marry a noble wife

Chapter 257 A little lighter, I want to murder my husband

Chapter 257 Be gentle, I want to murder my husband (3)
Fu Changting caressed her round buttocks, and said with an evil smile, "Really? I may have to go out for a few days, and I won't be able to do it for a few days. Don't you want me to die?"

The makeup that Chunmei had just put on looked like a newly blooming love flower. Her fingers slid into the quilt like snakes, and she walked down the man's body, shyly saying: "Then can't you take me out? The servant is a moment I can't live without Grandpa..."

Fu Changting closed his eyes and murmured softly, "That can't be done, all the men who go with me are prettier than me, I'm afraid you, a little slut, can't resist the temptation to climb into someone else's bed halfway, isn't it a big loss for me?"

As soon as she heard that it was a man who was prettier than him, Chunmei suddenly regained her spirits, "Don't treat the servants as that kind of people, I wonder who are the fellows going out this time?"

"Naturally there are three younger brothers, and the son of King Jin. I know myself well. The faces of the two of them are unparalleled in the world. This trip is of great importance. It is absolutely impossible to take you there. However, you should not be idle in the house." , if you have nothing to do, go to the third grandma's side, if there is any trouble, let me know when I come back, you know?"

Chunmei's eyes rolled wildly, she responded with her mouth, and her subordinates tightened even more. Fu Changting finally couldn't help it, and dragged her to bed again.

After a round of hand-to-hand combat, it was almost noon. Chunmei was lying on the bed very tired, but Fu Changting went out energetically. Seeing Wen Caihe embroidering under the sun, looking around and no one around, he pinched her cheek , whispered: "How about it, listen to our cries, do you want to come with us again?"

Wen Caihe was so frightened that all the patterns in her hands dropped, her face turned pale, and she begged slightly: "Please forgive me, Lord."

Fu Changting's expression darkened in disappointment, "I'm tired of playing with this girl. If she hadn't seen some usefulness, I would have shared her with her. Besides, since you can't do it, quickly find some for me."

Wen Caihe's body was trembling, and she said in a trembling voice: "After Qiaowei's death, I dare not look for someone in the mansion anymore, but look outside the mansion. It will take a little longer, so I will wait for a few days."

At this time Xiaosi and Xiaonan came over, and Fu Changting had become honest, "I'm going out for a few days, so I'll talk about anything when I come back."

Only then Wen Caihe breathed a sigh of relief, since he was going out, she could finally relax for a few days.

After Jiuya went to greet the old lady early in the morning, she saw Zhao Da's family of three leave, and she re-entered the accountant's room.

Manager Zhao was already waiting inside, and two thick stacks of ledgers were already placed on the table.Jiu Ya laughed, sat down at the table and flipped through it casually, Zhao Guanshi said: "The stack on this side is the real account, and the stack on this side is flattened. Originally, my aunt had repeatedly confessed that the real account had to be burned, but The little one was worried about some things, so she kept it quietly, and just now let the young mistress see it, so that she can learn the scriptures."

Jiuya looked through the actual accounts, and at a glance saw the gap between the accounts and the accounts he usually sees, gasped and said: "The monthly bill was said to be ten taels, but it was only six taels, it should be six taels The ones only issued three taels, and they also bought the daily necessities in the house. Obviously, the bill was 3000 taels, but here it was only 1000 taels. The actual account in the kitchen was only 300 taels a day, and the result was 620 taels. Such a big Loopholes and gaps, where did the money go?"

Zhao Guanshi whispered: "The young lady thinks that the money is a lot, but there are many masters who have swallowed the money. Separated, they still think it is too little. First, the aunt's side wants to take the big head, and then the third room, Aunt Mingyao, Second Master, and the old lady all have to get some, no one can give less..."

Jiuya felt cold, "That is to say, the normal expenses of the mansion in the first year are no more than 20 taels, but in the end they can spend 50 taels, so the 30 taels will be divided among them, right? ?”

Manager Zhao wiped off his sweat, "It's not all. After all, there are still servants below. They don't have a little oil and water, and it's impossible for them to do things for the master wholeheartedly."

"What you mean by that is that even Manager Zhao can't help being greedy, doesn't it?"

Zhao Guanshi did not dare to speak out.

The more Jiuya flipped through the ledger, the more ugly her face became. Those greedy people are not only greedy for these things, they often report false accounts, buy expensive medicinal materials, rare antiques, all of which are a stroke, a large sum of money, and they are spent. It's meat buns beating dogs, never returning.

She was extremely depressed watching, did these greedy ghosts swallow up Fu Yu's mother's money like this?They poisoned Fu Yu and wanted his life, but in the end they ate his money. Aren't they afraid that their stomachs will be rotten?
She stared at it for more than half an hour before she let out a little breath and said: "Do you have any records of the land that the emperor has rewarded over the years? There is also the old lady's dowry. You should also have a count here."

Manager Zhao shook his head, "No, these accounts are all with the old lady. Basically, the old lady paid me some money in advance, and after I have settled these accounts, I will settle the accounts together later."

"It means that the economic power in the mansion is still in the hands of the old lady?"

"Yes, but the operation of those shops is still in the hands of the second master. Sometimes when the liquidation comes at the end of the year, my family will often hear the old lady muttering, saying that the income from the shop is getting less and less every year. But the second master said Business is hard to do, and many of them are losing money, but because the house deed is not in the hands of the old lady, those shops cannot be sold, even if they are losing money, they have to support it, and they have to invest money in it every year, so the income is getting less and less." Zhao Guanshi said everything.

"Really?" Jiu Ya sneered, and put away the two stacks of ledgers together, "Thank you, Manager Zhao, for your hard work. I will continue to check this account. If possible, ask Mother Chen to help me listen to the old lady's account. Seriously, let her ask, who owns those house deeds that are not in the hands of the old lady? When I find out about that, I will check every pen and paper and settle the accounts with them. "

It was a cold day, and Manager Zhao was dripping with sweat, "Don't worry, Young Mistress, now that we have risked our lives, we will definitely ask Young Mistress about this matter."

Jiu Ya let out a long sigh, and signaled Manager Zhao to wrap up the ledger paper for her, and then walked out of the counting room.

(End of this chapter)

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