marry a noble wife

Chapter 278 Competition

Chapter 278 Competition (1)
It was his ability to be so funny without any embarrassment. Everyone laughed and asked him to stand on the wooden platform.

After a poetry competition, some people were happy and some were worried. Jin Xia, An Huiran and others who knew how much money Jiu Ya had in her stomach felt incredible.Mrs. An asked Mrs. Xiao in a low voice, "What's going on? Didn't it mean that she didn't even have a chance to read books before? How come she can recite poems again?"

Mrs. Xiao was also puzzled, and said bitterly: "This is really weird. In the past, this girl was not liked by her brother-in-law. She had no chance to read at all. Today she can chant poems. Could it be that she is a ghost?"

Mrs. An naturally thought it was nonsense, and said contemptuously: "It's just that a blind cat bumped into a dead mouse, which gave her good luck. But the Nine Dragon Cup is indeed a treasure, so it's a pity for her to have it."

Chunmei here is also surprised. She has been with the young mistress for so many years, but she has never seen her recite poems or compose poems. Why did she do it all of a sudden?And the previous handwriting, people who have never touched a pen can suddenly write beautiful handwriting that everyone can say. Could it be that this young lady who she has been with for six or seven years suddenly got divine help?Slowly thinking about it, she felt that this matter was boundless and weird.It seems... You have to tell the second master about this strange place.

Jinxia on the table stared jealously at the vermilion box in front of Jiuya, and said meanly: "I don't know where I stole the poem, and now I have such a Jiulong Cup, I'm afraid that some people's lives will be cheap, and they won't be able to enjoy it."

An Huiran smiled sweetly, "I heard that the Nine Dragons Cup has caused countless murders. There are so many resentful souls who died unjustly. It should be easy to tease ghosts."

Hearing what she said, Yuechan was so frightened that she clutched her chest and gasped. A beautiful maid next to her frowned and said, "Third Young Madam, can you please remove this box? My princess is not in good health, but I can't stand these things." An evil thing with evil spirit."

Jiuya smiled slightly, "This thing has been in the Prince's mansion for a long time, His Royal Highness is a dragon son from heaven and earth, with a body of pure yang, all evil spirits will disappear without a trace once they are irradiated by the noble and righteous energy of the prince's body, so how come The theory of evil spirits and evil? You are worrying too much."

She brought the prince in and said this, to see who would dare to say something sour if he couldn't eat grapes there.

Sure enough, everyone at the table became quiet, and even Yuechan stopped panting weakly, as if the evil spirit said just now did not exist.

Jiuya felt refreshed when she saw it. In fact, sometimes fighting with these women is very interesting. Whenever seeing their green faces, it is more refreshing than eating spicy food.

After a match, everyone began to eat and drink, and the open space on the red carpet in the middle was already occupied by musicians and graceful singers.All kinds of musical instruments in the hands of the musicians played together, the voice of the singer was like cotton, the waist of the dancer was flexible, the ribbons fluttered, the kicks leaped, or the sword dance rolled, all of a sudden, the atmosphere of the whole flower viewing banquet was pushed to a climax.

Everyone was eating and admiring, some of them were already fascinated by those singers' butterfly dances, if they were not in the Prince's Mansion, maybe they would have already started shouting for wine and singing and dancing girls.

After a song and dance, the people in the men's table had already been hooked up, and said loudly: "It's such a rare opportunity, His Royal Highness, why don't we all have an instrumental music talent competition? Can't we just sit facing Baihuagan like this?" Bar?"

At this time, Tuoba Yue was still thinking about Fu Jiu's matter restlessly, but when he was asked about it, he smiled loudly and said, "If everyone is interested, I will agree to this proposal."

"You can't just say you agree. This is the Prince's Mansion. You are the host and we are the guests. If there is a competition, there will always be a lottery, right?"

Tuoba Yue took a look at that person, it was a Wenxiu from the Imperial Academy, he was the one who mentioned the poetry reciting competition before, he was not usually a talkative person, but today he made these suggestions again and again abnormally, was it unintentional or intentional?But among many people, he didn't want to care about it, so he said: "Is this a lottery? I can't be too imposing, so how about it? It happens that there are two extremely precious thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus in the ice kiln in the mansion. It is said that if it is used as medicine, it can live and die. If it is used to beautify the face, if it is used properly, it can also keep youth forever, so I will use one of the snow lotus plants as a prize, what do you think?"

Not only everyone exclaimed, but even the crown prince and princess concubine at the banquet turned pale, the crown prince scolded in a low voice: "Yue'er, this thing is extremely precious, and it is also a rare thing that you bought with a serious injury a few years ago. Take it out and share it with people like this?"

Tuoba Yue also felt that he was possessed by a demon, but for some reason, he always felt that Fu Jiu was hiding in the crowd, looking at him with his glazed eyes.So he thought that if he came out to fight for it, as long as he was a doctor, he would fall in love with this thing. If he wanted to, he should come out and see him.

He responded in a low voice: "Father, today is a rare event, as long as it can make everyone happy, is there anything we can't show?"

The prince snorted angrily, and Fu Jingwen over there also yelled out, she didn't know what Tuoba Yue was thinking about today, wouldn't it be fine to just bring out ordinary things?It turned out to be that extremely precious Tianshan snow lotus, is he crazy?Thinking of the new year, Prince Rui asked for a Tianshan snow lotus because of Yuechan's illness, but he found an excuse to refuse, and he only said that when Yuechan and Qingyan got married, he would definitely give the snow lotus as a congratulatory gift Yu Yuechan.Now he opened his mouth and took one of them as a lottery, is there such a generous one?
When Yuechan heard that the snow lotus was going to be the first lottery, she didn't know how surprised she was. If she could win the snow lotus, wouldn't it mean that she wouldn't have to marry Fu Qingyan?
At the same time, Jiuya also felt her heart move when she heard that the thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus is a holy product in medicine. If she can win this holy product, she may encounter some difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the future, such as the unresolved poison on Fu Yu's body. What about the supreme benefit?At this moment, she was already restless in her heart.

So, under such a big temptation, everyone began to cheer loudly, Tuoba Yue looked around with full of expectation, Fu Jingwen was so angry that she had lost any interest, Aunt Xiao seemed to understand her anger, and then She whispered in her ear: "You have to continue to host this flower viewing banquet, and you must not lose your style. This matter was all caused by Song Jiuya. If it wasn't for punishing her, it would not have happened that His Highness used snow lotus as a prize. , later we must make her make a big fool of herself to relieve my hatred."

(End of this chapter)

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