marry a noble wife

Chapter 274: Prince Banquet

Chapter 274: Prince Banquet (3)
Mrs. Rong Guo sat in her place unceremoniously, pulled Jiu Ya up and down, looked up and down for a long time, and finally said with infinite regret: "You girl, it makes me feel sad to let you marry like this. Very much."

Seeing this lady reminded Jiuya again of what happened to her in Jingci Nunnery, she felt a little bit sad in her heart, she lowered her eyes and said, "How can a woman's fate be controlled by herself?"

Mrs. Rong Guo held her hand and remained silent for a while, but she already sighed countless times in her heart.Her nephew, who was still struggling to kill the enemy in Luyi, wrote repeatedly asking her to go to the Song Mansion to take care of his sweetheart. However, under pressure from all sides and interests related, she failed his trust and watched the good girl The family married a seriously ill mute.It's really fate, and it's not up to anyone.

But she felt boundless guilt in her heart, ashamed of her nephew, ashamed of this unfortunate little girl in front of her.

When Mrs. Rong Guo came, she actually gave Xiao Shi a big blow, and at the same time, she was so affectionate to Song Jiuya who was ridiculed by them before, which made Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. An feel completely at a loss.Everyone was secretly amazed, when did Mrs. Rongguo get so familiar with Miss Song Ba?

At this time, Madam Rong Guo seemed to be deliberately supporting Jiuya, her eyes swept across everyone's faces, and she said with a smile: "The eighth girl of the Song family is the funniest girl I have ever seen, but it is a pity that I The family is full of married bastards, otherwise, she would have to be taken back as a daughter-in-law no matter what. What is missing is that bastard from the Anping Marquis Mansion, who married such a knowledgeable and interesting girl. It’s so hard to give up.”

Mrs. Xiao just thought that Mrs. Rongguo had taken the wrong medicine, and now she's saying these irrelevant things here.A little unconvinced and ridiculed at the moment: "It's just a concubine, who has been wild since she was a child, and she is very disobedient to discipline. I don't know what is so good about it?"

Mrs. Rong Guo glanced at her, "Which family does this lady belong to?"

Mrs. Xiao had obviously met Mrs. Rong Guo before, but now she asked her which family she belonged to, clearly pretending to be forgetful, and ignored her.Mrs. Xiao took a deep breath in her heart, she had to get up again and said: "I happen to be the aunt of the eighth girl of the Song family. I have watched her grow up, and I know her heart and nature best."

Mrs. Rong Guo sneered, "What an aunt, it's fine if you don't give her a few good words in front of outsiders, but she is worse than outsiders. Is this an elder's fault? By the way, you said she was not convinced. She has been disciplined very well, I don't know what she did to disobey discipline to make my aunt speak so badly?"

Mrs. Xiao choked. She really didn't expect that Mrs. Rong Guo would treat Song Jiuya in such a way. How could it be like this?
"I can't tell." Mrs. Rong Guo turned and said indifferently: "I heard that your Xiao family's tutor is good before, and the daughter you taught has done deplorable things. I don't know if you can be disciplined now? "

She meant something, and Mrs. Xiao's face suddenly turned pale. Thinking of Xiao's stealing, she couldn't say anything, and this Mrs. Rong Guo seemed to know something. After showing the family's ugliness, how will the daughter she brought today choose a husband?So he quickly sat down and didn't dare to say a word again.

Sitting at this table, Wen Caihe fully felt Mrs. Rong Guo's overwhelming protection of Jiuya, and she couldn't help being jealous to death. Why is this woman protected by Lord Hou when she was in the mansion? It's hard to come out now Seeing a lot of wives surrounding and attacking her, she just couldn't get enough of it, but suddenly Mrs. Rong Guo came out. Why is she so lucky?What's so great about it?

The flames of war here were finally extinguished by the arrival of Mrs. Rongguo. At this time, the crown princess had brought Fu Jingwen over, and everyone met the ceremony one by one, because the crown princess wanted to sit at the same table with Mrs. Rongguo. The younger Jiuya and Wen Caihe had no choice but to give up his seat, and sat next to a table where only a few ladies were seated.

Everyone was socializing, at this moment, the voices in the garden suddenly fell silent, Jiuya also followed the crowd to look, but saw three women had already appeared at the door.The two are well-dressed beautiful maidservants, one on the left and the other on the right are supporting a delicate and soft woman who is as weak as Liu Fufeng.The woman has a graceful figure, a full waist, and the swaying of the pendant like willow silk, her charm is moving.Her face was covered with a green veil, which set off her snow-white skin, her eyebrows were curved and her eyes were beautiful, adding a kind of amorous feelings that still half-hidden her face while holding a pipa, making people wish they could take off the veil and take a closer look at her true face.

The man at the men's table over there stared at the woman and whispered, "This woman is not bad, I wonder which family she is from?"

"I have attended many banquets, and I recognize almost all the ladies, but I have never seen such a beautiful woman covered in green gauze. Who of you knows?"

Everyone shook their heads, some stared at the woman's waist and swallowed, and when they grasped that slender waist, they couldn't tell how much they would be fascinated.

Fu Qingyan was talking with An Zicheng, when he heard the discussion, he looked back, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, Tuoba Yuechan, she will come to this kind of flower viewing banquet today?Who is it for?He then cast his eyes on the woman who was sitting calmly on the opposite table, everyone was overwhelmed by Tuoba Yuechan's beauty, and they were astonished, but who could match her status in his heart?
An Zicheng followed his gaze to look at Tuoba Yuechan, and was immediately struck by the woman's sickly charm. He was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but whisper: "My lord, do you know that woman?"

Fu Qingyan glanced at him, "It's not very familiar, it seems to be Princess Yuechan, the daughter of Prince Rui."

"Princess Yuechan?" An Zicheng looked over with some infatuation, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Unfortunately, she is too high-ranking, and right now, she is not all the women he can touch anyway.

Tuoba Yuechan came as promised, and Fu Jingwen was so happy that she went straight to the most conspicuous table to invite her. However, after a salute, Yuechan asked in a crisp voice like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley: "I want to ask my sister, Brother Yu's daughter-in-law Where are you sitting?"

She was originally a spot of light, so when she asked, everyone felt confused, but Fu Jingwen knew it best, and said with a light smile: "She is sitting over there, do you want to go over and say hello to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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