marry a noble wife

Chapter 276: Prince Banquet

Chapter 276: Prince Banquet (5)
Everyone immediately responded, "This is good, it's innovative, it just needs to make people thick-skinned, stand tall alone, and watch the crowd eat and drink, this kind of punishment has never been tried before."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Fu Jingwen came over and said, "We are all young girls and daughters-in-law here, and they are all people who are familiar with poetry and books. If they are lucky enough to win, they will have to win the Nine Dragon Cup. Everyone, please help me." I have to work hard to come up with good poems."

The ladies here are all excited, they all think that reciting poems with flowers will definitely not be a problem, not to mention taking the first place, it will definitely not be their turn to be the bottom, and at the same time they can show their talents in front of everyone, maybe they will be able to attract A wishful gentleman.

Tuoba Yue invited ten civil servants from the officials over there to serve as referees, and thus, a flower-themed poetry recitation contest began.

Starting from the men's table, everyone began to chant poems and compose fuss, and among them, there are naturally many poems with very artistic conception, some sing chrysanthemums, some praise orchids, some chant peach blossoms, some chant lotus flowers, everything that one expects to find, Indeed, this scene was met, and everyone listened to it with joy.

When the male guests finished singing, after some comments, it turned out to be a song by An Zicheng, "Flowers don't bloom together with hundreds of flowers, independent and sparse fences are infinitely interesting, I would rather die with the fragrance on the branches, than blow into the north wind." The poem about chanting chrysanthemum won No.1 for its artistic conception of rather than bending.

He won No.1, Jin Xia was overjoyed, and it was the first time for the others to really see this elegant Mr. An sitting silently in the crowd. Those who knew him or didn't know him all cast admiring glances at him.

Among the civil servants who judged was Mr. Huo, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites who was in charge of Chunwei this year. Because of this poem, his impression of An Zicheng suddenly deepened. When he knew that he was the eldest son of Mr. An, he was even more impressed. heart.

Next came the female guests' turn, and the most anxious one was Wen Caihe, she came from a businessman, how many books had she read?She can make calculations, and reciting poems is more powerful than killing her.

She immediately got up and wanted to make excuses, but Fu Jingwen, who had been staring at her side, grabbed her and said with a smile, "Where is Second Sister-in-law going?"

Seeing everyone looking at her, Wen Caihe said in a nasty voice, "I want to make it easier."

Fu Jingwen said with a serious face: "This is not allowed. Even if it is urgent, you have to finish reciting this poem before going. I am the invigilator, and no one will let you go."

Wen Caihe was so anxious that she broke out in sweat, she didn't want to stand on that high platform and let others point and point her, the most embarrassing thing was this.She was about to struggle when Fu Jingwen suddenly stuffed a ball of paper in her hand. She had an idea and looked at Fu Jingwen. Fu Jingwen pointed out: "Second sister-in-law can't leave anyway. If you leave, someone will follow suit. Doesn't our poetry competition lose its meaning?"

Wen Caihe suddenly understood something, holding the ball of paper, turned her head to look at Jiuya, could it be her that the aunt wanted to deal with?

At this time, Jiuya was listening to Bai Wanli reciting a poem about the lotus with a blank expression, but she was listening to the conversation between Wen Caihe and Fu Jingwen, tapping her fingers slowly on the back of the chair. Could it be that Fu Jingwen didn't let Wen Cai go? He left because she was afraid that she would leave, and at the same time, she wanted to stand on that high platform and suffer some humiliation?
Wen Caihe held the ball of paper and calmed down, Chunmei also understood something at this moment.That day, Aunt Xiao asked her young mistress about some of her living habits, and she told her that she had never seen her recite poems or compose Fu, and because she didn't have enough to eat, no one came to teach her at all.Except for a few characters written well, the young lady has never touched those piano, chess, calligraphy and paintings, and she may not even know how many strings the piano has.

Could it be that Aunt Xiao got this news and started such a contest just to make the young mistress make a big fool of herself?Become the laughing stock of the entire capital?

She couldn't help looking at Aunt Xiao on the other side, and seeing her grim smile on her face, she suddenly understood, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic to Jiuya, how could she raise her head in front of others after making a fool of herself in public and being scolded as an idiot? ?
After such a short period of time, the poems of all the young ladies are almost recited, which is remarkable. It seems that they are afraid of falling behind and put a lot of thought into it.

After Yuechan finished singing a poem chanting lotus, Wen Caihe had already recited the poem written on the ball of paper just now, "How many green lotuses rely on each other and hate each other, looking back for a moment to carry the west wind." Applause, Wen Caihe breathed a sigh of relief, then sat down watching the show again, and said to Jiuya: "Third sister-in-law, you are the only one, it's your turn."

Jiuya looked worried and didn't make a sound for a long time. Everyone on the field looked at her. Jin Xia chuckled and said, "Why didn't Bamei start yet? Could it be that she wanted to delay everyone's time? Or Or do you want to think about what to do?"

An Huiran also smiled and said: "I only knew that Eighth Younger Sister likes to climb trees and fight, but she has a lot of strength. Could it be that she has never studied, so today is the time when the books are used up and I hate less?"

Yuechan looked at Jiuya in disbelief, and said crisply: "Since she is Brother Yu's wife, how can you be so vulgar? If you really can't recite poems, then don't waste everyone's time, go up to the high platform and stand for punishment. "

Fu Qingyan, who had been watching the movement over there, was also stunned. He didn't expect that Jiu Ya, who had a good handwriting, could not recite poems. Could it be that she really made a fool of herself by standing on a high platform?If he had known this earlier, he should have been at the bottom of the pile and stood on the high platform.

An Zicheng, who was next to her, shook her head gently and said, "I know Eighth Younger Sister's temper best. She has suffered from headaches since she was a child. How can she recite poems? If she had known this, she shouldn't have come to such a flower viewing feast. It was a big shame for nothing."

Fu Qingyan's face turned cold, and Tuoba Yue on the side also shook his head and said: "I saw her design a very useful wheelchair for my father-in-law a few days ago, and I also knew that she had a lot of talent in her belly, but she didn't know anything about it, what a pity .”

Fu Qingyan said lightly: "You can't just look at people from one side. People have some good skills and some clumsy knowledge. The third sister-in-law is just not good at this, so what is there to regret?"

As he spoke, he stood up, trying to draw everyone's attention to him with Huatou, and then Jiuya quickly left.

He said loudly: "Actually, I suddenly got another good poem just now. Why don't ten judges judge it and see if it can compare with Brother An's poem about Chrysanthemum?"

(End of this chapter)

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