to speak, he went out and took Chun Ju to the old lady's side to pay her respects.Halfway there, I saw Fu Changting and Wen Caihe. Wen Caihe was the first to say hello, "Sister-in-law, are you going to Rongfu Hall?"

Jiuya smiled and said, "Of course, is the second elder brother and second sister-in-law going there too?"

Wen Caihe covered the corner of her mouth, "Of course, it's rare that we go there together today."

Jiuya pursed her lips and smiled, and asked casually, "I wonder how Chunmei is doing recently? Did she cause trouble for the second sister-in-law?"

Wen Caihe's face froze, and he glanced at Fu Changting, who was pretending to be honest. He was angry and hated, but he had to deal with it seriously, and lowered his eyelids and said: "Your girl is well trained, you have two brushes to seduce the master. , I believe that even the oiran of Lichunyuan is not half as good as her."

Jiuya smiled noncommittally, "That's good, maybe there will be good news from the second brother's house this year, congratulations to the second brother."

Fu Changting naturally heard the sarcasm in her words, he opened his mouth with a sullen face, flushed, but he didn't say a word.

Wen Caihe's face turned pale with anger.

When I arrived at the old lady's place, I didn't expect Fu Jingwen to be there early in the morning. After Jiuya and the others greeted her, she asked, "Did the third sister-in-law sleep well last night?"

Jiuya said honestly: "Thank you for your concern, big sister, it's not bad."

Aunt Xiao looked at her coldly, "You framed Ruoqin like this, are you afraid that she will come to knock on your door at night if she is still alive?"

"Really?" Jiu Yayi pointedly said: "The victim is said to be someone who framed others. There are really many wonders in the world. Ruoqin's death, God knows you know me, and there is a god standing three feet above her head No matter how much you say, it’s useless. I just want to say one thing, if people want to harm me, I’m not afraid of it. And some people have done utterly unconscionable things, and they don’t know how to accumulate a little bit of evil, and they will repay their children and grandchildren far away, and repay their body near them. I’m afraid that retribution will come It's too late to wake up."

Aunt Xiao was furious, but she couldn't grasp Jiuya's trick, so she trembled slightly with anger.Fu Jingwen next to her also had an ugly expression on her face. What kind of support does this woman have, that she dares to curse her face to face?
The old lady smoothed things over, "It's all in the past, so let's not say a few words. Well, it's getting late, everyone go to eat."

Anyway, no one here likes to see her, so Jiuya got up first, and said with a half-smile: "Grandma asked Ruoqin to follow me a few days ago, so she must have some plans. My husband said that Ruoqin learned my words and deeds in a subtle way that day." Wei Qiao, if he didn't know me very well, he almost fell into the trap. If my husband hadn't informed me, the medicine in the elder sister's porridge alone would have killed me. These things happen in series, one after another It's a clever plan, even if Ruoqin is dead now, I have to admire her. Grandma, don't you think so?"

The old lady looked embarrassed, Jiu Ya thought that Fu Yu was waiting for her to serve, and had already resigned first, leaving a room full of depressed people.

When Jiuya returned to Chunhua Courtyard, he went to Han Ziyaw's room first, and Han Ziyaw was really obedient, leaning on the table and putting the sachet by his nose.

Jiuya went in and stared at him with a smile, "After sniffing for so long, do you feel anything strange?"

Han Zidaw's expression was as usual, and he didn't respond at all.He suddenly stood up and threw the sachet to her, humming: "How can I feel it? This thing is very ordinary, but it's just a little fragrance. Where did the young mistress pick up a sachet to play tricks on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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