marry a noble wife

Chapter 259 Amazing

Chapter 259 Amazing (1)
Jiu Ya asked someone to serve tea, and then said with a smile: "Thank you, the imperial physician, for coming as soon as you invited me. In fact, I didn't invite you here to see a doctor, but I wanted to ask you about someone."

Imperial Physician Hua did not despise her because of her young age, and said politely: "Young Mistress just ask, who do you want to know?"

"A few days ago, I heard that there is a medicine store in Huachuntang in the south of the city. The medicine in it is very magical. I sent someone to buy it when someone was sick. The medicine is really like the rumors. It can cure the disease. I don't know the doctor Have you ever heard of such a shop?" Jiu Ya asked nonchalantly.

When Physician Hua heard such a question, he suddenly became energetic, "Why haven't I heard of it? There used to be empresses in the palace who sent people to buy medicine, and it really worked quickly. I have also been to Huachuntang, but It's a pity that I didn't have the luck to meet the person who made the medicine."

"Isn't there a doctor there? How can you be sure you're not the pharmacist?"

Imperial Physician Hua took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "I have talked with the shopkeeper and discussed some pathologies with him. His views are very common and there is nothing unique, so I can be sure that the shopkeeper is just running errands. Yes, there is an expert behind him."

Jiuya looked disappointed, "Ah, so it is like this, I plan to find some time to see and see, there are some things I want to ask the people in Huachuntang for advice, I thought the imperial doctor knew it well, so you didn't see it either Lord."

Physician Hua glanced at her, "Fortunately, the young mistress asked me about this, otherwise, even if the young mistress goes, she may have to rush to nothing."

"Oh?" Jiuya looked willing to hear more about it.

"Yesterday afternoon, the emperor's grandson went to Huachun hall with someone, meaning that he wanted to invite the people behind the scenes over there, but he was very stubborn. This morning, the emperor's grandson simply asked someone to take the person behind the scenes out." The shopkeeper has been arrested and is now locked up in Master Xue's yamen. If the young mistress goes to Huachuntang now, she must be a closed door, and it will be a waste of time."

"Emperor's grandson?" Jiuya was secretly taken aback, "Why did he find the person behind the scenes?"

Physician Hua said a little ashamedly: "Isn't it because of Lord Hou's leg disease? The dantian is blocked, the meridians are not active, and if time is delayed, the muscles of the legs and feet may atrophy. Almost everyone in the Tai Hospital has come to see it, but there is no one. Sure enough, the emperor's grandson is impatient, knowing that there is such an expert in the capital, don't you want to try your luck? The purpose of arresting the shopkeeper of Huachuntang is to lure the master of medicine out and force him to come to see the leg disease for the Lord Hou."

Jiuya lowered her eyes, it turned out to be the grandson of the emperor, yesterday he said in front of the Marquis that he must ask someone to heal his leg, did he mean the person from Hua Chuntang?

She immediately cursed secretly, why didn't she arouse vigilance yesterday, if she had known that he was going to invite people from Hua Chuntang, she should have informed them to avoid it.Right now, shopkeeper Ji is being arrested, which is completely a form of persecution. Will others let her go if she doesn't show up?
But if she showed up, wouldn't it just let people know that she, a boudoir, was doing business abroad?This is all a small matter, if Fu Yu finds out, won't he immediately close her shop?
It's hard to get started, and it's a little bit of a scale, it's all my own effort, how can it just end like this?

She hesitated in her heart and sent Imperial Physician Hua out. After all, she still couldn't let go of the pharmacy and shopkeeper Ji, so she gritted her teeth and asked Yudie to call Xiucai over immediately.After Xiucai came back, she told her to ask the shop assistant to go to the yamen and tell Mr. Xue that the real owner of the pharmacy invited him to meet him, and the place would be Zuixiang Building at noon.

When Xiucai heard that she had come forward in person, she was scared and said: "Young Mistress, once you go out, the whole world may know about it, what will you do if you get scolded by others?"

Jiuya said helplessly: "The top priority now is to rescue the shopkeeper Ji, and at the same time, we must not make enemies with those dignitaries, otherwise this drugstore will definitely be difficult to open in the future. So I can only reluctantly go to see them with my face covered, and they will not Will they recognize who I am? What's more, they just ask me to see a doctor, so I just go to see a doctor for them."

Xiucai struggled and said: "Is there a way for young mistress to cure a disease that can't be cured by a large hospital?"

"Let's have a look first. If there is really no other way, I will use the dragging formula. I will wait for the shopkeeper Ji to come out. I can only take one step at a time."

So Xiucai went there full of worries, Jiuya sat in the room and thought for a while, then Jin Yun came in and said, "Unexpectedly, Eighth Sister is still very busy all day, I heard from Mama Xiong that my brother-in-law is going out tomorrow, and I have already helped him Pack your luggage, sister, do you still want to check to see if there is anything missing?"

Jiuya got up and said with a smile: "I don't worry about Jiumei's work, she doesn't need to go to check, by the way, yesterday my aunt invited me to sit with her more, the two of us are fine now, why don't you bother me she goes?"

Jin Yun stuck out her tongue, "Yesterday I still had a dress left there and didn't get it back, and I came here wearing my aunt's clothes, so I just went to change it back, Eighth Sister, wait for me."

Jiuya smiled softly, waited for her for a while, and then the two went to Yangxintang.When they entered, the eldest lady was writing, and Fu Hongbo was sitting in the courtyard reading, both of them were very quiet, but very freehand.

Seeing the two sisters passing by, the eldest lady immediately put down her pen, and greeted her: "Just now you were talking about Jin Yun's injury, but now it's here, I wonder if it's any better?"

Jin Yunren was originally sweet, but now she smiled even brighter. She handed the laundry to the eldest lady, "Thank you, auntie, sister gave me medicine for the injury, and she is fine now."

The eldest lady nodded, and Jiuya saw that Fu Hongbo had stood up, so she said to him, "Chunwei is coming soon, how are you doing with your studies?"

Fu Hongbo said a little strangely: "Fortunately, I'm afraid that the time is too tight, and I still feel a little uneasy."

Jiuya didn't continue to ask, just smiled at Jin Yun: "Jiumei, I have something to talk to my auntie, you are all right, so let's help Hongbo grind ink."

When Fu Hongbo heard this, his face turned red, he quickly shook his head and said, "Why bother my younger sister, she was hurt yesterday, and she should be allowed to recuperate."

Jin Yun wrinkled her nose and said, "Could it be that Brother Hongbo thinks that the ink I grind is not thick enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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