marry a noble wife

Chapter 277: Prince Banquet

Chapter 277: Prince Banquet (6)
When no one answered here, Fu Jingwen over there gave him an angry look and said, "I know that my elder brother is rich and well-educated, but now what everyone expects is to see my third sister-in-law reciting poems. Go as you go, don't interrupt."

On the other side of the men's table, I don't know who started it, completely suppressed Fu Qingyan's voice, and shouted: "I can't seem to sing, go on stage and punish me! Go on stage and punish me! Go on stage and punish me!"

Everyone shouted in unison, the ladies here all looked disdainful, they just got up and sent Jiu Ya to the high platform.

Mrs. Rong Guo was furious and was about to speak, but the Crown Princess pulled her back and said, "It's all for the fun of the juniors. If the elders intervene, wouldn't it disturb their interest?"

Seeing that everyone was shouting and booing, and everyone had already expressed their emotions, Jiuya sighed, which really made her see what everyone expected.On the other side, Jin Yun didn't want her to be punished to go to the high platform, her lips moved, hoping that she could hear the poem she recited and deal with it for a while, Jin Xia pinched her arm at the side, Jin Yun was so painful that tears flowed out.

In the end, Jiuya finally stood up in front of everyone's eyes, and said with a smile as if she had finally opened her eyes after thinking hard for a long time: "Everyone be quiet, I just thought hard for a long time, and finally came up with a poem. Regardless of whether everyone agrees with it or not, since it occupies the index, it must be chanted to make up the number, right?"

Hearing her speech like this, the loud voice finally subsided, and at the same time, Jinxia sneered, "Eighth Sister has always been full of ideas, under the clamor of everyone, she must have come up with some masterpieces, everyone may wish to listen carefully. But don’t chant some strange poems of one, two, three, four, five, six, one, two, three.”

Everyone on the field laughed loudly. At this time, everyone on the field basically knew that Jiu Ya was a concubine who had a headache when she read books. She didn't go to school, so what good poems could she recite now?Don't talk about good poetry, maybe you don't even know what a poem is?

Jiu Ya let out a long sigh, seeing that the crowd calmed down with great difficulty, Fang looked at a withered flower beside the bluestone and slowly chanted: "By the broken bridge outside the post, there is no one to be lonely. It's dusk to worry about alone. , more with the wind and rain. I have no intention of struggling for spring, and I will be jealous of all the beauty. Scattered into mud and dust, only the fragrance remains the same."

Her voice is gentle and comfortable, with aloofness in melancholy, and disdain in her coldness, reflecting her beautiful face, she is really like that fairy flower, and everyone has become a mortal in her eyes at this moment. cloud mud.

Aunt Xiao was stunned, Fu Jingwen was stunned, Jin Xia was stunned, Mrs. An was stunned, Mrs. Xiao was stunned, and the ten judges over there clapped their hands and praised, "Good poems, good poems, such a one who has no intention of struggling for youth, one who is jealous of others, absolutely The artistic conception is even better than Mr. An's!"

Fu Qingyan smiled, she always surprises people, it is really a good poem.Tuoba Yue raised his eyebrows, this woman was forced into that just now, she seemed to be terrified, and in a blink of an eye, a blockbuster came, was it a deliberate cover-up, or was it a bluff?But no matter what, being able to recite such verses is by no means ordinary.As a result, he couldn't help but look deeply at her again, and these two glances made him feel more like he had seen her before.He frowned.

An Zicheng's expression changed. The judge was that her poems were better than his?And how could Song Jiuya know how to recite poems?According to what he learned later, she never had the opportunity to study in the Song Mansion, so how could she recite such good poems?He looked at her coldly, and then at Princess Yuechan next to her, he felt that she stole his limelight and made his good impression in front of the beauties a little bit less, and he felt even more resentful in his heart.

Jin Xia couldn't help screaming: "Impossible, you can't write such a good poem, where did you copy it?"

Jiuya glanced at her shallowly, "So what if I copied it? Then tell me who I copied it from? In this big summer, who would dare to say that this poem was written by him and I stole it?" What about the new one?" She did copy it, but she didn't copy it from this era, so what could they do with her?These people dug the trap and just wanted her to jump alone, did they think she was really the idiot in their eyes who only knew how to fight and climb trees?

If you want her to stand on a high platform and make a fool of yourself, there is no way!
She looked at the crowd with a smile, and bowed to the ten judges, she was so angry that she said: "Just now the ten adults said that my poems are better than that of Mr. An, do you mean that I am the No. 1 poem reciter? If so, His Royal Highness, I would like to ask for the Nine Dragon Cup."

Tuoba Yue stood up and asked the ten judges: "What's the result of the ten judges?"

One of the white-faced scribes said: "Returning to Your Highness, after our discussion just now, the poem written by the third young lady of the Fu family is indeed a poem that fits her artistic conception. The ten of us agreed that she must be the No. 1 in the poetry recitation competition." .”

As the words spread, the field was silent. Those who had laughed at Jiu Ya before all shut their mouths embarrassingly, watching Jiu Ya take the rare Nine Dragon Cup from Tuoba Yue.

Jiuya took the vermilion box from Tuoba Yue, and Tuoba Yue subconsciously touched her finger, keeping on guard against Jiuya's surprise, the box fell to the ground by mistake, Tuoba Yue had quick eyesight, copied it with his hand, He caught the box, handed it to Jiuya again, and said in a low voice, "This is a very precious prize, please take it well."

Jiuya lowered her eyes, with a look of respect, she took it with both hands again, this time she took the side of the box carefully, after taking the box, she saluted, then turned and walked to the female guests' table.Jin Yun congratulated her directly, Mrs. Rong Guo also praised her endlessly, and Jiuya thanked her one by one.

Both Fu Jingwen and Aunt Xiao's faces were extremely ugly, and they exchanged glances secretly, as if they wanted to continue the next game, and Song Jiuya must be humiliated in public today!
The ten judges were extremely fair and impartial. Not only did they fairly select Poetry No. 1, but they also fairly selected the last one.The last one is the son of an official from the Ministry of Officials. He likes to fight cocks and walk dogs on weekdays.He didn't care about being rated as the bottom one. When the judge named his name, he laughed and said, "It's a sin, a sin, I have to stand tall and see far. Whether it’s long or not, wait for the big guy to have more fun for me down here, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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