marry a noble wife

Chapter 264 The Guest

Chapter 264 The Guest (1)
Jiuya cursed inwardly, but there was nothing she could do. The people would not fight with officials, if she wanted Hua Chuntang to have a good future, she had to submit now.After thinking for a while, he said: "Thank you, I can appreciate it, but my medical skills are really limited. I really don't like that patient. I hope you can let shopkeeper Ji go."

Tuoba Yue said lightly: "It's fine to let shopkeeper Ji go, but if Mr. Jiu doesn't have such medical skills, then don't open Hua Chuntang, so as not to delay the illness of ordinary people in the capital."

Jiuya felt very angry when she heard this, how can there be such an unreasonable person?If you can't cure the disease, you have to close the door. If those imperial doctors can't cure them, don't they all have to go home to grow sweet potatoes?
Tuoba Yue glanced at her, and then said: "Ninth Young Master, don't be convinced, because I know that you have excellent medical skills, I have higher requirements on you than others, and at the same time, I also believe in you. , Ninth Young Master will definitely be able to heal well."

Jiuya was speechless, "Master, you think highly of me, if I don't do well in the doctor, wouldn't it mean that my life will be cut off?"

Tuoba Yue sneered and said: "With the secret medicine pills of the Ninth Young Master, it is impossible for anyone to cut off your life. If the Ninth Young Master can't cure the patient at that time, then I will do what I can, and I would like to accept the Ninth Young Master into my family." The Prince's Mansion is a government doctor, maybe it is much more prosperous than opening a Huachun Hall outside."

Jiuya was almost choked by a mouthful of saliva, and went to work as a doctor in his prince's mansion, mother's fault, thanks to him thinking of it.She rolled her eyes, pretending to be surprised and said: "Prince's Mansion? Young Master is..."

Master Xue was finally able to speak, "This is His Royal Highness, the grandson of the Emperor. It is a great honor for the Ninth Young Master to be received by His Highness in person."

When her real identity was announced, Jiuya had no choice but to get up and salute respectfully, Tuoba Yue hastily raised her hand across the table, "You don't need to be too polite."

Phantom in Tsing Yi saw him hold Jiu Ya's hand, her expression changed, and she was about to strike immediately, but thinking of something, she held back, and her face was already extremely ugly, but Master Xue and the staff next to him looked at him Clearly, secretly surprised that there are still people who want to do something to the emperor's grandson in order to protect the master. I don't know who this Fu Jiu is?What is the face under the veil?
Jiuya didn't dare to show panic, she just retracted her hand without showing any signs, and said calmly, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Tuoba Yue felt that his hand was empty, the soft and boneless little hand in his palm just now really surprised him, he couldn't help but look up at her hand, Jiuya had already covered his hand under the big sleeve.Then he looked into her eyes again, they were still like autumn water.

He slowly withdrew his five fingers, squeezed them tightly one by one, and asked, "Does the Ninth Young Master agree to this proposal?"

Jiuya said softly: "If the capital makes it impossible for me to hold Hua Chun Tang, then I don't need to stay in the capital any longer. Just go to him."

Lord Xue was furious, "We Daxia Capital is the most prosperous and prosperous place, if you are a talent, you will have your own place, if you are just a mediocrity, it will be difficult to live anywhere!"

Jiu Ya just kept her brows cold and silent. Arguing these words with some conceited people, even if they blush and have thick necks, there will be no result.

And the disdain in her brows has aroused the arrogance in Tuoba Yue's heart, "If you can cure that patient, I will give you glory and wealth; if you can't, I will still give you glory and wealth, When did I say I couldn't tolerate you?"

Jiu Ya said coldly: "Since Your Highness has such a magnanimity, let's let shopkeeper Ji go first. I'm already here, so there's no need to make things difficult for him to run errands."

Tuoba Yue decided with one word, "Okay, I arrested him only to see you, but now that you are here, we will let him go." He turned to Mr. Xue and said, "Get someone to let him go immediately. The young master will immediately follow me to see the man."

Lord Xue held back his breath, and did as he said, Tuoba Yue immediately stood up and said: "I have released him as I said, please, Ninth Young Master."

Jiuya also knew that if she didn't go with him to see a doctor today, things would definitely not go well, not to mention that she had already made preparations, so she nodded and said, "Please, Your Highness."

She went downstairs with Tuoba Yue, a gorgeous carriage had been prepared downstairs, surrounded by a number of guards.Tuoba Yue lifted the curtain of the car himself, "Young Master Ninth, please get in the car."

Looking around, Jiuya saw this carriage, frowned slightly and asked, "Where is Your Highness?"

Tuoba Yue smiled, "Naturally, I will ride with the Ninth Young Master."

At this time, Tsing Yi had already found a carriage parked in front of the restaurant, came over and said in a low voice: "Please get on the carriage, my lord."

Jiu Ya was very satisfied with their carefulness, so she bowed to Tuoba Yue and said: "Your Highness will go first, and Your Majesty will follow closely behind."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tuoba Yue to speak, he sat in the newly hired carriage.Tuoba Yue's face turned blue, and the staff member said in a low voice: "Your Highness, don't be angry, usually people with some ability will have such a strange temper, and it seems that it's not just aimed at His Highness."

Tuoba Yue endured it and got into the carriage.Immediately in front of him, the carriage stopped in front of Anping Hou's mansion very quickly. When she got off the car and saw the gate of this mansion, Jiuya couldn't help but sighed. Can someone come to invite you?Although he didn't get Anpinghou's pulse on weekdays, he could tell from his complexion that his blood was blocked.Besides, people have already said that his dantian is blocked, and he is not a master of internal energy, so he can help him unravel that weird energy.

The concierge heard that the grandson of the emperor had invited someone to treat Lord Hou, so he hurriedly sent someone to inform him, and at the same time took him to Yilanju.When they arrived at Deyi Lanju, An Pinghou who had been notified had already sat quietly and waited.Tuoba Yue invited Jiu Ya to come to him and said: "The patient I asked Mr. Jiu to see is my father-in-law, Mr. Jiu, please take the pulse carefully."

Jiuya stared at Anpinghou, and Anpinghou also looked at her quietly, Jiuya didn't dare to meet his cold eyes, just watched his expression, and said after a long while: "Master Hou should be a martial artist , but the face is blue, and the legs and feet are inconvenient, presumably the qi in the dantian is blocked, and the blood qi in the whole body cannot flow smoothly, right?"

An Pinghou's calm eyes finally showed some fluctuations, and Tuoba Yue was surprised: "Master Jiu can see the cause of this disease just by looking at his face?"

(End of this chapter)

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