marry a noble wife

Chapter 261 Amazing

Chapter 261 Amazing (4)
Fu Yu kicked again, that kick was cruel and hot, Tuoba Ye screamed and fled from the bed, this time it was not so pretty, he was in a panic and almost rolled down.He pushed Liang Chen in front of him and shouted loudly: "Hey, I just sleep with you overnight, do you need to kill someone?"

Fu Yu smiled with his hands behind his back, Qing Lingling said: "Get out of the Hou Mansion, you are not welcome here!"

Tuobaye got up from the ground in embarrassment, and shouted: "You can't be so ruthless, right? When I go back to the palace, not only my parents are nagging, even your sister-in-law won't let me have a moment of peace, which makes me upset No end. I wanted to drive her out of the house, but when I looked back, I remembered that she was your sister-in-law, so I couldn't help it. Look, I gave you such a big face, but you didn't give me a peaceful night's sleep Isn't it too unkind?"

Fu Yu rolled up a shoe on his foot and kicked him across the air, "If you want to drive her out, then drive her out, so what does it matter to me? Tell you, I have never recognized that aunt, what do you want to do to her?" Whatever you want, I don't need you to give me any face!"

Tuobaye pushed Liangchen, Liangchen couldn't hide, his face was hit by a shoe, he couldn't help covering his face and yelling.

Like a rascal, Tuoba Ye poked his head out from behind him and said with a playful smile: "You didn't tell me this before, and I've seen it for myself, so you can't drive me out tonight no matter what. "

"Really?" Fu Yu sneered, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat someone up again, Tuobaye saw that he didn't seem to be joking, so he shouted anxiously: "Can't I exchange a message with you?"

Fu Yu clenched his fist, "What ghost news do you have in exchange for me?"

Tuobaye flicked the ashes off his body, "I want to ask you, does your aunt live here?"

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, "So what?"

Tuobaye smiled darkly, "I heard that your aunt told the people in her house that the aunt came here with a purpose at her mother's order, I don't know the specific purpose However, I was afraid that it would be bad for both of you, so I rushed over to tell you that I wanted to please you, but did you treat me like this?"

Fu Yu withdrew his fist, his face darkened, "Is what you said true?"

Tuoba Ye jumped onto the bed with bare feet, "You are not a fool. As soon as I tell you, can't you go and check? Even if you don't check, you should be on guard, right? We are going out of the capital recently, to prevent the What is going on that makes you restless and unable to get down to business, I said, why don't you drive that little aunt back to the Song Mansion immediately to save trouble."

Fu Yu had long felt that something was wrong with Jin Yun, and hearing what he said, there was no reason not to believe it.After thinking for a while, he finally calmed down and said, "You bastard, you are not allowed to sleep here, let the jackdaw take you to the guest room!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the room. When the Jack Crow came to invite him, Tuobaye had to get up and go to the far guest room for the night with infinite sorrow.

When Fu Yu entered the inner room, Jiuya almost fell asleep, he shook her awake, and said with a straight face: "Lady, send Jin Yun back tomorrow morning."

Jiuya opened her eyes in a daze, "What's the matter?"

Fu Yu stared at her with a gloomy face, and after a while he said in a softer tone: "I heard that her mother was suffering from a serious illness in the Song Mansion. Just now someone told her to go back early tomorrow morning. Her mother thought about her in a panic. .”

Jiuya said "Oh", "Okay, I'll tell her tomorrow and ask someone to send her back."

Only then did Fu Yu feel relieved, he still had a lot to talk to her, seeing that she was sleepy, he would definitely not be able to do that, so he gritted his teeth secretly and lay down, counting the eighteen generations of Tuobaye's ancestors one by one.

Jin Yun got up early, and when Jiuya got up, she had finished washing and was talking to Yudie.Yudie folded the clothes and answered nothing.Jiuya recalled what Fu Yu said last night, she did not doubt that it was a fraud, so she relayed the original words to Jin Yun.Jin Yun was taken aback, and then tears welled up in her eyes, "Why did mother suddenly get sick? Did dad bully her again?"

Jiuya comforted her, "It's normal for people to get sick. It must be because they miss you, or they are still thinking about it. I have some high-quality supplements here. You can bring them to her when you go back. It is impossible to have everything in your life. That kindness made her want to open up a little bit."

As she spoke, she asked Yudie to pack some antler and ginseng supplements together, and then helped Jin Yun tidy up, and asked the concierge to prepare the carriage, and sent Jin Yun to the carriage early.

Sitting in the carriage, Jin Yun was unhappy, and just as Jiuya was about to put down the curtain, she suddenly took a jade hairpin from her head and handed it to Jiuya, blushing, "Give this to Hongbo if Eighth Sister is free." Brother, it’s not that I want to break my promise and not finish copying the manuscript for him, but I really have something urgent to go back. This jade hairpin is my apology to him..."

Before she finished speaking, her face was as red as a rag, Jiuya held the jade hairpin and smiled, "Is it really just an apology?"

Jin Yun spat at her, and quickly pulled the curtain of the carriage, Jiuya smiled, saw the carriage start, and then looked at the jade hairpin in her hand, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said silently: Jin Yun, she will still be herself in the end Good girl.Jin Yun has always been kind, and at the same time she is very smart in her heart. Passing this jade hairpin to Fu Hongbo through her own hands is nothing more than to show herself that she will not do anything to be sorry for herself.Finally, I didn't let myself down, this good girl.

Han Ziya had already loaded some luggage that had been re-checked by Jiu Ya into the carriage, and Jiu Ya was afraid that something might be wrong, so she kept telling Han Ziya to take good care of Fu Yu on the way.Han Ziya just nodded his head obsequiously, but he was secretly laughing, the young mistress was so talkative, although the young master only took him with him this time when he went out of Beijing, he did not know how many people secretly followed him.Not to mention that the young master himself is good at martial arts and alert, I'm afraid there will be other arrangements along the way.In the past few years, the young master has been living lifelessly, and now when he moves, there are various big and small movements, even himself, the person who knows him best by his side, can't know what he thinks in his heart. Although he is happy, he is also afraid. I'm afraid that what he thinks in his heart will frighten the world at that time.

After Jiu Ya explained everything in detail, just when Fu Yu woke up, Jiu Ya helped him to wash himself up, and the two went to the old lady's place to bid farewell.The old lady had heard Fu Changting tell about their brothers going out of Beijing, so she was not surprised at this time, she just looked at Fu Yu with a slightly strange look, and sent him out with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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