marry a noble wife

Chapter 267 The Guest

Chapter 267 The Guest (4)
Aunt Xiao almost jumped up, "What? Is it a concubine? How is it possible? I saw the marriage certificate that day clearly stated that he was a concubine, so why did he become a concubine again?"

Sun Mama said: "So, auntie should go to the old lady's side to read the marriage letter clearly first. If it is really written out, then the Song family will be charged with fraudulent marriage..."

Aunt Xiao was surprised and delighted, she hurried to Rongfu Hall, when she saw the old lady, she hurriedly said: "Old ancestor, do you know something?"

The old lady sat up from the armchair, "What's the matter, so serious?"

Aunt Xiao said gloomyly: "Does the ancestor still remember whether Yu'er's daughter-in-law is written in Yu'er's marriage letter as a concubine or a concubine?"

The old lady took it for granted: "Naturally, she is a concubine. The girl from the Song family who was appointed by the crown prince at the beginning, would she still point to a concubine?"

Aunt Xiao was anxious, "Old Ancestor, how can you say that it is naturally a descendant? It depends on whether it is written on it as a descendant or a concubine."

The old lady asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"I heard from the Song Mansion today that Yu's daughter-in-law is a concubine, not a concubine."

"What? A concubine?" The old lady couldn't help raising her voice, "How is that possible? Back then, Matchmaker Li said she was a concubine, how could she become a concubine?"

Aunt Xiao sneered, "That's why I asked you to take a closer look at the marriage certificate. If it really says something about the marriage, you have to ask the Song family about the crime of defrauding the marriage!"

The old lady said: "At the beginning, I was overjoyed because I saw that Yu'er married a girl from the Song family on behalf of Qingyan, so I didn't really read it carefully. And the marriage certificate should have been placed here with me, but Yu'er said on the day of marriage I wanted to take a look, but told him to take it away, and it hasn’t returned yet, where can I go to see it?”

Aunt Xiao's eyes flickered, "I've seen it before, and it's really written about the prostitute, even if the marriage certificate is now in Yu'er's hands, I'll ask someone to go to the Ministry of Households to check it right now, there are all records there Yes, if you don’t believe me, you can’t find her handle.”

The old lady lowered her head and thought: "It is important to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to check, but we must also understand some of the reasons. If Yu's daughter-in-law is really a concubine, how can the Song family have the courage to write a concubine? The crown prince appointed the nine daughters of the Song family, isn't he referring to Song Jiuya?"

Aunt Xiao suddenly slapped her forehead and said: "I remembered, a younger sister of Yu's daughter-in-law once came to live for two days, she talked to the girl in my yard, and the girl in the yard said that the third grandma was in the Song Mansion The ranking is eighth, and there is a younger sister below, others call her Nine Girls, so is it that the crown prince appointed that person instead of this one?"

The old lady's expression changed drastically, "Hurry up and call someone to find out what is the difference between this Song Jiuya and Jiu girl. And call Li Dazui to see what the Song family said back then. If the Song family really cheated place, we will not spare them!"

Aunt Xiao felt as if she had caught a thief who had been hiding for a long time, she was happy and excited, she went out, and immediately arranged for Mama Sun to call Li Dazui first, and at the same time she brought the people she bought in the Song Mansion together.

After a while, Li Dazui came, and the old lady immediately asked: "Matchmaker Li, there is something we need to confirm with you now, please answer truthfully."

Li Dazui cheered and saluted: "Old Madam, if you have something to say, just ask, I know everything."

The old lady nodded and said: "That day you went to Song's house to propose marriage for us Qingyan, you should be talking about the 13-year-old girl Jiu?"

Li Dazui smiled and said: "Of course, what the old lady ordered, how dare I not obey?"

"Since it is according to my words, what does the mistress of the Song family say? What is the name of the nine girls, and how old are they? Is it a concubine or a concubine?"

Li Dazui remembered the situation that day very clearly, and immediately replied: "The mistress of the Song family didn't believe that the eldest son of the Hou Mansion proposed marriage to their Song family, so I asked her if there was a 13-year-old son in the Song family. The nine-year-old nine-year-old girl had a marriage proposal. She said at the time that there was indeed such a 13-year-old nine-year-old girl. At the same time, she asked me whether the nine-year-old girl appointed by the crown prince was born in the first place. Needless to say, I said it must be a I'm a daughter-in-law."

Aunt Xiao asked: "Then did she say the name of the nine girls?"

Li Dazui smiled, "Of course I said it, what's it called? Let me think about it..."

At such a critical time, Aunt Xiao became a little anxious.Li Dazui thought about it for a long time, and finally clapped his hands and said: "I remember, all the girls of the Song family have a gold letter in the middle. At that time, the mother of the Song family said that they were called Jin Yun. When I heard the name, I was overjoyed and came back immediately." You know the report. What's the matter? Did something happen here?"

After finishing speaking, she asked with a blank face.

Aunt Xiao quickly and surprisedly looked at the old lady, and raised her eyebrows to confirm: "Are you sure that the nine girls that the Song family's mistress said at that time are Jin Yun from the first generation?"

Li Dazui said displeasedly: "Look at you, I have been a matchmaker for these years. I have nothing else, but I can remember other people's names. No matter what, I can't remember them wrong. What Xiao really said at the time was Jin Yun, if you don't believe me, you can go and find out if there is a girl named Jin Yun in the Song family who ranks ninth."

Then she asked strangely: "Didn't you have a wedding in the mansion a few days ago? Although the prince told me not to go to the Song family, I have already heard about it. You have already married, don't you even do this?" clear?"

Aunt Xiao sneered and said: "Don't worry about these things, just remember what you said today, and when you need to testify someday, you will tell everything you know, you know?"

As she spoke, she handed Li Dazui a purse, and Li Dazui respectfully took it in his hand and weighed it, then he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. The purse, at least, was worth hundreds of taels of silver.She said yes immediately.

After Li Dazui left, Mama Sun brought a servant woman with high cheekbones. The servant woman knelt down in front of the old lady and saluted, and the old lady asked, "Who are you from the Song family?"

The servant woman raised her eyebrows and said respectfully: "My maidservant's surname is Huang. She used to be a person close to the mistress Xiao of the Song Mansion. Later, she was murdered by that concubine Song Jiuya, and she was expelled from the house by the master. My wife took pity on her and took the maidservant back. It will be kept in Zhuangzi."

(End of this chapter)

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