marry a noble wife

Chapter 262 Amazing

Chapter 262 Amazing (5)
Fu Yu and Jiu Ya just started eating when they came back, when Tuobaye walked in flamboyantly, Fu Yu hurriedly threw away his chopsticks and went out, fearing that he would stay in the yard for a while longer.Jiu Ya wanted to see him off, but he waved his hand without looking back: "Miss, you don't need to come out, we'll be back in half a month at most, so take care of yourself."

Jiuya looked helpless, seeing that the Jackdaw had gone with them in all her best attire, she felt a little melancholy and a little lost in her heart, feeling that the whole yard was suddenly empty and deserted.

At this time, Xiucai had already returned, and she whispered in her ear: "Young Mistress, I asked the assistant to transfer the message to Master Xue yesterday, and he has already agreed to the meeting at Zuixiang Building at noon. Young Mistress arranged for two people, how could she hide it from their eyes?"

Jiuya looked back at the two people with cold faces, sighed and said: "I don't think this matter will be hidden for long anyway, so I didn't plan to keep it secret, so I let the two of them follow, maybe they and I will hide it." It helps me to get out."

Yudie was shocked beside her, "Aren't young mistresses afraid of my uncle's beating?"

Last night, when Prince Jin was kicked out of the house, she saw clearly from outside the door that my son-in-law even dared to beat Prince Jin. If she knew that the young mistress had done something he didn't allow outside, she didn't know how she would beat her up. Law.She dared not even think about it.

Jiu Ya gritted her teeth, "That tyrannical man, he hits him as often as he wants, so he can't stop saving shopkeeper Ji. Since he has arranged around me so tightly, there is absolutely no reason for me to get rid of it. Instead of thinking about half a month later The way to deal with him is to save people first."

Seeing that she had given up all her strength, Yudie and Xiucai couldn't say anything more.Then Jiu Ya called the Phantom in Tsing Yi to her, put on airs and said, "Since you two were called by my husband to say hello in front of me, you should obey my orders, right?"

Tsing Yi was a man in his thirties with a slightly yellow complexion. He hurriedly said, "Before the third master left, he told me repeatedly that he would do everything according to the orders of the young mistress, except for the requirement of being about ten feet away from the young mistress."

Phantom is slightly younger, with a strong appearance, and muscles under the robe. He must be a person who has practiced kung fu very well. At first glance, he gives people a feeling that strangers should not get close to him.He also clasped his fists and said: "Everything is done according to the young lady's order."

Jiuya nodded in satisfaction, "Then did the third master tell you that you should report to him all my whereabouts?"

Tsing Yi said lightly: "That's natural, and this is something that the third master has repeatedly told me to do. No matter how big or small, I have to report everything to him."

Jiuya gritted her teeth secretly, that bastard didn't give her any freedom at all.But there is no other way, she has told him to keep an eye on her, and she has no way to drive these two people away, so she can only do things cheaply first.

Her complexion changed again and again, and finally she had to say helplessly: "I'm going to Zuixianglou to meet some people later, and I will travel in men's clothes. Don't expose my identity, you two. I will wear a veil. Don't call People have lifted my veil, if people recognize me, the third master will definitely be furious when he comes back, can it be done?"

A wry smile flashed across Tsing Yi Phantom's face at the same time, she knew that the task of protecting the young mistress this time would not be so smooth and smooth. Sure enough, the third master just went out, and the young mistress followed behind to make trouble.But what can I do, since I have accepted it, I have to work hard to the end.

Seeing that the two of them nodded helplessly, Jiuya smiled.

Then I went back to my room and changed into a lotus-blue toga with long sleeves, and a beard with narrow sleeves underneath, with a tight waist. It is very popular in Beijing.There is only a black jade pendant with no pattern hanging on the waist, all the blue silk on the head is combed into a bun like a man, and then a green gauze round cap is worn, a pair of beautiful eyebrows are drawn into the trend of flying into the temples, lips Red without dots, eyes like autumn water, without wearing a green gauze, he is a beautiful young man in troubled times.

Both Yudie and Xiucai looked straight, and it took a long time for Yudie to pull the corner of La Jiuya's robe, and praised: "I saw this outfit in a tailor shop before, and I thought it was very suitable for young mistress. When it comes to this upper body, it seems that a suit of clothes was specially tailored for the young mistress, and suddenly I became a young man who even looked at me and almost moved my heart."

Xiucai also swallowed her saliva and nodded, "Young Mistress will just wear this kind of half-male and half-female attire from now on. Wearing those dresses will completely bury Young Mistress's charm, what a pity."

Jiuya is also very satisfied with this attire, who doesn't love beauty?But now she can only sigh and say: "If the words of the two of you fall into the ears of your uncle, I am afraid that you will be kicked out of the house immediately, so this kind of thinking, including me, will not be allowed in the future. also."

Xiucai and Yudie also knew Fu Yu's temper, so they could only make final preparations in front of the door with resentment on their faces.

Xiucai asked Mother Pei to gather all the girls in the yard together to give lectures, and Yudie went outside and called a carriage to guard the corner door at the back, and then came in to cover Jiuya who had already covered her veil and sneaked away.Phantom in Tsing Yi saw how mysterious they were, and said helplessly: "There must be a fake young lady in charge of the house, Yudie, go get busy, lest you go out like this to attract attention."

Yu Die blushed, they had tried their best, but unexpectedly they became eye-catching in the eyes of these people, could they have any better way?

Tsing Yi and Phantom shook their heads respectively, and they both grabbed Jiu Ya's arm through the robes at the same time, and said in a low voice: "Young Mistress, I've offended you."

Jiuya has been carried by Fu Yu twice, she knew that they were going to take her up and down, so she was mentally prepared. As expected, when she closed her eyes, she felt her arms being lifted, and her body flew into the air. Get up, there is a whirring sound in your ears.After several ups and downs, both feet landed abruptly.

Only one more alley was turned, and it was already a bustling street, Tsing Yi then summoned a carriage and let her get on it, and they followed closely to protect each other.

Sitting in the carriage, Jiuya felt both exciting and fun. At this moment, she had completely ignored Fu Yu's warnings and threats to her.

(End of this chapter)

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