marry a noble wife

Chapter 249 Framed and anti-framed

Chapter 249 Framed and anti-framed (1)
"Really?" Jiu Ya pinched the sachet, but felt a little strange. Could it be that Fu Yu smelled a strange scent?
Han Ziya had a feeling of being tricked, so he let out angrily, and Jiu Ya then entered his inner room, thinking for a long time, just when Fu Yu woke up, he handed the sachet to him, "Mr. A scent?"

Fu Yu looked sleepy, and when he smelled the scent of the sachet, his face paled, and he quickly covered his nose, "My lady, take it away, it's such a ghost."

Jiuya's heart skipped a beat, what's going on?Han Ziya smelled fine, so coming to Fu Yu's place will become a super love potion?

She turned around and sealed the sachet in a wooden box, then turned her head and said: "Sir, this matter is really weird to the extreme, I have to check this sachet carefully."

Fu Yu jumped off the bed, and said intently: "Where did you get this damn thing?"

"It fell from Ruoqin's body. It's very likely that Ruoqin wanted to use this thing to lure my husband to be with her...and I just used it on Han Ziyao, but he didn't respond."

"Since that's the case, my wife can check it out. I believe you can find out the reason. By the way, I invited Tuobaye to come over to discuss business with my second brother today. Please pay attention to me later, and don't go to the front hall Go." Fu Yu solemnly confessed in his own clothes.

Jiuya responded, and turned to ask curiously, "What business do you guys want to talk about?"

Fu Yu pinched her small nose, and said dotingly: "Don't worry about this matter, it's just a man's business, the little lady can only hide in the yard embroidering flowers and so on and wait for the Prime Minister to return."

Jiuya was really speechless to his argument, at this time Mama Xiong had brought in water to help him wash up, she took the box and went to the secret room, she must study the contents of this sachet carefully.

When she opened the sachet, there was really only residual fragrance inside, nothing else.She sat in front of the case and thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out why the Jackdaw smelled so ordinary, including herself.And Fu Yu became a love potion as soon as he heard it, could it be... this has something to do with the poison on his body?Was it the reaction between the residual fragrance and the poison on his body that turned it into a love potion in his body?

But how did Ruoqin know that the residual fragrance would react with the poison on Fu Yu's body?Did she hit it by mistake, or did it knowingly?And Ruoqin's actions were all arranged by Xiao Shi, so if it is a bold assumption, is it possible that Xiao Shi did it on purpose?But how did she know that the residual fragrance would react to the poison on Fu Yu's body and turn into a love potion?
Her whole body jumped up suddenly. If her assumptions were to go on, it would be possible. From the beginning to the end, Mrs. Xiao knew what kind of poison Fu Yu was poisoned on, and also knew the properties of the medicine, and what kind of fragrance would respond to it. .

Then the biggest possibility is that the poison on Fu Yu's body was most likely caused by Xiao Shi!
It was previously suspected that the poison was related to her, because when Fu Yu fell ill, it was his son Fu Qingyan who benefited, but later, because Fu Changting disrupted the situation, he drew attention to Fu Changting.However, with such obvious evidence suddenly obtained today, it has to be conversely determined that the Xiao family is the mastermind behind the scenes.

The purpose of Xiao's family is to poison Fu Yu and take over the position of heir.Fu Changting's goal is to seize all of Fu Yu's property.

Xiao's wants a title, Fu Changting wants money, the two mothers and sons get their own money, well, they are really not a family, and they don't belong to the same family.The mother and son are insidious and vicious, and they completely regard Fu Yu as a sweet pastry that they can get whatever they want, mercilessly wanting his life, taking his status and money.

Suddenly thinking about all this, she suddenly felt like a flame rose in her heart, mother, if she doesn't get rid of these two, she won't be called Song Jiuya in the future!
And since there is a clue in his hand that the residual fragrance can make Fu Yu emotional, I believe that as long as he is patient, he will be able to find out what kind of poison Fu Yu has fallen into, and in the end he will be able to cure him of all the poison.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, still put the residual incense in a box, and when she left the secret room, she saw Fu Yu and Jin Yun eating at the dining table, talking and laughing, the atmosphere was good.

Jiu Ya walked over and sat down, "What are you two talking about, so happy?"

Jin Yun's face turned red with a smile, "I just told my brother-in-law that Eighth Sister fought with Seventh Sister as soon as she entered the capital when she was a child. I remember that Eighth Sister was like a wild child at that time. Just a word of disagreement, and they knocked down Seventh Sister to the ground. Seventh Sister cried loudly on the ground, but Eighth Sister was not afraid at all, went up and kicked Seventh Sister twice. After a long time, Seventh Sister saw Eighth Sister I was so scared to death that I always avoided the road.”

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a smile, "Unexpectedly, my wife's toughness came from childhood. She used to bully her sisters in her natal family, but now she is bullying her husband when she comes to her husband's house. Why am I so short-sighted? You are such a shrewd wife?"

Jiuya knocked him on the head with a chopstick, and scolded with a smile: "It's clear that one is willing to be beaten and the other is willing to suffer, why are you still complaining here?"

Fu Yu covered his head with a mournful expression on his face, "Madam, can't you be more gentle? When you get a bump on your head, how can you go out to meet people?"

Jiuya snorted, "Then you can lock yourself up in the house, I'll take care of you."

Fu Yu's face turned black, "I hate women showing their heads the most. It's only natural for a man to raise a woman. Even if you beat me into a pig's head, I don't need you to raise her!"

As he said that, he threw away the chopsticks and left angrily.Jin Yun stuck out her tongue and whispered, "Eighth Sister, brother-in-law has such a temper."

Jiuya took a bowl to eat, "Don't pay attention to him, he just has such a bad temper."

Jin Yun smiled, and suddenly said: "Does the brother-in-law know about Eighth Sister's marriage?"

Jiu Ya paused, and looked up at her, "What does it matter?"

Jin Yun's eyes darkened, and she said full of thoughts: "I think it's best for Eighth Sister to confess this matter to her brother-in-law. It would be bad if there is any misunderstanding due to this matter in the future."

Jiu Ya rubbed her hair, said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't look at him with a bad temper, he knows everything, so there will be no misunderstanding."

Jin Yun was a little distracted, and murmured: "Brother-in-law knows everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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