marry a noble wife

Chapter 273: Prince Banquet

Chapter 273: Prince Banquet (2)
Mrs. Xiao next to her said while drinking tea: "Who else taught it? A concubine with such a nature, no amount of effort is worth teaching."

Jiuya sneered, are you here to give her a grand banquet today?
She simply stepped back in front of her seat, staring straight at Mrs. An and Mrs. Xiao like ice and snow, and said indifferently: "If you want people to respect you, you must first respect yourself. Some people rely on the old to sell the old, and even speak out badly. It's not that If you are a high-ranking person, saluting has already reached the etiquette, who can stipulate that you have to listen to the echo with a big salute? If I meet a dumb person who doesn’t know the answer, why should I squat all day?”

This table is full of family members of officials, and there is no seal. Jiuya is already polite when she sees the ceremony. What's more, it is known that Mrs. Na'an ignored it first, and instead beat her up. It is obviously to embarrass the young daughter-in-law. Those who understood the reason thought that Mrs. An was deliberately making things difficult.

Jiu Yade was not forgiving, and then said lightly: "Also, Madam, please pay attention to your image when you speak, and ask me what it is? I am just married to the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Anping. If I am something, it must be What has become of the people in the Marquis of Anping?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, her words made Madam An gasp, Jiuya ignored her and sat down to drink tea.Mrs. Xiao took a look at Aunt Xiao, and said in a false voice: "This daughter-in-law in the Hou's mansion is really good at speaking, she dares to contradict her elders in front of everyone, she must be very strong in the mansion."

Aunt Xiao gave Jiu Ya a cold look, "It's a family ugliness that shouldn't be publicized. If we knew that Yu's daughter-in-law is such a virtuous woman, our Houfu would try to offend others, and we wouldn't marry her back."

It means that Jiuya's conduct in the Hou's mansion is not very good, and there is a strong intention to dismiss her because of her poor conduct.

The third lady next to her saw that everyone came to besiege Jiu Ya, she couldn't stand it any longer, so she smoothed the field and said with a smile: "What kind of ugly family is not ugly, I think Yu'er's wife is very pleasing, and now Yu'er's illness has been cured , can be regarded as a lucky star, we Yu'er can be very happy."

"Are you happy? I'm afraid you've been blinded. So far no one is allowed in the house. I'm very jealous. I've already committed seven crimes. If it weren't for the large number of people in our waiting mansion, we would be in other places. , who knows what will happen?" Aunt Xiao said coldly.

Over there, some of the Duke's wives or Mrs. Hou took a deep breath. How can there be a woman who does not allow men to accept people in the house?Although they can't tolerate this, none of them will resist openly in a reasonable way, and they have to show a very virtuous and positive look to help their men accept a few maids and concubines to show their generosity.But this woman is blatant, isn't it too unreasonable?
Seeing that Aunt Xiao wanted to expose Jiuya's faults in public, the third lady had no intention of saving her any face at all, and she immediately became sullen. How can there be any reason to discuss her own family affairs in public?Can't you talk about everything in private?Is Xiao Shi a demon?
Seeing that everyone was looking at her with strange eyes, Jiuya was secretly angry. This Xiao family was going to divorce her today, did she see her identity clearly?Isn't she afraid of exposing her scandals in public?

Her brows were cold, but her tone was slow and said: "Houfu is in charge of the family, it seems to be grandma and father, and my husband is also the son-in-law. After the mother-in-law passed away, the affairs in the mansion are temporarily handled by the aunt. I must be able to do it today." The people sitting on this table are all the wives of officials or wives, if something happens to you one day, can you tolerate a concubine taking care of your children? It seems that there is no such rule in Daxia, right? "

These few words of hers are to make Aunt Xiao realize that she has no right to sit here today, let alone accuse her of being a legitimate son-in-law!

When the wives and wives heard this, they felt that Mrs. Xiao was too much, not only exposing the shortcomings of his son-in-law and daughter-in-law in public, but also helping to get out of the embarrassment of the Hou's mansion. Just a concubine?Of these principal wives, which one would like to have a concubine climb up to the position and dictate to his children after his death?
But they can only think about it in their hearts, after all, Xiao Shi is the biological mother of the Empress Dowager and Concubine, if not, they dare not show it in words and deeds.

The third lady secretly applauded when she heard this, Aunt Xiao's face changed drastically, she didn't expect Jiu Ya to point out her identity as a concubine in public.In fact, since Mrs. Hou passed away, she has always regarded herself as Mrs. Hou in the Hou Mansion, and has never felt that she is a concubine, except in terms of address.And Jiuya's sudden point made her feel a great humiliation.

She put down the cup and plate heavily, "Is there anyone who talks to elders like this? Could it be that the Song Mansion only teaches such barbarians?"

She dared to get angry in public, and Jiuya was about to have a fight with her, but suddenly there was a voice at the door, "Oh, what kind of wife is this teaching the younger generation? Why am I watching so much excitement?"

Everyone searched for the reputation, but saw a beautiful middle-aged woman with a big red jade color, a gold-rimmed gourd, a phoenix, and a flowered sleeve jacket, walking over with a smile, supported by a well-dressed woman. Mrs. Rong Guo.

Everyone got up and greeted her, she responded one by one with wide-eyed smiles, and then walked up to Jiuya, took a look at Jiuya with a gloomy face, and then looked up at Aunt Xiao, taking it easy He said: "Hey, isn't this the concubine's room that Anping waited for? Today, there is a banquet in the prince's mansion, and you are here too. Would you like me to pay you a visit?"

She was originally the Queen's Empress's sister, and also the Lady of Rongguo. Even if Anping Hou saw her, he would also meet her as a junior, let alone a concubine like Xiao Shi?
Aunt Xiao's face was blue and red, like a beautiful palette, changing back and forth.After a long while, I said with the courtesy of a junior: "I dare not, I have met Mrs. Rong Guo, Mrs. Jin'an."

Mrs. Rong Guo said indifferently: "Get up, I finally met my eighth girl today, this lady let me sit, I have to catch up with my eighth girl."

Chasing people away in public like this made Aunt Xiao turn pale with anger, but even if there were 1000 million ruthless people in the Hou Mansion, she was not one of the farts in front of Mrs. Rong Guo.He had no choice but to swallow his anger and retreat, and sat on the table next to him. The third lady was very happy to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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