marry a noble wife

Chapter 266 The Guest

Chapter 266 The Guest (3)
Fu Hongbo began by saying: "If she is as smart and intelligent as the third sister-in-law, I can only keep her at a respectful distance. If she showed her true nature yesterday, then I will accept her jade hairpin."

Jiuya imitated Fu Yu's way of rubbing her nose, and laughed at herself: "It seems that the fourth brother is not very satisfied with me as the third sister-in-law. Well, I admit, I was a little too scheming, but it was all caused by the environment. Forced. Anyway, anyway, I have conveyed Jiumei's words, it's none of my business, so I'll take my leave first."

Fu Hongbo sent her to the door coldly, and then turned around. Jiuya felt that a person like him was very boring, but with Jin Yun's temperament, the two were very compatible. A fine marriage.

After all, the house became quiet and no one made any troubles, so Jiu Ya calmed down and read the ledgers in the house for a few days. Euphemistically said: "I have also managed the accounts for some days, and basically have some understanding of the situation in the mansion. Although there is corruption, I can still produce real evidence, but even if it is found out, many people in the mansion can only complain. Sheng Zhi said. If you want to save money from the source, you may have to start from the account. "

An Pinghou was basking in the sun with a thin blanket on his knees. He quietly half-closed his eyes and didn't answer for a while. After a long time, he suddenly said in a low voice: "What do you mean? There's no need to beat around the bush in front of me. "

Jiu Ya blushed, this person is very shrewd, he should speak directly.Convenience said: "I want to know how much the actual property is, and then I will calculate the annual income and expenditure accounts, how much loss, how much profit..."

An Pinghou suddenly opened his eyes, a wave of evil spirit shot from him, he slapped the armrest, "You are so courageous! You still want to liquidate my property? Who told you to do this?"

Jiu Ya was taken aback, she had never seen An Pinghou lose her temper like this before, why did he change his face when he asked about the industry?Didn't he let her manage the accounts of the mansion?Is it necessary to be so serious if she is only asked to look at the ink corruption incident on the account?

She braced herself up, and said in a calm voice: "No one wants to liquidate your property, but my daughter-in-law has only checked the accounts of the mansion carefully recently, and found that a large amount of money has gone astray. This is a big guy." What they are doing, everyone only thinks about filling their own pockets, and never thinks about the family supported by father. If father has such a large family property for them to steal, the daughter-in-law is a newcomer, so she can stay out of it Ignore it, so as not to offend people everywhere. But the daughter-in-law is worried, if the property that has earned money is also embezzled by others, or if the business has not been good for a year, how will they be able to support their growing appetite in the long run? For a long time, can dad guarantee that the Hou's mansion will not be a mess in the future, and the future generations will not be able to sustain it?"

Anpinghou's complexion changed continuously, his eyes were like water in a deep pool, secretly surging.

Jiu Ya sighed and said: "Father is like a cabbage, the outer leaves are thick, let them peel them slowly one by one, I'm afraid, in the end, there is only one core left, and there is nothing to peel. It will be gone too.”

Anpinghou was silent, Jiuya thought that it was hopeless to talk to him about the house deed today, so she got up, and was about to say goodbye when Anpinghou suddenly said in a deep voice: "Fu Yu's mother's property deed and land are all in my Here, if you have the ability, you can check it on your behalf, and when you have a specific number, you can tell me and let me handle the matter."

Jiuya's mind jumped wildly, the thing was indeed in his hands, it seems that the lady guessed it right.She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye. When Anpinghou handed over a pitch-black box to her, her hands almost trembled. This is what Fu Yu's mother left behind. Now, everyone in the house is eating her The wealth, assassinating her son, vying for her son's position.How happy would he be if he could return all these things to Fu Yu's hands?How frustrated should those who usurped her wealth be?
"This thing is in your hands for the time being, but there is one thing that must not be known to anyone, including Fu Yu. Otherwise, not only will your life be in danger, but this residence may be torn apart. You are a smart person, you must be able to see what happened." An Pinghou stared at her closely, and confessed the matter solemnly.

Jiuya struggled for a while, how could she not tell Fu Yu?But under the gaze of An Pinghou, she had no choice but to nod and said: "Don't worry, father, I'm just a person who checks the accounts on your behalf. Everything, inside and outside the mansion, will be reported to you at that time."

Anpinghou then nodded.

Jiuya returned to Chunhua Courtyard anxiously. When she went back to the house and opened the wooden box and counted the land deeds in detail, she was speechless. There were forty or fifty houses, such a large number, How much money do you have to make a year?Even if all the expenses of this mansion come from here, there must be surplus, where did the surplus money go?

That night, she carefully looked at those house title deeds all night, and she was really heartbroken that Fu Yu's mother had such a large amount of property to make wedding dresses for others.

As for the specific income accounts of these industries, even if the old lady has them, Fu Changting will definitely not give her the actual accounts. She should think of a surefire plan to check the accounts of these industries one by one.

In Fenglin Courtyard, Mama Sun rushed into Aunt Xiao's room impatiently from the outside. Seeing the girls inside, she hurriedly waved them out, and then said in a low voice, "Ma'am, the people we sent to the Song family finally found a The great news is back."

Aunt Xiao said casually, "What good news?"

Mother Sun asked in a low voice: "Auntie, have you seen the marriage certificate of the third master and the third grandma?"

Aunt Xiao was startled, "Looked at it, what's the matter?"

"Only glanced at it? Then can you see clearly whether the third grandmother on the marriage certificate is a concubine or a concubine?"

Aunt Xiao's eyes flashed, and she recalled, "It seems to be a marriage, if it wasn't a marriage, the crown prince wouldn't be so stupid to order such a marriage to Qingyan, wouldn't he?"

Mama Sun laughed and said, "Auntie, this servant thinks the same way. But..." She moved her mouth a little closer, "The servant asked someone to bribe the servants of the Song Mansion, and was kicked out of the mansion by them before." A mother-in-law of mine finally knows for sure that the third grandma is a concubine, not a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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