marry a noble wife

Chapter 250 Framed and anti-framed

Chapter 250 Framed and anti-framed (2)
She paused, and her eyes regained some energy, "Seeing that you two are a perfect match, brother-in-law treats Eighth Sister well, it seems that this marriage is right. If I were to marry here, I would like to have a temper like his." I'm afraid it's unbearable."

Jiuya smiled lightly and said nothing, this matter is really a secret that must not be revealed.

After the meal, she took Yudie to the counting room and asked Chun Ju to accompany Jin Yun.

In the accounting room, because Zhao San's funeral has been finished, Manager Zhao is now back.Jiuya has been here several times, and Zhao Guanshi always looks respectful on the surface, but in fact he has a completely disdainful attitude.And some of the accounts shown to Jiu Ya are simply a muddled account, rambling around and missing the point at all.

But Jiuya came prepared today, and was not prepared to let this old guy continue to fool her.

She casually flipped through an expenditure ledger in the mansion that Manager Zhao handed her. She looked at it every day, and she was almost familiar with it. I don't know why this manager Zhao didn't change his tricks?

"The daily expenses in this mansion are very large, but I have never seen the account books for such a large expense. Could it be that they only go in and out?"

Zhao Guanshi has a goatee under his chin, thin eyebrows and triangular eyes, and he looks like the kind of follower.He still looked respectful, "Young Mistress can be embarrassing. I have never seen such an account book. If Young Mistress has seen it, I really hope to see it."

Jiuya laughed lightly, "It turns out that Manager Zhao has never seen it before. But based on my observations over the past half month, the expenses in this mansion are not ordinary. For example, the ones in the kitchen, the ones who buy ingredients in a day The silver reached as much as 600 taels. I calculated that there are a total of 70 NO.[-] people in this mansion, and the average estimate for one person is more than one tael. Manager Zhao knows that more than one tael is half a tael in an ordinary family. Can a month feed three people? The people in this house eat half a month's worth of a family in one day, isn't that too much?"

Zhao Guanshi looked impassive, and Xiaoyi said: "Young mistress is thinking too much, we are a waiting mansion, we must have much more food, drink and flowers, and we are more decent than those people, the masters are all It is precious, and what they eat are rare things in the market. It doesn’t matter if the slaves eat a little bit, but the masters can’t be mean. Compared to the Prince’s Mansion, such a small amount of silver is nothing at all.”

Jiuya said casually: "Really? According to the cost, the kitchen alone will cost 8000 taels a month. If there are several guests, it will cost at least more than 2 taels. Then there are the rooms. The expenses, the replacement of clothes for the four seasons, and the monthly bills, at least 4 taels a month. Then 50 million taels a year, such a large expenditure, how could you, the accountant, not see it?"

Manager Zhao remained respectful, "The little one really only cares about these transaction accounts, and doesn't know anything else."

As soon as Jiu Ya lowered her eyelids, she knew that this guy would not shed tears when he saw no blood. He had been fooled for these days, how could he be fooled any longer?

She suddenly sneered, "But that day I came to check the accounts suddenly. The purchase in the kitchen early in the morning was obviously only more than 300 taels, but when I arrived at Manager Zhao's place, it became 600 taels. Could it be that you are the only one responsible for the difference? Swallowed it privately?"

Manager Zhao flustered slightly, and then returned to normal, "Young Mistress may have misread it. The kitchen receipts are all here. It is absolutely impossible that there are only more than 300 taels."

Seeing that he was tough, Jiuya waved her hand, and Yudie immediately closed the door knowingly. Zhao Guanshi was startled, "What does young mistress want to do?"

Jiu Ya smiled sweetly, "I want to show Manager Zhao something good."

As she spoke, she took out the purse that Wen Caihe gave to Zhao San that day, "Does Guanshi Zhao recognize this thing?"

Manager Zhao looked up and shook his head, "I don't know."

Jiuya said slowly: "If Manager Zhao doesn't recognize it, then please take it back and ask Mother Chen to see if she recognizes it?"

Manager Zhao's face tightened, "What is this?"

Jiuya touched the delicately embroidered lotus on the purse, "This thing was given to me before Zhao San was killed that day, and Mother Chen was there at the time. According to Zhao San, someone gave him a purse of silver that made him If you have the guts to go to Chunhua Courtyard and defile Ruoqin girl. This is clearly someone who instigated your son Zhao San to die, and this person who instigated Zhao San to die, don’t you want to know who it is? Really want to see you Even if your son died unjustly?"

Manager Zhao's face changed suddenly. It's not that he didn't hear from Mother Chen that Zhao San got into trouble and was killed by a blue poisonous needle, and Zhao San did give Third Grandma a purse embroidered with lotus flowers before his death... his own His son died tragically, how could he not have hatred in his heart?And why not want to know who killed him?

He picked up the pouch carefully, and Jiuya sighed, "Mother Chen must be familiar with this thing. If she is interested, she can ask who gave Zhao San the money and who wanted Zhao San to die. Although this I have worked so hard to find out who did it, but so far I can't afford to offend that person, and I can only keep it in my heart. But that person's heart is so cruel, how could he not achieve his goal? Let it go? I'm afraid the killers behind here will be one after another, if he is not caught, who will survive?"

She stood up as she spoke, Zhao Guanshi suddenly choked up and said: "That day I heard that my son was poisoned by a poisonous injection, and the young mistress only gave the son the antidote, why didn't you save my son?"

Jiuya smiled wryly, "Why don't I want to save Zhao San? It's because that man's heart is so cruel that one needle could kill someone, but he used two, and they both hit Zhao San's vitals. Under the circumstances, even the Immortal Da Luo would not be able to save him. Mother Chen was also there at the time, she should know that I wanted to save Zhao San, but Zhao San is already dead, so how can I save him?"

Zhao Guanshi held his purse in his hands, tears glistened in his eyes, he must have lost his son in old age, which really hit him hard.

Jiuya sighed, and went out with Yudie.However, as soon as they went out, the two looked at each other and smiled, not believing that Guanshi Zhao would not take the bait.

Back at Chunhua Courtyard, Jiuya found Han Ziyaw first, then whispered such and such in his ear, and then gave him a poisonous needle wrapped in a handkerchief, Han Ziyaw nodded , took the poisonous needle, finally squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a hey smile: "Young Mistress, you have so many evil ideas, one after another, if you don't fall into the trap, you will fall into the trap, that's all, I will be an accomplice, Help the young lady with a helping hand."

(End of this chapter)

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