marry a noble wife

Chapter 279 Competition

Chapter 279 Competition (2)
Fu Jingwen gritted her teeth, and after a long while, she said coldly: "Just now she clearly couldn't recite poems, but finally she did, and even won the Nine Dragon Cup. Don't wait to make her embarrassing, what is she playing?" When the thing comes out, don't we lose our wife and lose our army?"

Aunt Xiao sneered and said, "Didn't you already ask that Mrs. Xiao? She knows best what Song Jiuya has done in the Song Mansion these years. Except for those who stutter every day, how can I have time to learn such things? Besides, I also look for her The close girl who has been with her for six or seven years has confirmed what Mrs. Xiao said, what doubts do you have?"

Fu Jingwen's expression was a little loose, and she got up immediately, stood in front of everyone and said with a smile: "Look, this is the No.1 lottery, so there should be a punishment for the last place, otherwise How can you show fairness?"

Everyone shouted, and Fu Jingwen continued: "Our punishment method is also very simple. If anyone is the bottom of this instrument, he will dance with the red dancer in public. How do you think about this punishment?"

She said and pointed to the red-clothed dancer who led the dance before. The dancer was alluring, with slender limbs, and her figure twisted like a water snake, which easily aroused desire in men.The people in the men's banquet heard this punishment, and they just felt very satisfied. They didn't talk about the men, but only said that if the woman on the opposite side accidentally came to the bottom, wouldn't they want to dance that seductive slut in front of everyone? dance?
At the same time, they looked at the opposite female seat with malice.

When the ladies at the ladies' table heard this, some ladies who thought their piano skills were not very good suddenly turned pale, and asked whether the punishment of the empress dowager and concubine was too much.A man can learn from the dancing girl, but how can this woman learn from it?If you learn it, how will you marry in the future?

However, they were immediately comforted by Jinxia's words. Jinxia's face lit up at this time, and she suddenly covered her lips and smiled: "Oh, eighth sister, you should find a place to hide quickly. You have been playing musical instruments since you were young. I don’t know what it looks like, don’t wait for a while to be confused and make a fool of yourself, and then it will be miserable to go to that stage to sing and dance with the dancer.”

All the young ladies shook their heads and looked at Jiuya together.Jiuya looked terrified and said in a daze: "Seventh Sister is very true. I rarely use those things. I will definitely make a big embarrassment when I play next time. I still told Concubine Grandson to quit."

Before anyone could say anything, Wen Caihe next to her immediately grabbed her and shouted, "How can this be done? If everyone thinks that they can't quit, what's the point of this competition? There are always good and bad, three Sister-in-law is worse, maybe there is someone worse than the third sister-in-law? Do you think so?"

A few young ladies who are not skilled naturally nodded their heads, and at the same time came to hold Jiuya down one after another. If she was not at the bottom, they would be at the bottom, and she must not be let go.

At this time, Fu Jingwen had already retreated, came over to look at their table, and said calculatingly: "Those who have participated in poetry recitation before must participate in this competition again, no one should withdraw."

She had already spoken, everyone was happy, Jiuya was so helpless, she looked like she was about to cry, Jinxia An Huiran, including Xueqing at the other table, laughed even more happily, they were waiting for Song Jiuya to make a fool of herself, and finally looked at her Like a diva, twisting her waist and swaying her hips and dancing in front of everyone, let's see if she will still have face in the future?
The crown princess over there frowned, called Fu Jingwen over to scold her: "Was the punishment just now unfair? Don't you want to change it?"

Fu Jingwen smiled softly: "Mother, don't worry, if the man is at the bottom, why don't you let everyone have fun? Even if a daughter wants to be at the bottom, maybe there will be an enthusiastic man who will come out to save the beauty, but it's okay A marriage?"

The princess frowned, feeling that it was too far-fetched to say this, but she didn't say anything else.

At this time, the order of the competition was changed under the very humane suggestions of the ten judges. There were male and female guests appearing in different places, and at the same time, there was another rule. , men and women can play together with different musical instruments.This made the people at the male and female guests' seats cheer and thunder.

Firstly, those young masters can take this opportunity to openly invite the young lady they have already targeted, so that they can express their intentions; secondly, those young ladies who think they are not good at skills only hope that a young lady with high skills will invite them In the past, it is not a problem for them to follow the harmony and harmony. They don't have to worry about making a fool of themselves, and they can find a good son-in-law.

But of course, if two people get snow lotus at the same time, and it is impossible to share half of it, then they have to accomplish their good deeds and get married together.But it is also in line with the ultimate goal of this flower viewing feast.

Someone from the male guests' table has come over and invited Mrs. Fan's daughter to play the qin together, the qin and the zither sang together, although there is no coincidence, it is also right.

But at this moment, An Zicheng's heart was moved a little, and some young masters also knew that he was the head of the four great talents in Chaosheng before, so they laughed and said: "Young Master An, you can show off your skills now. I heard that you can play the qin so well that there is nothing in the sky and the earth, we old people will automatically admit defeat, but if you get the snow lotus of Tiantian Mountain, you have to show us."

An Zicheng glanced at Fu Qingyan, with a humble expression on his face, "What are you all talking about? Have you never heard that there are people beyond people, is there a sky beyond the sky? What is my trivial skill in the eyes of a big expert?"

A sharp-faced young man said: "Don't be modest, look at your fiancée who is sitting opposite and looking at you, she must be waiting for you to invite her to come on stage and play a song together. Raise your chest and fight for the first place."

An Zicheng followed his gaze, and sure enough, he saw Jinxia looking at him shyly. He smiled at her, and at the same time looked at Yuechan next to him involuntarily. He didn't know what she was thinking, and frowned slightly. , arousing infinite pity.At the same time, his heart felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, making it difficult to breathe.I was insane for a moment, this woman was clearly the nemesis he hit...

Fu Qingyan watched the scene with a thoughtful face. After a while, he suddenly patted An Zicheng who was intoxicated, "Brother Zicheng, do you know if my third sister-in-law is good at instrumental music?"

An Zicheng suddenly came back to his senses, and coughed a little embarrassedly: "Is she? She must be a master."

(End of this chapter)

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