marry a noble wife

Chapter 253 Framed and anti-framed

Chapter 253 Framed and anti-framed (5)
Jin Yun blushed from her laughter, spat at her, turned around and ran away first.

A few people returned to Chunhua Courtyard, Fu Yu had already returned, he had heard Chunmei talk about Jin Yun falling into the water before, and seeing that she was fine, he was also relieved.After the three of them sat together and had dinner, they went back to their rooms.Fu Yu hugged Jiuya into his arms when he entered the door and said, "My lady, I may have to go out for a while, I really miss you..."

Jiuya leaned into his arms, raised her head and asked, "Why do you want to go out? What's the matter?"

Fu Yuwei frowned, "Today we negotiated a big deal with Tuobaye. I originally wanted to let the second brother do it, but the second brother can't be such a big master alone. Maybe I have to talk to them this time." Let's go out together."

"What kind of business do you have to do?" Jiuya turned around and put her arms around his neck, "Can't you not go? That Tuobaye is not a good guy, and your second brother is also a dangerous person. I'm afraid you will Danger."

Fu Yu nodded her nose, "Don't worry, I'm on guard against them, neither of them can do anything to me. But I'm just worried about you..."

Jiuya acted coquettishly, "Since you're worried about me, then take me with you."

Fu Yu flatly refused, "No, we are all men going out, what are you talking about?"

Jiuya pursed her lips and muttered, "Machismo."

Fu Yu's face darkened, "What is male chauvinism? Is it enough to let a woman show her face outside? For a stunning lady like you, I wish I could tie it to my chest every day. How dare I let you outside? Am I not asking for trouble?"

Jiuya thumped his chest and said angrily, "I don't want to hear such words. I'm a human being, not a puppet. How can I let you do whatever I want? If you just want to lock me in this cage, Aren't you afraid that I'll get bored?"

As she spoke, she pushed him away and turned around. Fu Yu's face changed, and he grabbed her back again, his face was fierce again, "What did you just say? A cage? Tired? You think I'm a cage here, and you're tired of being with me?" I'm with you?"

Unknowingly, he exerted force with his hand, pinching Jiu Ya in pain, she shook his hand and said angrily: "You are simply unreasonable, let me go!"

Fu Yu became stubborn again for a while, and squeezed her tightly, growling: "You tell me to let me go, and I will let go? I won't let go!"

As he spoke, he pulled her tightly into his arms again, Jiuya was furious, stomping on her feet, waving her nails and scratching at his face.Fu Yu backed away, and at the same time grabbed her two little hands and twisted them behind her back, making her unable to move. Finally, he lowered his face and said fiercely: "Tell me to let go again? Since you are married to me , is my person, you can only pretend to be me in your heart, in your eyes, and in your mouth! If you dare to think about those messy things and make me angry, I will kill them all together. Don't think about it!"

What he said was extremely arrogant and unreasonable, Jiuya couldn't move, she just felt infinitely wronged in her heart, she was devoted to him, but he only treated her as his own property, it was so overbearing and fierce that it was unacceptable.If you like her, shouldn't you strive to be happy with each other?With such blind confinement and suppression, is it possible to treat her as a thoughtless possession?

Her tears welled up uncontrollably, she couldn't stand this kind of tyranny, even if one day she helped him detoxify him, according to his overbearing, it might suffocate her to the point where she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't continue to live with him.And how could she like someone with his temperament?What about love?

Seeing that she was no longer fussing and extremely quiet in his arms, Fu Yu felt a little calm, but when he felt the wet clothes on the front of his clothes, he knew she was crying, and then he panicked.Pushing her away for a look, she saw that her eyelashes were covered with tears, and she said incoherently, "Don't keep saying things that make me sad, and I won't get angry. Okay, okay, count me in." No, I said something that shouldn't be said, and I will definitely change it next time."

He wiped her tears, Jiuya really wanted to turn around and ignore him, but thinking of this rare opportunity, she sniffed and said, "Change? How do you change? You will kill people at every turn, and you will do this and that at every turn, so do I." How can a thoughtful person just want to shut me up from the sun outside? Aren’t you being unreasonable?”

Fu Yu was so entangled in his heart that he looked at her tearful eyes and couldn't bear her sadness, so he took a step back and said, "It's not that you are not allowed to go outside to bask in the sun. If you go, let me accompany you and don't touch her." I will naturally agree to those messy people."

Jiu Ya really didn't know how to go on with him, what do you mean by not contacting those messy people?The mess he was talking about certainly included anyone.She was so annoyed that she turned around and walked out the door, she had to get some air, otherwise she was about to suffocate.

However, before she could take a step, there was a hasty knock on the door, and Guanshi Zhao whispered crying outside the door: "Young Mistress, Young Mistress, hurry up and save my Zhao Da..."

Jiuya jumped up in shock, and hurriedly opened the door, and she saw Guanshi Zhao falling down at the door with tears and snot in her nose. Seeing her open the door, she immediately got up and said, "Young Mistress, hurry up and save my Zhao Da, he Got poisoned..."

"What? Zhao Da got poisoned too? Then why are you standing still? Saving people is like putting out a fire, so hurry up." Jiuya hurriedly urged Zhao Guanshi to leave, and Fu Yu followed closely behind with a frown.

Manager Zhao didn't dare to disturb anyone, he stumbled and led the two of them to a bungalow in the back.When they entered the room, they saw Zhao Da lying on the couch, his daughter-in-law had fainted from fright, and Chen's mother was trembling while holding a three or four-year-old boy.

Jiuya rushed to the bed, and Chen's mother pointed at Zhao Da's right chest in shock, "The needle is shot here, young mistress, save him quickly..."

Sure enough, Jiuya saw a blue needle, and immediately took out a porcelain bottle and poured a pill into Zhao Da's mouth. Fu Yu squeezed his jaw next to him, and the pill went down his throat.Then Jiuya took out the poisonous needle again with a handkerchief, and asked Guanshi Zhao to bring a knife, roasted it on the fire, and after it was sterilized, made a cross on Zhao Da's wound, and squeezed the wound desperately, Let the poisonous blood out there as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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