marry a noble wife

Chapter 263 Amazing

Chapter 263 Amazing (6)
The carriage soon stopped in front of a huge and luxurious two-story restaurant. After Jiuya got out of the carriage and Tsing Yi paid the fare, the three of them entered the crowded Zuixiang Restaurant.

And Jiu Ya's elegant lotus-colored Hu suit, the green gauze covering her face, the green gauze hat on her head, and her exposed smooth forehead, this demeanor immediately attracted the attention of many people.This is the time when Zuixianglou's business is at its peak, the entire hall is almost full, and the people who are eating and drinking in the hall, talking about drinking and boxing all cast their gazes over at the same time, with expressions of astonishment undisguised on their faces .

Of course, those who can enter the Zuixiang Building are often some wealthy and powerful people in the capital, or have a lot of money, and invite friends to come here to discuss business.Either the son-in-law is calling friends, calling a few kabukis and so on.Or if you want something from others, invite some high-ranking officials to treat guests and drink here to raise their value.So these people have a lot of knowledge, and for so long, they haven't really seen such a handsome young man. It's a pity that the green veil has covered their faces, and they don't know how amazing the face under the veil is.

Jiuya walked into Zuixiang Building, and immediately a staff came to ask, when she agreed to have an appointment with Master Xue, the staff took her upstairs directly.After waiting in front of a quiet box, he knocked on the door three times and said, "Master Xue, your guest is here."

There was an immediate response from inside, "Come in, please."

The clerk pushed open the door, and Jiuya walked in immediately, and saw a black lacquered Pengya square table and four black lacquered rose chairs with scarlet cushions in the center of the room, with tea cups and snacks placed on them.The one sitting at the top is the emperor's grandson Tuoba Yue. On the left is a middle-aged man with a majestic face in official uniform. It is Mr. Xue whom Jiuya once met in Chunhua Academy. On the right is an aide. A man with an ordinary face, never seen before.

The three of them looked at Jiuya together. Jiuya's mysterious and glamorous temperament, and the black and lacquered furnishings in this room, were strangely and terribly harmonious, just like a painting with few ink and washes, dotted with flying colors, clearly plain. The color is monotonous, but it makes people feel that the spring is full of beauty, and that spring is all faded in her eyes.

Jiuya's watery eyes swept lightly, and she deliberately narrowed her voice into a hoarse voice, "May I ask who is Mr. Xue?" Once her voice came out, it became a rough voice, just like a teenager's voice change period, which made people feel aroused. As soon as people hear it, they know that this young man is not very old and is still developing.

Lord Xue chuckled, stood up and said: "This official is right, but I don't know if Young Master is..."

Jiu Ya followed the man's example and said, "Fu Jiu, I came here for Hua Chun Tang's affairs."

Master Xue raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Could it be that the young master is the boss of Huachuntang mentioned by shopkeeper Ji?"

Jiu Ya said neither humble nor overbearing: "No, it's just that, I'm asking Mr. Xue to come here, just to ask, what happened to Shopkeeper Ji, so that he needs to be imprisoned for questioning?"

Lord Xue's face darkened, and the man asked immediately, if he is a sensible person, he should know the reason behind it, do you still want him to explain it clearly?

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the ordinary man next to him immediately smoothed things over and said, "Fu Jiu, please sit down and talk first. If you are here to ask shopkeeper Ji what he has committed and will be put in jail, can't you actually ask the yamen? Since Fu Jiu The Ninth Young Master invited our lord to come here, he must be a knowledgeable person, so why don't we talk about it after drinking tea first?"

He just made it clear that shopkeeper Ji did nothing wrong, but the purpose was to lure her out.Jiu Ya smiled lightly, and sat down on the remaining vacant seat.Tsing Yi and Phantom stood beside her, guarding her closely.

And since she came in, the emperor grandson has been watching her carefully, from her hat, to her forehead, eyebrows, eyes, everything that is exposed outside the green veil, he has carefully examined it, as if trying to pass Every word and deed of her, you can see the clue behind her mysterious veil.

At this time, a little girl came in to serve tea, so Jiuya naturally wouldn't lift her veil to drink it. Although she was sitting opposite the emperor's grandson, she didn't look at him, but stared at Mr. Xue again and said, "Now the shopkeeper Ji is locked up. Hua Chun Tang followed suit. It was a small business, so how could it survive the arrest of the adults? It was also the first time for me to open a medicine store in Beijing. I just wanted to find a place to stay. Did the adults even Is it necessary for an ordinary person to hinder such a small living need?"

Mr. Xue heard her speak aggressively again and again, and immediately sneered and said: "Let's not talk about the arrest of the shopkeeper Ji, this time, as soon as you asked me to make an appointment with this official, this official will come out immediately, which is already very good for you. If Mr. Fu Jiu I didn't want to solve this problem, and I probably wouldn't come here, since we all have needs, why don't you open the skylight and speak brightly, dawdling is not my style."

Jiuya lowered her eyes and smiled softly, "Forget it, Mr. Xue, please tell me, what should I do to let shopkeeper Ji and Hua Chuntang go."

Tuoba Yue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "It's just an unfeeling request. I hope Mr. Fu Jiu can help out with a patient."

Jiuya raised her eyes, "All the famous doctors in the world are concentrated in the imperial hospital. There is Mr. Xue here. It is not too difficult to invite an imperial physician in the palace to see a patient. I don't know why you must stare at my little-known Hua. Chuntang?"

Tuoba Yue's eyes were as deep as seawater on Tuoba Yue's cold and jade-like face, he raised the corner of his lips lightly and said, "If the imperial physician in the palace can cure him, why invite Mr. Fu Jiu again? It's not that we want to embarrass Hua Chuntang, in fact, that The shopkeeper refused to let Mr. Fu Jiu come out, so we had no choice but to take this trick, but this trick is very effective, let Mr. Fu Jiu show up right away, right?"

Jiu Ya lightly said: "I am a mediocre man who can't cure a disease that can't be cured by the imperial hospital? My son is too respectful."

Tuoba Yue picked up the teacup to drink tea, and after a long while, he said: "If the ninth son does his best, we will have nothing to say. But now we are only talking here, so how can we give up? So, if the ninth master wants to talk about Ji Come out, Huachuntang will continue to operate in the capital, and I am afraid that we will have to use some snacks for our patient."

Jiu Ya couldn't help laughing when she heard this, "Master Ji is threatening Hua Chuntang with Manager Ji?"

Master Xue was about to speak, but Tuoba Yue interrupted him: "That's the case."

(End of this chapter)

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