marry a noble wife

Chapter 251 Framed and anti-framed

Chapter 251 Framed and anti-framed (3)
Jiuya was not ashamed, she held her head high and said, "Isn't this all for your young master? But it took me a lot of brainstorming. If he dares to hit me again in the future, I will have nothing to do with him."

Han Ziyao shook his head, "I don't hold any opinions, but I secretly feel sad for the young master."

Jiuya threw a feather duster over, "I'm sorry for your size, it's his luck to find me, do you dare to be sad?"

Han Ziyao ran away with his head in his arms, "Young Mistress is tough, why can't I just run away if I can't afford to offend her?"

Yudie, who happened to come in, covered her mouth behind her and laughed.

Jiu Ya was studying the sachet in the room, and in the afternoon, Chun Ju did not bring Jin Yun back, and the two of them wandered somewhere.But Chun Ju is steady, she will never take Jin Yun where she shouldn't.

She was taking a bath for Gui Mao, when a pretty little girl came over and said, "I don't know that the third grandma will be busy, Da Furen would like to invite you to come over for a cup of tea."

Madam?Jiuya hurriedly picked up the tortoise hair from the basin and covered it with a towel, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go over after I put the tortoise hair away."

She wiped the water off Turtle Mao's body twice, and then put it back in the kennel. Turtle Mao begged for mercy and just clung to her feet, refusing to go in at all. Obviously, it was also afraid of being alone.Jiuya smiled, knelt down and stroked its fur, "Okay, I can take you out to play, but you have to be obedient, don't stretch your claws or bite people casually, you know?"

Guimao opened his black eyes and tilted his head to look at her, and made a "woo woo" sound in his mouth, as if answering that she would not be naughty.

When Jiuya and that girl passed by, the eldest lady in plain clothes was playing music in front of the court.The melody is extremely tactful, making people feel as if they are in the spring with the warmth of spring and the fragrance of birds and flowers, making people feel comfortable and quiet.

Jiuya didn't disturb her either, she and Guimao just listened quietly, and when her last melody fell, she chuckled and said: "Auntie is very good at playing the piano, it makes people feel like you are there I feel like my niece and daughter-in-law are lucky enough to have their ears full today."

The eldest lady turned her head, although she didn't smile, but the calm and clear appearance really made Jiuya feel very comfortable.From the beginning to the end, she felt that this eldest lady was like a hermit who did not eat the fireworks of the world, and she couldn't help but be respectful.

The eldest lady took her to a pavilion surrounded by curved bridges, rockery and clear water flowing below. The pavilion was surrounded by green gauze, and the wind was blowing, fluttering, as if in a fairyland, and all the troubles in the world disappeared. Exhausted.

In the middle of the pavilion is a pear wood low table with a stove, a pot and a teacup on it. Two thick cushions with embroidered branches texture are placed on the two sides of the low table. Sitting down with the turtle hair in his arms, he couldn't help but praise: "My aunt is in such a scene every day, no wonder she has a holy fairy air on her body, which makes people dare not desecrate."

There was a slight smile on the corner of the lady's clear mouth, she filled her a cup of emerald green tea from the hot pot, and said softly, "If Jiuya likes this place, Auntie welcomes you to come and sit often."

Hearing her call her name directly and kindly, Jiuya felt warm, "It's a great honor, then don't blame me for being uninterested in the future, and Auntie will come to bother you often."

She picked up the tea and drank it. If it wasn't hot, she would probably have to drink it up in one gulp just like Tuoba Yue poured tea for her with all her heart.It seems that these elegant things are really not suitable for her.

However, he still said politely in his mouth: "Good tea, leaves a delicate fragrance on the teeth, mellow but not greasy. I don't know how to taste tea, but I also know that this is the top grade of tea."

The eldest lady also took a sip, and said lightly: "This is the tea I personally grow in my tea garden. The variety is very rare and the yield is not high. You can get three or four catties a year. If you don't know how to taste tea, you can only It’s hard to know what it’s like by smelling it.”

Jiuya blushed, "It's me, an ordinary person, who wasted good things."

"Is it a waste to enter the population? It's good to know that it's good tea." The eldest lady smiled lightly, and suddenly changed the subject, "I heard that Lord Hou asked you to manage the accounts of the mansion, is there such a thing?"

Jiuya was startled, the lady suddenly mentioned this matter, did she have any deep meaning?
The eldest lady didn't wait for her to answer, she said to herself: "When your uncle was still alive, the property under the name of the old marquis was assigned to the public, and the rewards your uncle got were also in the public, so we have always lived in peace. However, after the old marquis passed away and your uncle died young, the old ancestors divided the old marquis’ name and your uncle’s rewards in order to let your father-in-law inherit the title and to appease our orphans and widows. Being under Hongbo's name ensures that Hongbo will have no worries about food and clothing in the future."

When she said this, she paused, lowered her eyes slightly and said: "But in this way, the third room has the biggest opinion, the second room has inherited the title, and the third room has no title and no money, so it is natural to find trouble with the ancestors. In the end, the old ancestor had no choice but to discuss with them in private, and when she passed away, they would definitely share their rich family property."

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help interjecting: "Since all the property has been transferred to Hongbo, how can grandma distribute the rich family property to them?"

The eldest lady glanced at her, "Isn't Sanfang living a very comfortable life now? And this family property, the ancestor must have almost prepared it."

Jiuya was moved, "Auntie is saying that the things left by my husband-in-law's mother have fallen into the hands of grandma?"

"I'm not sure now. The ancestors negotiated with them in private. But if you want to check now, you can completely judge their original gifts based on the rewards your father-in-law received over the years and the dowry that the ancestors received back then. Property. Presumably you also know by now that the expenses in this mansion are huge, and their little property can't support them at all, and these extras must be left by Princess Lan, or even more. So far, Even I don't know the exact number, and even if Yu'er asks his grandfather, after so many years, he probably can't remember too much. Although King Xi took back some because of his anger, it was just a small amount. Part of it, the real big head, has all fallen into the hands of the people in the Houfu."

Jiuya stroked the turtle hair, listened intently, and after a while, said: "Thank you, auntie, for giving me some advice. Now that I know the family background of the Hou Mansion, I will feel better about it next time. Although the matter cannot be rushed, I guess the more it drags on, the harder it will be to get these things back, so the hardships that Mr. Xianggong has suffered all these years will be in vain, and let those people take everything he has for nothing, I really feel unwilling."

(End of this chapter)

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