marry a noble wife

Chapter 252 Framed and anti-framed

Chapter 252 Framed and anti-framed (4)
The eldest lady suddenly smiled sadly, "So what if you are unwilling? My husband is dead, and my eldest son is also dead. If it wasn't for Hongbo, I wish I could end my life like this. These people don't know what to do with their hearts." What poison did it, really chilling."

Jiu Ya was silent, maybe her husband's death was caused by another reason, and if her eldest son's death was really caused by fava bean disease, it can be completely determined that someone did it on purpose.This person can't stand scrutiny at all, and it's already on the verge of coming out of his heart.I don't know what kind of role the old lady played in it?
The eldest lady sighed: "I also see that you are a man of temperament like me, and you have always been in a disadvantaged position. Yu'er has suffered for so many years before I tell you some things. I hope you can take care of yourself and treat Yu'er better." .”

Holding the teacup, Jiuya said solemnly: "Auntie, please rest assured, Fu Yu is my husband-in-law, and since I have married him, I will treat him wholeheartedly. Now he is still sick, and many people say that he will not live for two years." , Grandma has been urging him to keep the queen, but I don't want him to die. If he dies, what if I leave him the queen? Can a child without the protection and care of his father really live happily?"

She shook her head, as if to cheer herself up, "I won't let him die, and I won't be in a hurry to keep it for him as grandma said, I will let him watch our children grow up healthily, until we grow old together."

There seemed to be a flash of water in the corner of Da Furen's eyes, she lowered her head hastily, at this moment, she saw a young man running into the yard shouting, "Hong Mian, Xiao Mu, hurry up and boil hot water for the young master, hurry up!" point……"

Hearing his urgent voice, the eldest lady stood up immediately in shock, ran out of the pavilion and asked, "Awen, what's the matter, young master?"

Before the boy could speak in a hurry, he saw Fu Hongbo walking in, all drenched, and at the same time holding a woman who was also wet in his arms.

Hongbo's face turned pale, but his voice was extremely clear, "I was practicing swords by the pond, and I accidentally hurt someone and knocked her into the water."

Seeing that he was fine, the Da Furen was relieved, walked over and said, "Whose girl is this?"

Hongbo said as he walked, "I heard that maid said she was sister-in-law San, and she has gone to call sister-in-law San now..."

Jiuya heard it clearly, and quickly let go of the turtle hair and walked out from the green gauze. Hongbo was taken aback when he saw her, "Sister-in-law San is here."

Jiu Ya hurriedly told him to put the drenched Jin Yun on a soft couch, the eldest lady was quick-witted, and immediately brought a set of dry clothes and skirts, drove Hongbo out, and first gave Jin Yun who was already unconscious After drying her body and changing her clothes, she covered her tightly with the quilt.Jiuya took her pulse, looked at her still bleeding shoulder, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, a little skin trauma, fortunately, I was rescued from the water in time, and I passed out because of being overly frightened. If you can drink two bowls of hot soup, you will be fine."

The eldest lady was also a little bit disappointed, "I didn't expect Hongbo to be so reckless and almost hurt someone, but fortunately nothing happened, otherwise I don't know how to explain to you."

Jiuya smiled happily, and cleaned Jin Yun's wound first, then the lady brought Jinchuang medicine and bandaged it, finally Jin Yun's face did not look so pale.

Only then did Chun Ju come running, seeing that Jiu Ya was indeed here, she let out a long sigh of relief, and told the story of what had happened with some fear.

It turned out that she accompanied Jin Yun to familiarize herself with the yard, but Jin Yun said she was bored, so she took her to the west garden, avoiding people as much as possible.When they came to a lotus pond, Jin Yun said to stay there for a while.Not long after the two stood there, they saw Fu Hongbo walking over with his sword in hand. Afraid of seeing a stranger, they hid behind a tree. How did they know that Fu Hongbo stabbed at him after drawing his sword? Jin Yun was overly frightened, so she Fell into the lotus pond.

At this time, Fu Hongbo, who had already changed into a clean robe, walked in with an apologetic face, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I thought someone was peeping behind the tree, so I moved quickly, but fortunately, I picked her up quickly." , nothing serious happened."

Jiuya smiled and said: "I don't blame you, it's my sister who disturbed you by going somewhere she shouldn't be. I'll take her back when she wakes up."

Fu Hongbo blushed, a little shy that didn't match his appearance, "I don't know if she will blame me?"

"Jiumei is not an unreasonable person, so don't worry about fourth brother." Jiuya comforted.

The eldest lady also laughed and said: "Looking at your third sister-in-law's behavior, you can tell that her sister is not a tricky person."

The few people talked and waited for a while, Jin Yun really woke up, seeing so many people around her, she immediately called Jiuya delicately, "Bajie, did I cause you trouble? "

Jiuya wiped her wet hair, asked someone to bring hot soup for her to drink, and chuckled, "No, it just scared the fourth brother, so please apologize to him first."

As soon as Jin Yun turned her eyes, she saw the young master who practiced swords by the pond, put down Tang Zhuan, blushed involuntarily, but said innocently, "I'm sorry for disturbing your sword practice."

Fu Hongbo shook his hands again and again, "Miss is too polite, I was too careless and mistook you for a bad person, please forgive me."

Jin Yun sat up and wanted to be polite to him, but Jiuya interrupted her, "Okay, okay, if you two keep being so polite, it will be dark. If you're fine, go back with your sister."

Only then did Jin Yun get off the soft couch, Jiu Ya said her goodbyes, and led her out of the hospital.But when she turned around without any objection, she saw Fu Hongbo was still staring at them at the door of the station.

Jiu Ya's heart moved, and Jin Yun held her hand and stuck out her tongue, "Eight sister, that man's kung fu is so good, when he dances his sword, no matter it's the leaves on the tree or under the tree, they all follow his sword." He danced and danced all over the sky, and he was very good-looking. If I hadn't lost my figure while watching, he wouldn't have suddenly injured me with a sword, and blamed me."

Jiuya blinked and joked, "What if I let you watch him dance sword every day?"

Jin Yun hadn't reacted yet, until Chunju burst out laughing, she realized Jiu Ya's meaning, she pouted her lips in disbelief and said, "Eighth Sister, just make fun of me."

Jiuya rubbed her wet hair, and smiled even more narrowly, "Who made fun of you? You were unconscious just now, but you were carried all the way back by the fourth younger brother. You always look like that If you were hugged by him, wouldn't he still be responsible for you? As long as he is responsible, wouldn't you be able to face each other every day in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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