marry a noble wife

Chapter 258 A little lighter, I want to murder my husband

Chapter 258 Be gentle, I want to murder my husband (4)
Back in the Chunhua Courtyard, Fu Yu was about to go out, seeing him, she felt infinite pity in her heart, she couldn't help standing silently at the gate of the courtyard, not wanting to go in for a moment.

Fu Yu walked towards the door, and then suddenly someone called out: "Brother-in-law, wait a minute."

I saw Jin Yun running out with a big ferret fur in her hand, her innocent and charming face flushed, she ran to Fu Yu, "Although the sun was out, the temperature was very cold, brother-in-law still Put this on."

As she said that, she shook off the big fur, put it on Fu Yu's shoulders a little on tiptoe, and helped him tie it in a knot.

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Thank you Jiumei, I will come by myself."

He went to tie the belt by himself, but Jin Yun didn't let go, blinked, and said with a smile: "Shouldn't these things be done by women? Since my sister is not here, I should help her."

Fu Yu frowned slightly, and said nothing more.

Jin Yun tied the knot, then patted the ashes on his shoulders, looked him up and down, smiled brightly, and said, "Okay, if you go out like this, you will really become the son of Yushu Linfeng, Make some people look straight."

Fu Yu smiled and went out, Jiuya hurriedly hid behind a tree and watched him leave.

After a while, she brought up the account book and went back to the house, where Jin Yun was diligently helping Mama Xiong to dry the quilts in her and Fu Yu's house.She thought about it, and was about to talk to her for a while, when Xiucai, who hadn't returned for many days, ran in with a face of panic.

Without calling anyone, she directly pulled Jiuya into the room, and said in a low voice: "Young Mistress, it's not good, something happened at the pharmacy."

Xiu Cai has never been a person who is easy to panic, but now she suddenly changed her expression, which also surprised Jiu Ya, "What happened? Could it be that someone was put to death?"

Xiucai shook her head again and again, almost crying in anxiety: "No, someone went to the pharmacy to ask shopkeeper Ji to see a doctor, but shopkeeper Ji went to the pharmacy several times, but he didn't see any disease, so they said shopkeeper Ji was a quack doctor , arrested shopkeeper Ji, and now the pharmacy is in a mess, and I don't know what to do. In this way, not to mention affecting the business, I am afraid that the pharmacy will be closed in the future, and shopkeeper Ji Go to jail too?"

Jiuya couldn't sit still anymore, "How could such a thing happen? Could it be that someone is jealous and wants to destroy our pharmacy?"

"I don't know, but I asked the guys over there just now, and they said that a group of people like royal guards came to the shop yesterday afternoon. They asked shopkeeper Ji what kind of diseases he could see, and shopkeeper Ji said it straight. They called shopkeeper Ji a quack doctor. Later they looked at the medicine in our shop and asked who made it. Shopkeeper Ji said he made it, and shopkeeper Ji was slapped on the spot..."

Jiuya was furious, "There is such a thing? Why didn't you come and report to me yesterday? If I knew someone was going to make trouble yesterday, I'd better take precautions."

Xiucai said aggrievedly: "I thought it would be fine if they made a fuss, how could I know they would come again today."

"Then where is Shopkeeper Ji caught now?"

"It seems to be on the side of Jingzhao Mansion."

Jiuya felt a headache for a moment, those people came to the pharmacy clearly to make trouble.Is it because the people in the same industry are jealous, or are there other reasons?And Xiucai said that the people who came the first day were like royal guards. Could it be that the royal people also moved their minds?But who?Who wants to fix a small pharmacy?

Suddenly her eyes lit up, there was no place to ask about this matter, she could go to Imperial Physician Hua, since he was in the palace and knew this business, asking him would definitely know the whole story.

Thinking of this, he ordered Xiucai: "You go there first, tell the shop assistants to close the door first, and I will immediately find a way to rescue the shopkeeper Ji, so that they can rest assured."

Xiucai said dejectedly: "Young Mistress, is there really a way to rescue Shopkeeper Ji?"

Jiuya patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm not so sure, and I wouldn't say such a thing, let them wait a few days with peace of mind, and they will definitely rescue Shopkeeper Ji."

Xiucai left in a hurry.

Yudie stood at the door talking to her, but she didn't hear it because she had something on her mind, so she went out directly.Yudie turned her head and said with a strange expression: "Young Mistress, what happened to her?"

Jiuya forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, maybe my ears are a little hard of hearing."

Yudie didn't ask any further questions, and then pulled her into a corner and lowered her voice, "Young Mistress, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not?"

Jiu Ya absent-mindedly said: "Since you're here to ask, you should definitely say it. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yudie thought for a while, but still said with a serious face: "It's Miss Nine... how long is Young Mistress planning to keep her here?"

Jiu Ya focused her attention, "What's the matter?"

Yudie was a little embarrassed, "It's not that I want to provoke right and wrong. This morning, I saw Miss Nine went to Fenglin Courtyard, talking and laughing with the girl in Aunt Xiao's courtyard. Instigation, I'm afraid there are ulterior motives..."

Jiuya sighed, smiled and said, "Don't think too much, Jiumei is a measured person."

She was about to leave, but Yudie was a little anxious, pulled her back and said: "People will change, it seems that the nine girls are very concerned about my uncle these two days, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it."

Jiuya gave her a reassuring look, "Thank you for reminding me, but I know that Jiumei is my most cherished sister, and I will let her be my good sister forever, don't worry."

Seeing that she was still indifferent, Yudie could only stamp her feet in a hurry.

She was about to leave, but Yudie was a little anxious, pulled her back and said: "People will change, it seems that the nine girls are very concerned about my uncle these two days, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it."

Jiuya gave her a reassuring look, "Thank you for reminding me, but I know that Jiumei is my most cherished sister, and I will let her be my good sister forever, don't worry."

Seeing that she was still indifferent, Yudie could only stamp her feet in a hurry.

Jiu Ya had to put aside the matter of the account book first, she claimed that she felt a little uncomfortable, and asked the steward of the mansion to invite Physician Hua here.As soon as Physician Hua entered the door, he saw her sitting in the hall in a lively manner, and suddenly became a little puzzled, "I don't know what's wrong with the young lady?" He knew that she was good at medicine, and he was wondering why she invited him to see a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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