marry a noble wife

Chapter 275: Prince Banquet

Chapter 275: Prince Banquet (4)
Hearing the beautiful woman mention her name, Jiuya was taken aback. From the introduction just now, she already knew that the person in front of her was Princess Yuechan who had a marriage contract with Fu Yu.During the Chinese New Year, the old lady went to propose a marriage, and she was officially betrothed to Fu Qingyan. At this time, she called her name as soon as she came. What's her intention?
Fu Jingwen brought Tuoba Yuechan to Jiuya's table, "Third sister-in-law, this is Princess Yuechan, who rarely comes to the capital, and used to get along very well with the third brother, but now that the third brother is not here, you can accompany her instead of the older sister." .”

Jiuya and Wen Caihe both stood up at the same time, and said together, "I've seen the Princess."

Yuechan's eyes stayed on Jiuya's body all the time, her almond eyes were like smoke and clouds, with so much resentment, Jiuya didn't know what she was resenting about.

"What's your name?" Yuechan sat down and asked.

Jiuya said generously: "Song Jiuya."

"It's a good name." The two beautiful maidservants rearranged the teacup for Yuechan and added tea for her. Yuechan stretched out her slender hand to gently hold the teacup, "Is Brother Yu treating you well?"

Her voice was very nice, Wen Caihe and Chunmei looked at her weak appearance, they were really worried that the teacup would fall to the ground and break if it was not stable.

Jiu Ya said in a calm manner: "Sister-in-law? Of course he is very good to me."

Yuechan held the teacup and looked at her quietly, "Then do you like him?"

Jiu Ya frowned slightly, how could a girl keep asking her about the relationship between husband and wife like this?

"If you don't answer, it seems that you don't like him anymore. In fact, who knows a person like Brother Yu well?" Yuechan lowered her head to drink tea with self-complaint and self-pity. A lady with self-restraint.

Jiuya felt awkward, she would know if her husband-in-law was good, so why should she, an outsider, complain here?

At this time, under the arrangement of Fu Jingwen, the table was adjusted again. Jin Xia, Jin Yun, An Huiran and a few smiling girls were sent over, and their seats were given to the newly arrived ladies.

Jinxia and An Huiran had long disliked Jiuya, and Jinxia hadn't bullied Jiuya for several months, so she already felt itchy in her heart.She saw the wives bullying her just now, and she wanted to join it a long time ago, but unfortunately, in order to be more demure in front of her future mother-in-law, she has endured it until now.

As soon as she came over, after meeting with Yuechan, she smiled sweetly and said, "Eight sister, I heard that brother-in-law doesn't like you very much. The last time Jiumei went to your place, I heard that you made a mistake once, brother-in-law." I was beaten mercilessly, I don't know if the injury is serious or not?"

Jiuya knew that this table arrangement was intentional by Fu Jingwen. Sure enough, inviting her sisters here was nothing more than trying to make things difficult for herself, and at the same time expose her shortcomings, making herself look ugly in public.Poor Jin Xia didn't know that she was being used by someone, and exposing her sister's faults was tantamount to discrediting the Song family, and it was of no benefit to her.

So she didn't answer what she said, but said flatly: "That's all hearsay, how can it be taken seriously? Sixth sister, don't listen to other people's gossip."

Jin Yun blushed, and said to Jin Xia: "Seventh Sister, I only heard about it, why did you take it seriously? And you said it in public?"

Jinxia glanced at Wen Caihe, then looked at Chunmei behind her, and suddenly sneered, "It's not true, just ask the second sister-in-law here?"

All eyes on the table were focused on Wen Caihe, and Ms. Fan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, asked, "Second sister-in-law, is this really the case?"

Wen Caihe pretended to be embarrassed, "This..."

Her expression was clearly telling everyone that this was the case, but she couldn't say it in public because of her feelings.Yuechan next to him immediately asked Jiuya, "What wrong did you do that brother Yu still beat you? I remember that brother Yu never beat anyone before. He must be very annoyed at you, right?"

Jiuya became a little tireless, always being pressed for questions like this, could this be the purpose of today's flower feast?

She said indifferently: "Don't you know that beating is love? My husband and I are very good, even if someone provokes, it is impossible for us to have anything happen."

Yuechan looked at her, her eyes were filled with water, as if she was about to cry, Jiuya was upset by watching, don't start looking at the flowers in the garden, those are much more beautiful than the Yingying Yanyan in front of her.

At this time, the people had almost arrived, the prince and princess came out in person, gave a series of welcome speeches to the chairman, and then began to serve the food and wine.At this time, someone in the male guest table suggested, "Since we are here to enjoy the flowers, how can we just sit like this? Why don't we come and start reciting poems with flowers as the theme?"

These are in line with everyone's wishes. In front of the rare daughters, everyone wants to show off the poems in their stomachs. Maybe whoever is pleasing to the eye can lead to a good marriage?
This proposal was immediately echoed by all the male guests, but Fu Jingwen suddenly stood up and said on behalf of the female guests: "Since the other side said to recite poems, we will not lag behind here, sit here Yes, they are all talented women with hidden talents, everyone, come together, today we will make a flower viewing feast full of fun."

All the male guests applauded in agreement, and someone asked loudly: "Then, may I ask His Royal Highness, since it is a poetry competition, there must be a distinction between superior and inferior. If the winner, what prize will there be? If so The bottom one, how should I be punished?"

Tuoba Yue sat on the other side of the male guest's table, and said with a loud smile: "As for the prize? I can give it out. If one of you wins the poem, I will take out the Nine Dragon Cup that was paid tribute to the Western Regions a few days ago as a lottery. How about it?" ?”

There was a burst of exclamation on the left and right seats, the Nine Dragon Cup is really a peerless treasure. I heard that after pouring wine into that cup, not only the wine becomes mellow, but also nine golden dragons will swim in it. A horrific killing.With just one word from the emperor grandson now, he actually used this rare thing as a prize, which naturally made everyone feel that the emperor grandson was a big deal.

"Okay, since there are prizes, what about the punishment?" Someone asked loudly.

Fu Jingwen smiled and said: "Is this punishment? It can't be too severe, how about it, there is the bottom one, there is a third-level wooden platform over there, just stand on it for an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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